Thursday, December 31, 2009

Not A New Year Greeting..

Despite having been wishing people a ‘happy New Year’ I guess it’s time I came clean and admitted that I just don’t believe in it. The idea of a ‘New Year’ is really nothing but a generally agreed marker on where one revolution of the sun begins and another ends. People see it as a beacon of hope and a point from which to effect personal change, but why do we need a society’s marker to give us permission?

I’m busy reading Moshe Feldenkrais’s ‘Awareness Through Movement’ and am finding it fascinating. Feldenkrais states in no uncertain terms that ’society’ wants productive members without worrying too much about their individual fulfillment. As an example of his insights I like this quote a lot:

“The vast majority of people live active and satisfactory enough lives behind their masks to enable them to stifle more or less painlessly any emptiness they feel whenever they stop and listen to their heart.”

Could it be that going along with the majority definition of  ‘hope’ etc is in fact nothing more than another means of going along with what’s expected of us and stifling our individuality? Accordingly we at Tigerchess Inc. will not be wishing you a ‘Happy New Year’ nor recognising it is anything more than just another day.

If I must say something about 2010 then I suggest that you see the possibility for personal growth as something that comes but once a year and that whatever you do DON’T LISTEN TO YOUR HEART. You’ll like it better that way, really you will…


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