Saturday, January 2, 2010

Is A Showdown in Progress in Washington D.C. and Abroad?

I don’t know how I managed to stumble onto the web site Mr. Christopher Story on 12/31/09,  but after scanning through it, I posted on my “News Lit Up section” (Pippi’s Clipboard) the following:

“Christopher Story web site entry for 12/03/09: “Recall that we have stated that the entire architecture of deception would be pulled down. Here is one element of the deception that is collapsing before your eyes. Those whose funds have been stolen via Ponzi operations in the United States have been systematically fed lies, diversionary claptrap and cruel deceptions FOR MANY YEARS by the DVD: inter alia, to protect the big German banks which have accumulated a colossal mountain of worthless assets that they can’t pay out.”

“We can provide one further clue as to the current state of affairs: the seven aircraft referenced in this report contained, in addition to the categories specified, qualified banking accountants, who were sworn in with the others at the US Department of Justice. The effect of this swearing-in is that in the event of any deviation from what is required by a banker/expert who has been sworn in, that person will himself (or herself) be arrested on the spot by US Marshals and/or Interpol personnel.” 

Of course, this piqued my curiosity because just weeks after Mr. Story’s 12/03/09 entry, it was widely reported that, “President Obama quietly signed an executive order that makes an international police force (Interpol) immune from the restraints of American law.“

Since I had never heard of Mr. Christopher Story, I did some research to learn more about him, especially since the information he provides is provocative to say the least.  I’m never comfortable when an article states  ”reliable” or “trusted” sources speaking “on condition of anonymity”, without any reference to a reliable independent source,   but since what he claims is of great import, it should be confirmed or denied.  Firstly,

Who is Christopher Story?

Wikipedia on Christopher Story

My first impression of Mr. Story was that, although I was a little taken aback by some of his pointed phrasing, he appears to be a learned and prominent figure within the European Union.  That said, I decided to start this blog to see if there is signs are manifesting and emerging publically that might back up his narratives.  So I begin:

Below are excerpts from Mr. Story’s 12/28/09:


On 18th December it was reported to us that a female accountant based in Dallas who had been working as a consultant for the Federal Reserve Board conducting internal audits, was called back from Texas to Washington, DC, where she was bluntly informed that there was no longer any need for her services, and that no funds were available any longer to pay her for consultancy work. “

“By way of explanation, Federal Reserve officials told her that there were ‘suits in town’ who were ‘doing the books’ (8).”

“This was a reference to the audit that has been going on since the massive force of international enforcement, audit and related personnel descended on Washington aboard the seven aircraft on 2nd December. The consultant was also openly informed by Federal Reserve officials, to her face, that ‘Geithner is history’ – which is consistent with the fact that Geithner, as we have reported, is under a form of house arrest and has had a monitor attached to him given his resistance to his obligations under the World Court Writ of Enforcement and the requirements of the Lien Holders.”

  Can this be verified?  Well, the only other sources of this information are basically just copying his material without any independent report attached.  The only news reports I have been able to find so far that might signal such a move?

  • 03/18/09: The Business Insider Obama’s Coded Message To Geithner: You’re Fired
  • 12/02/09: The Industry Standard Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner resigns by Dec. 2009?
  • 12/23/09: National Review More on Obama’s InterPol Executive Order: This is an obviously anti-Obama article and I prefer sites who present objective reporting, but the important piece of information for me from this article is, “ (Interpol) works closely with foreign courts and law-enforcement authorities (such as those in Europe that are investigating former Bush administration officials for purported war crimes—.”

From my perspective, the only way such a claim as a “Geithner, as we have reported, is under a form of house arrest” can only be a solid and Truthful [to the best of their knowledge] claim with:

  • A direct announcement by the White House or by Geithner’s family…but even if that occurred, how would we know for sure? 
  •  That the “female accountant based in Dallas who had been working as a consultant for the Federal Reserve Board” comes forward and backs up the claim made [above].

 So until there is an independent and truly trusted [and stated] source to verify this claim, it is unsubstantiated IMO.


Mr. Story also has written that Henry Kissinger is “missing”— 

“We continue to suspect that Dr Henry (‘Heinz’) Kissinger is ‘no longer with us’, as all enquiries on this subject are routinely met with: ‘Nobody wants to talk about Kissinger’ – for the fairly obvious prospective reason that he’s either in jail or has been horizontalised. For the time being, however, we can only reiterate that this DVD triple agent is missing.”

—which is what I read on Canadian investigative reporter Benjamin Fulford’s 12/18 blog entry   stating in part:

“On a related note we can confirm from multiple reliable sources that Nazi power broker Henry (Heinz) Kissinger has been missing for several days. He could be either dead or hiding in an underground base.” 

So, is Henry Kissinger indeed missing?

  • According to the Douglas Hannat NY Social Diary for 12/10/09, “The room was full of heavy hitters of the Establishment sort. Even Jacob Rothschild was there, introducing his friend, the beautiful Natalie Portman around to friends including Henry Kissinger.

If he was indeed there, then “going missing” would have to have taken place after that date.  I have scoured the web for sources independent of Mr. Story and Mr. Fulford but unfortunately again, all I find are sites that merely copy the claims without further inquiry or, interestingly, several “UFO” or “Galactic” sites [in light of this report coming after the "Norway Spiral" event].   I have not been able to find any solid identifiable sources to back up their claims that “Kissinger is missing”; either in jail, death by natural cause, or by being ”horizontalized.”  That does not mean it is not so but I can only view it as conjecture until I am presented clear evidence of such.

Next reported by Mr. Story:


“That ‘collapse’ can be linked DIRECTLY to the obtuse determination of criminal operatives ‘working for’ the US Secretary of State, Mrs Hillary Clinton (Queen Melusina), a senior CIA operative with a notorious background and reputation.”

Specifically, we learned on 18th December that four of Mrs Clinton’s senior personal aides had been arrested on 17th December and were accused of wire fraud, a felony which, on conviction, entitles the recipient to 20 years in jail. These operatives had been surreptitiously moving money, on the direct instructions of Mrs Clinton who, as Secretary of State, is in charge of ‘international economic development’.”

Is this report substantiated independently?

I have found no independently sourced evidence.  Again, this does not mean it did not occur, as we have recently seen financial fraud in general aggressively pursued by investigators.

The reader can certainly read the charges reported by Mr. Story and do their own research.  If anyone is able to provide solid independently sourced information, please let me know.  

All that said, there do seem to be alot of reports in the news lately, which collectively give the appearance that some kind of shake up in Washington D.C. and abroad is taking place:


FIREDOGLAKE Kucinich to Investigate Fannie/Freddie Bailout “If the White House thought they could slip the bailout of Fannie and Freddie through by announcing it in a Christmas Eve news dump, think again.”

TPMMuckraker/AP 2009 Was The Year Of The Collapsing Ponzi Scheme: “The spike in Ponzi collapses was caused by the tough economic situation, which robbed scamsters of new investors and the money necessary to prolong their schemes.”

BBC NEWS 12/17/09 Tony Blair to give Iraq Inquiry testimony ‘in public’ : Sir John [Chilcot] said: “This is a serious inquiry and we are not here to provide public sport or entertainment.”

“We’ve been asking fair questions, and been expecting and getting full and truthful answers.”

“He added that he expected to begin seeking the declassification of relevant documents concerning the war early in the new year.”


SF Chronicle: Israeli officials routinely face UK legal threats: “It’s not likely that any Israeli officials will be coming to London this holiday season. Not because British Airways may go on strike, but because they face the threat of arrest while giving speeches, shopping or visiting friends.”

” ‘We cannot talk tough on terrorism and be weak on war crimes,’ [Chris]Doyle said. ‘So I think the use of universal jurisdiction in these cases is a good thing. Parties in Israel must realize there is a consequence to their behavior. For decades they’ve violated Security Council resolutions and international law with little or no consequence,’ he said.”

The Grilling of Timothy Geithner;


I have started this blog in order to follow up on assertions made on this potential issue of Interpol being given a “pass” for the purpose of arresting “Financial Terrorists.” I think it is important to track these stories and before we just accept what we read, encourage research and veracity of these bold charges. So, I hope to hear from those who can confirm or deny [with identifiable sources] and will update this blog with ongoing signs of manifestation of a Showdown in Progress in Washington D.C. and Abroad.



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