Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Truth

Will you make way for the King? Will you make room for me in your life? Will you surrender your thoughts, precepts and paradigms to my will? Will you lay them at my feet so that I may replace that which seems real with that which seems real?

I have called you to be kings and priests, heirs and joint heirs, to rule and reign by my side. That is your destiny and that is my will for you. The only thing standing between us is a worldly mindset, so choose this day whom shall you believe, he who is in the world, or he who has overcome the world and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Look no longer upon what the world says is truth. Look no more with natural eyes. You have been in the valley of the shadow of death for too long. Come up, come up to the high place. Shake off the burdens this world has placed upon you for they are not yours to carry. Open the eyes of your heart and see the reality of truth. Assume your place with me, seated in power and authority. Make way for the king and I will come and dwell with you and you shall dwell in me.

Look not on the world with your eyes. Allow yourself to perceive that as reality no longer, for it is not. Look upon the world with my eyes and see the truth. Yes all things are possible. Yes, all I have is yours, you lack in no good thing. Yes, you are more than a conqueror. Yes, you walk in kingdom authority. Yes, you speak forth what you see in my eyes and it becomes. Yes, you speak and see creative miracles. Yes, that which is not yet shall become at your word, for my rhema is in your voice, I am God and you are mine.


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