Saturday, December 19, 2009


Well, the Republic ended today. Barring divine intervention “health care reform” will be the end of the American experiment with liberty.  From here forward a soft tyranny will determine how we live from what we eat to what we drive to how we spend our leisure time. Nothing will be free of government inspection. Not tanning salons, not smoking, not eating double-cheeseburgers. Every choice we make will be claimed to have implications on our health and therefore the public treasury.

We’ve had decades of paying allegedly deserving groups from the public coffer. Now we are going to pay for every medical procedure known to man including for anyone who happens to be inside our borders. Never mind that Medicare is bankrupt, Social Security is bankrupt and we are fighting a global war, we will pay for abortions, Viagra and cold medicines until we can’t. At some point we’ll have to pull in our horns and leave the battlefield to the jihad crazies who want to exterminate us. Our roads and bridges will continue to decay. And at some point (sooner than later you can bet) we’ll have to start rationing the precious health care we’ve “reformed”.

Seeing as how every human institution eventually erodes and ends, it was a good run. 200+ years. The odds say it couldn’t last. Too bad I was here to see the end of it.

More to come on how to live in a post-liberty, post-capitalism, post-America America.


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