Saturday, December 5, 2009

The 2010 Campaign Begins

“Now is the winter of our discontent…” to paraphrase the Bard.

Sure the unemployment rate dropped .2 of a percent.

Because they gave up.

Because it seasonal temp worker season.

Not because they got a real job.

The problem can be summed up with the words of the great Fats Domino when he said, “a lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D., or Ph.D. Unfortunately, they don’t have a J.O.B.”

But that’s a minor detail to the Obama Administration.

He had his “Job Summit” a few days ago where he got his pals around a table for a photo-op and a bull session to see how he can spin this and then he went out onto the CAMPAIGN TRAIL.

It’s time for Campaign Mode again folks. Not Leadership.

Obama’s LA Times- before the “summit”: “Folks who have their jobs face a level of insecurity that is unacceptably high from the administration’s perspective,” said the White House official. “So the president has tasked us to generate ideas and work with Congress on future job-growth measures.”

Having been preoccupied with passing a health care bill, the White House is eager to demonstrate it is sensitive to the economic hardship Americans face. To that end, the White House will host a jobs summit Thursday. And the next day, Obama will travel to Allentown, Pa. — the first stop in a kind of economic “listening tour.” (read: Campaign Mode)

How about listening to this (Rasmussen poll):  Only 27% of voters nationwide favor a single-payer health care system where the federal government provides coverage for everyone.

That’s 63% opposed to “The Public Option”.

When it comes to quality, 55% of voters say a single payer health care system would lower the overall quality of health care.

Fifty-seven percent (57%) of voters nationwide favor limiting the amount of money a jury can award a plaintiff in a medical malpractice lawsuit.

That would be the Tort reform opposed Universally by Democrats because they are in bed with the Trial Lawyers.

But I guess we’re not saying anything the politicians want to hear or can twist and spin.

Polling shows that the healthcare overhaul is not as important to Americans as an economic recovery that yields jobs. With a midterm election next year, Democrats in control of the White House and Congress can’t afford to look out of touch.

A Senate Democratic aide, speaking on condition of anonymity, said, “Democrats have to address the No. 1 concern of their constituents — and that is, by a long shot, jobs.

“We want to show we get it — that we’re responsible and in tune.”

Warm Fuzzies for everyone!

WSJ:  Obama’s signature jobs initiative was the stimulus package, but the bill did little to promote private-sector investment or job creation. The new government spending in the stimulus does not encourage entrepreneurs to start or expand a business enterprise unless they received a stimulus contract. Consequently, the stimulus ignores the main factor increasing unemployment: lack of private investment. Instead of encouraging private-sector job creation, the stimulus bill increased government spending on longstanding liberal priorities.

The Obama Administration’s approach to yesterday’s “jobs summit”–excluding the Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Businesses, the principle federations that represent private-sector job creators–further illustrates this shortsightedness.

That’s right, small business groups were EXCLUDED from the summit.


Because they’d been critical of him.

The poor baby. Did they hurt your feelings Barack.

But do you really know what’s behind this sudden concern, nearly a year into his presidency and with unemployment not going down as all his economic pundits predicted?


The Congressional Mid-Term elections.

That’s what’s got him into campaign mode.

The 2010 Democratic Whitewash of  a 12 Trillion Dollar Debt and nearly 4 Trillion dollars in spending in less than  a year that did NOTHING has officially kicked off.

The 2010 Whitewash of massive new Tax proposals to crush you under their heal has begun.

And the spin will likely throw the Earth off it’s axis.

And be warned, there is no line of any kind that the liberals won’t cross in order to hold onto their power.

No Bribe is too big.

No promise too outrageous.

They will make the 2006 and 2008 P.T. Barnum “Centrist” campaigns look like an kindergarten skit.

And anyone who opposes them, they will be nuked into sub-atomic particles and then nuked again.

And their willing accomplices in the “Mainstream Media” will be only too glad to help them out.

The Ministry of Truth will be out in full Orwellian  Mode.

So this is a warning to any Republican who might actually read this, The Mainstream Media is your Enemy. And should be treated as such.

They cannot be reasoned with.

They cannot be appeased.

You can’t make nice with them.

They want to destroy you.


Get over it.

As for Jobs, Government can only create government jobs. And the levels of bureaucracy proposed by Obama and The Democrats is truly frightening.

But it won’t get the average american a job.

But it could make them dependent on government for sustenance.

IN Dependence rather than Independence.

The liberals wouldn’t mind that at all.

How else do explain that the same people who are “life long democrats”, the poor, minorities, et al are the very people who get the hand outs then get the screw and don’t catch on to this shell game at all.

The administration will find it hard to spend further large sums to create jobs because it ran a staggering $1.4 trillion budget deficit in fiscal 2009 and is likely to have a similar shortfall in the current fiscal year ending Sept 30, 2010.

The highest deficit ever. Making George W Bush look like the fiscal conservative he wasn’t.

But damn the torpedoes, full Campaign Mode ahead!!!

Maybe they can get some of those people from the fictitious Congressional Districts that got Stimulus money to hire people. :)

But imagine your an employer.

Looming on the Horizon are the Twin Collosus of Health Care Reform and Cap & Trade.

Both absolutely guaranteed to TAX the life out of you.

Would you take the risk of hiring more people with this facing you?

Not if you have any sense.

But do you think the Democrats can even see this obvious truth.

Why would they?

It’s not in their agenda.

And they are the best,brightest, smartest and most caring people in the room, after all.

Just ask them, they’ll tell you. :)

But if we go into Campaign Mode, we can make it sound completely different than it is.

All style and no Substance. But damn it will make you feel good.

So, I hear tell, does doing drugs. At least for a quick buzz.

And the Politicians favourite drug: Your Paycheck.

Government has no money unless it takes it from you.

So , we’re from the government and we are hear to help you. :)

Trust us. We Care.

Hope and Change.

Yes We Can!

“Investments that we have in jobs should be paid for by TARP funds,” Pelosi said yesterday.

Yeah, lets recycle bribes using money we don’t have to bribe a new group of people with more waste & fraud!

House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio said using the TARP money would a “very big mistake.” The money “was intended to solve an economic emergency in the financial sector” and returned funds should go to repaying government debts, he told reporters.

Not anymore, especially when you have a 2010 election Crisis to solve!

“I don’t think … [global warming] is quite, frankly, among most people, in dispute anymore.” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs.

Well, that problem’s solved. :)

And now they have their own Health care to keep secure.

Another amendment was proposed to have the Congress live under the Health Care Reform they are proposing.

IBD: Senators and representatives from both sides of the aisle know how good they have it under the FEHBP (Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.), the world’s largest group health program. The reason Congress’ own health care works so well is that it’s based on consumer choice and market competition — the opposite of what it’s trying to impose on everybody else.

Members of Congress and millions of federal workers may choose from hundreds of private fee-for-service plans, HMOs or preferred provider organizations, with no federal worker living anywhere enjoying fewer than a dozen options.

FEHBP members can easily switch plans if they become dissatisfied; that puts competitive pressure on insurers to provide quality and value. Surveys show that members love their coverage, which is why almost all federal employees join the program.

The FEHBP is shielded from state regulation and Uncle Sam subsidizes premiums by more than 70%. Canadian physician and Manhattan Institute senior fellow Dr. David Gratzer, whose opposition to government-run health care comes from first-hand experience, observes that “the federal government’s role in the FEHBP is to pay the bills,” unlike the fiscally doomed Medicare program, of which “Washington is the designer of benefits.”

Coburn and Vitter’s idea (an amendment) of politicians living under a government plan “was opposed unanimously by Democrats during interviews on Thursday,” the Hill newspaper reports.

Do as I say, not as I do.

Oh, and vote for me in 2010. I guarantee I will be looking out for you… :)


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