Saturday, December 12, 2009


While updating some details on my Blog I came to the realization that some terminology in our Constitution which is used quite often by the media, citizens, etc. is not ever really defined. I believe its definition is intentionally ignored for the same reasons the terms TREASON are..

I believe that actually knowing these definitions would remove the mental haze a lot of Americans rely on to hide from the reality of their present circumstances relating to the overthrow of our country and its corrupt political system so I set out to take the haze of Selective Ignorance away from them by defining DOMESTIC ENEMIES.

After numerous attempts to locate any viable legal definition ( hmm.. wonder why) with several different search engines I am forced to go it alone..

Since we already have a common understanding of what FOREIGN ENEMIES are and how they act its time we defined the other very real internalized threat, DOMESTIC ENEMIES, to our freedoms in America on an equal basis.

I define DOMESTIC ENEMIES as they are defined by the use of the term in our Constitution. “..enemies foreign and domestic”. That labels anyone, citizen or not, who is DOMESTIC to this country whether natural born or naturalized, who is actively engaged in undermining, subverting, altering or violating the rights of the people as constitutionally protected and defined, the United States Constitution or its limitations and protections in violation of the laws of these United States as outlined in the constitution or violating the trust of the citizens by willfully violating the oath of office in any elected, appointed or other civil service position granted to the servant by the people. DOMESTIC ENEMIES are self-defined solely by their actions.. not position, standing or place. When the servants no longer serve their rightful masters and choose to serve their own agenda they become self-identified as DOMESTIC ENEMIES.. and we arent talking about house servants either.

Concerning oaths of office there are too many to go into here now but keep in mind that other oaths to states, laws or service to same are invalid if that oath violates in any way, whether by intent or interpretation, the United States Constitution’s protections or limitations. It doesnt matter if some corrupt court or activist rules contrary since that ruling is automatically illegal by default.. people should keep that in mind for future reference.

For the record.. I’m not a Republican or a Democrat, I dont have any corrupt party affiliation. I am a Free Man and United States Citizen by birthright. My race or genetics are immaterial since ALL natural born Americans are free by Gods decree alone. I accept the U.S. Constitution as its written and I dont require some corrupt legal mook to interpret its intent for me, its written in plain english,  ..American english.

If you do then your education is lacking, on purpose.. you should think about that.

For those of you who find my topic upsetting, considering the attacks lately by media on the 1st Amendment rights of many in this country, I remind you of its content.. maybe its time you upgraded your leftist funded education.

The Bill of Rights

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


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