Saturday, December 19, 2009

Left and Right

There is forward and backward, good and evil, right and wrong, and right and left.  Each of these pairs of opposites have been used to describe our political landscape.  Let me suggest another pair that is relevant today: free and enslaved.  We don’t have to go back to pre-Civil War days to learn about slavery.  All we have to do is look at what our government is doing in modern times through out-of-control, heavy-handed, mismanaged and corrupt government.  A barrage of oppressive regulations, crushing taxes, and exploding debt of epic proportions are turning “we the people” into “we the slaves.”

What can we do? For starters, let’s take a page out of the weight loss industry’s handbook and create an inspirational “before and after” image in our minds.  Today we are in chains.  Tomorrow the chains will be broken IF enough freedom-loving Americans wake-up, rise up, and take a non-negotiable stand against tyranny and for the Constitution.  Let’s start breaking those chains TODAY!


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