Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Copenhagen and the basic fallacy of the State.

Our “leaders” are in Copenhagen, deciding what new regulations to impose on us in order to protect us from the catastrophic climate change that will supposedly come upon us if we are left to ourselves.  If we really valued a cooler future climate (or if we really believed warming to be a real and serious threat), we could drive less, drive cleaner vehicles, go vegetarian, pay more for our electricity, pay more for “green” products, etc.  Each one of us does a cost/benefit analysis every time we pay our light bill, and less than 22,000 CT residents have signed up to pay more for the “Clean Energy Option”.  Most of us apparently value economical energy over “cleaner” energy.  By forcing us to pay more for energy or use less energy (and make no mistake, that is what any new regulations will entail), our leaders are imposing their values on us.  They claim to know, better than us, what is best for us.  But then again, that is the basic fallacy of the State, whether they are regulating markets, prohibiting alcohol, restricting the use of tobacco and firearms, regulating health care, or taxing some to give to others.

[Via http://alltta.wordpress.com]

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