Sunday, December 20, 2009

Change You Can Believe In (For Real, This Time)

I told you there was a light at the end of the tunnel of apathy toward American politics.

As it turns out, this light is a hope for more than one issue.

It’s a light at the end of the tunnel of big government, of the onslaught of attacks upon American liberty.

Funnily enough, however, this light is rooted in the same place many believe to be the core of apathy: the American youth.

And this light? It has a name: The Year of Youth, Project 2012. The youth revolution.

Founded by Jared Fuller and Christopher Pille, Year of Youth is a movement dedicated to liberty, localism, political and economic freedom. Its Executive Board consists of many experienced liberty activists, many of whom founded their own branches of Young Americans for Liberty and liberty-based newspapers, college groups, a complete array of impressive action. Its core team, too holds an impressive number of young liberty activists.

The cause of Year of Youth?

To revolutionize our government, to restore it to the parameters of the Constitution, without firing a single shot…a war fought on the battlefield of ideas.

The purpose is to take government down a peg or two, to knock the politicians from their high horses and return them to the Constitution, which seems to have been battered and bruised throughout the years. And it will all come to a high point on November 5, 2012.

This is Project 2012: to elect to office a candidate who will not make it their goal to “stay the course,” but to change course, to find American government as it was meant to be. Benjamin Franklin once called this great nation “A republic…if you can keep it.”

And this is is exactly what the Year of Youth strives to do; keep our republic. If the youth aren’t keepers of the republic, then I pose one question: Who is? Who else will restore and strengthen it, if not the youth?

Since hearing of YOY, I’ve heard many times the lament that this movement is wasted on the youth. That the youth of the nation is nothing but apathetic trouble. They couldn’t be more mistaken.

We are the future. Those of us who cannot yet vote will be there at the next election. We have the potential to swing this government in an about face. And we will.

I can promise you that.

We are strong, we are determined, and we have the greatest cause I can think of: the future of our beautiful nation.


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