Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why I Don't Care What the World Thinks

Tonight I am going to talk briefly about the speech that the President gave today at the United Nations. Then I am going to explain why he is dead wrong and bad for America. I listened to the speech because I wanted to hear what he was going to say to the world. As I have said in the recent past, I am past the point of believing that the President is going to do anything that will make this country, better, stronger, faster than it was before (how many of you recognize that as part of the opening for “The Six Million Dollar Man”? I loved when Steve Austin battled Bigfoot). He has a vision for America. And his vision is horribly wrong. So was George Bush’s vision, for the record. And it is time that we started looking at things the way they are rather than the way the politicians tell us they are. It is time we started remembering why this country came to the greatness that it did, and stop these out of control Washington lunatics from turning it into the economic and industrial wasteland that the majority of the world has become.

As we all know, many of the world leaders have gathered at the United Nations in order to address the “world governing body” on various subjects. He spoke on the illegitimacy of Israeli settlements in the Gaza strip (a topic I will be covering early next week). He spoke tough words to North Korea and Iran. And when addressing the general assembly on the topic of world governance, he made the following statement:

“Nothing is easier than blaming others for our troubles and absolving ourselves of responsibility for our choices and our actions. Anyone can do that. Responsibility and leadership in the 21st century demands more. In an era when our destiny is shared, power is no longer a zero sum game. No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation. No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold,”

and later in the same speech:

“Now is the time for all of us to do our part. Growth will not be sustained or shared unless all nations embrace their responsibility. Wealthy nations must open their markets to more goods and extend a hand to those with less, while reforming international institutions to give more nations a greater voice.”

Throw in a little bit of a speech in Berlin prior to the election:

“The burdens of global citizenship continue to bind us together. A change of leadership in Washington will not lift this burden. In this new century, Americans and Europeans alike will be required to do more — not less. Partnership and cooperation among nations is not a choice; it is the one way, the only way, to protect our common security and advance our common humanity”

And maybe a touch of Cairo:

“Given our interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will inevitably fail.  So whatever we think of the past, we must not be prisoners to it.  Our problems must be dealt with through partnership; our progress must be shared.”

Now I am not going to jump on a conspiracy bandwagon and start talking about how Barack Obama wants to secretly form some sort of “one world government.” Because I don’t think that he wants to do such a thing. I know that some of you do believe that. You are entitled to that belief, but I do not share it. What I believe that the President wants to do is bring America down to the level of the rest of the world. I don’t think that he views it in quite that way. But that is the end result of the path he is discussing. Just stick with me here a moment while I explain and make my position a bit more clear.

I believe that Barack Obama thinks that the world is more important than the United States. I think he really believes that our fate must be linked to the fate of the rest of the world when it comes to prosperity, education, and treatment of the people. And because of this we have seen him do a lot of “apologizing” for what America has become. We have seen him do a lot of promising that we will do more to recognize the greatness of other countries and cultures. He has basically, in my opinion, decided that America is no better and no more important than any other country in the world. And I have to be honest and say that I have a real problem with that sentiment.

I acknowledge that the United States has made plenty of bad decisions in terms of how we involve ourselves with the nations of the world. Many past Presidents from both parties overstepped their bounds and got us involved in things we had no business being involved in. I could list for hours and hours the mistakes we made. I could list for hours all the legitimate reasons that many countries out there have for hating everything about America. I think Barack Obama sees this too. But his response to it is to grovel at the feet of the world, ask for forgiveness, and buy positive world opinion by sacrificing what America stands for. I intend to support no such action.

I have watched the attacks on the American way of life for the last 20 years from those on both sides of the aisle. Let us not pretend that it is only the Democrats. Certainly the attacks from the “liberal left” are more identifiable. The espousal of socialism (or some form of it), the subversion of American common sense by the environmentalists, and the blatant and ongoing attack on capitalism happening every day (most recently done with another propaganda piece from resident loon Michael Moore). But the “conservative right” has done no better. Subversion of human natural rights to conform people to religious dogma, the use of fear campaigns to involve us in foreign conflicts and usurp our rights through misnomers such as the “Patriot Act”, and slightly more perversion of capitalism than the Democrats can be accused of (only slightly more though).

I am through with supporting those who don’t recognize the greatness of America. There are many things we need to fix, but even with all of our faults we are the greatest nation on earth. But we won’t be for long if we continue to subvert our principles and values in order to “fit in” and “play nice” with the rest of the world. Let me be clear up front with one or two points. I have already stated my desire for a “defense only” posture for our military. We need not be the world police. We need not “protect our interests” throughout the world. In this the Democrats are correct. We should not fear war, but we should never takes steps to seek it. Second, we must take steps to ensure that we are dealing in business with the rest of the world with integrity and honesty. This has not been the case as we have exploited anyone we could for our gain. Much like my social darwinism beliefs, if we cannot deal with the world honestly and without coercion, then we deserve to fall from the ranks of the world’s elite countries.

Capitalism is a key to our past success. Anyone who does not understand that is either limited in their intelligence or intentionally being dim. Our free market system allowed a country to go from “13 savage colonies” to one of the most powerful and successful countries in the world in less than two centuries. The key to that statement is that it was a FREE market that allowed this to happen. Were there bad people along the way? Sure. But that doesn’t take away the fact that the free market capitalism that this country espoused was the catalyst for the largest expansion of knowledge, industrial capability, and “middle class” in history. Henceforth, anyone who attempts to tell me that socialism (the mindset of “I want to be led”) or communism (the mindset of “I want to be ruled”) or fascism (the mindset of “I want to be controlled) is better than capitalism will be taken to task by me for failing to have a grip on reality. Don’t bother to attempt to argue that “big, mean, unethical” business required government control. I will beat you there too. This country began its decline the day government began its intervention into the private industries.

But the real secret to why the United States came to be the great country that it became was freedom and liberty. We founded this country on those premises. The premise that we have rights as human beings that override the government, that override EVERYTHING. It was the recognition of those rights that made our country unique. Our country was formed differently and defined differently from any in history. But for two hundred years, we have allowed those who lay claim to some “moral enlightenment” to steal from us those liberties and freedoms that made us what we are.

Despite that, America has been a beacon of light for people throughout the world for all of our history. Would it surprise anyone to know that we have, on average, 1.3 million immigrants to this country every year. And those are just the legal immigrants, not those changing status or coming here illegally. It shouldn’t surprise you. It also should not surprise anyone to know that we have 3 times the number of immigrants annually than any other country on earth. America is where the world comes to make a better life. Many leave countries that live under one of the other “isms” for true opportunity under capitalism. Many leave countries where the freedom they seek is not provided to come to one where it is the basis of what we were founded on.

America is a great country. She has lost a little bit of her shine over the last 50 years. But she is still the best there is. We need to fix her problems. We need to break out the cleaner and shine her up again. But doing so does not equate to subverting ourselves to the whims of the rest of the world. Our President doesn’t understand this. But I am hoping someone will forward him the blog.

The answer to our problems, fellow Americans, does not lie in becoming what the rest of the world is. That should be the last thing we want to do. Why would we want to follow Europe into the crapper? What part of Africa’s governments and social structures do we find appealing? South America has as many countries where, either they operate under a dictatorship posing as a legitimate government, or where the drug trade is the largest contributor to GDP, as there are legitimate countries. China has treated its people as pawns in government’s game for centuries, and only now has begun to aspire to change into what America provided an example of. The middle east is, well, the middle east. Why would we want to be what any other country in the entire world currently is?

President Obama ended his speech in Cairo with the following passage:

I know that for more than two centuries, we have strived – at great cost and great sacrifice – to form a more perfect union; to seek, with other nations, a more hopeful world. Our allegiance has never been to any particular tribe or kingdom – indeed, every language is spoken in our country; every culture has left its imprint on ours; every point of view is expressed in our public squares. What has always united us – what has always driven our people; what drew my father to America’s shores – is a set of ideals that speak to aspirations shared by all people: that we can live free from fear and free from want; that we can speak our minds and assemble with whomever we choose and worship as we please.

I humbly suggest that the President remember that. America has always drawn people from throughout the world on the premise that we strive to be a country of principles, of freedom and liberty, of hope and promise. We need to restore our country to the promise it once was, not change our country to mirror the rest of the world, which simply has not achieved what the United States has.

And that is why I don’t really give a crap what the rest of the world wants us to do. I don’t care what they think of capitalism or what they think of how we espouse freedom and liberty. They are not us because they don’t do what we do. And their people leave their shores to come to ours. When the United States changes herself in one way, we no longer need to worry about what the world’s opinion of us is. When we begin to get back to operating with integrity, eliminating foreign aggression, and start giving back the freedom and liberty to our citizens that is their right by the laws of nature, the world’s opinion of America will change. They will again see us as what they should strive to be, instead of expecting us to come down to their level. Our actions won’t breed hatred in the world, only envy. We need to get back to being the America that faced down England and had a mindset of self reliance and personal integrity.

And Tomorrow I will begin to talk about where we went wrong in our government and our national mindset that allowed the tarnish to begin accumulating.

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