Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Senate Votes to Cut Off ACORN Housing Funding: ABOUT TIME!!!

Senate Votes to Cut Off ACORN Housing Funding The amendment, offered by Sen. Mike Johanns, passed in a vote of 83 to 7 and prohibits the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now from receiving funds from the current Transportation and Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill. It marks the third time this year Republicans tried to block the organization from federal funding.


Seven Senators voted against this and here are their names and States where they are from:

1)BURRIS        DEMOCRAT     ILLINOIS                   2)  CASEY    DEMOCRAT        PENNSYLVANIA

3)DURBIN       DEMOCRAT      ILLINOIS                   4) LEAHY      DEMOCRAT       VERMONT




And I  would like this time to say Thank you,  to all that voted for it.  Especially the 48 Democratic Senators.  There were a few names on this list that really shocked me though: Dodds, Shumer, Specter, Reid, Boxer, Kerry, and a few others.

The seven listed at the top that voted against it ….. I would only hope their constitutes vote them out of office.  For wanting to allow ACORN to keep on recieving  Federal Money (taxpayer’s money) knowing  that they are corrupt and has been for years now.  All I want to say to this list of seven Senators is:  It takes a crook to stand by one.

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