Saturday, September 5, 2009


“I refuse to prove that I exist,” says God, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.” “But,” says Man, “the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn’t it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves that You exist, and so therefore, by Your own arguments, You don’t. Q.E.D.” “Oh dear,” says God, “I hadn’t thought of that,” and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic. “Oh, that was easy,” says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing. --Douglas Adams “HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

British Translation : A zebra crossing is a type of pedestrian crossing used in many places around the world, we Americans would call it a crosswalk.

This one of my favourite passages from one of the greatest books ever written. If you have never read it, do so. It is the most fantastic satire.

I was particularly drawn to the first sentence, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.”  Not for the religious aspect as much as just a general truth of life.

If you have absolute faith in something, rational arguments and facts are not even worth considering. And arguing or debating with the faithful is like talking to a wall. For proof denies faith.

Faith is in general the persuasion of the mind that a certain statement is true. It is the belief and the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, based on his or her authority and truthfulness.

Faith does not demand proof, and I would argue that, Faith is hostile to proof, especially proof that the faith is misguided or wrong.

So arguing with the “faithful” becomes an exercise in talking to a wall.

And this is what we have in politics today.

The Faith of Liberalism.

The absolute belief that Liberalism is superior to absolutely anything.

That government is the answer to all things.

That they are superior.

Only They are Compassionate, sensitive, and caring.

That they, and they alone, are inclusive and not exclusive.

They have faith in their own superiority.

So how dare you heathens challenge them!

It would surely explain the condescending attitude that plays out with their childish outbursts of “stupid”, “Ignorant”, “red neck”, “extremist”, “racist”, “Un-American”.

Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC July 31st, 2009:  Mitchell made her condescending comment on today’s Morning Joe

ANDREA MITCHELL: You’ve got 47% of the people in our NBC/Wall Street Journal opinion poll who have health insurance who don’t like what the president is doing.  The problem he’s got — 47% of the people who’ve got coverage don’t want change.  They don’t like what they’re hearing. Now, they may not know what’s good for them, but the problem is that he always knew he was going to have to persuade people with insurance, that’s the largest number, not the people without insurance, for expanded coverage.  So they’ve got a real problem.

And she allegedly is a “Journalist”.

Because, they are so vastly superior to you in every way that you challenging them has to be a joke. And is treated as such, with derision, disrespect, and dismay.

Try Global Warming statistics that show it’s not warming some time on the faithful and see what kind of vile hatred you get spewed back at you.

And this can come from both sides.

But most vigorously now from the political and social left.

Where they want to have an open dialogue, but want you only to listen to them. They are superior after all.

They excoriate you for not having any ideas, but if you express them they ignore you or heap scorn and ridicule on you.

Don’t do as I do, do as I say.

They have faith in their own beliefs and no amount of proof is allowed. Actually, much like a medieval church, they want all descent crushed. Hence, the massive use of Orwellian principles like Newspeak, Doubethink,Doublespeak, Crimethink, Crime Stop.

If you can stop the person from thinking in opposition to you, then they can’t oppose you.

So that’s why I focus on this aspect so much.

It is where the most real danger lies.

I saw a report last night about “What is really in your child’s textbooks…” and that got me to thinking about this.

“He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.” –  George Orwell

So, if you lie, mislead, or just plain ignore the real facts in the textbooks can you control the generations to come??

Personally, I find that scary. But I thought this kind of thing back in the early 1990’s when I was in The College of Education at Arizona State studying to be a History Teacher with the firm belief that I was going to teach the real history, warts and all. And I anticipated many a battle.

Sadly, the system chucked me out before I ever go there. Maybe they knew. Maybe, it was something else.

The point is, even back then I knew something was up.

But if you teach kids lies, then you can insulate them from the truth right?

Fascinating idea, I think.

I know the liberal faithful haven’t missed it.

“Multi-Culturalism”, aka White Europeans are evil and Minorities are great.

I am all for teaching about other cultures, but throwing another one under the bus to do it is the wrong way to teach it, unless that was your point all along.

Prevent dissent from an early age. Shame them before they even understand it. Victims of propaganda.

Why, on god’s green earth do 1st graders have to exposed to “Global Warming” and the how “man is destroying the planet” with evils like plastic and oil.





Do they have the capacity to even understand it?


That’s the point though.

And the recent “whoops” moment they had with the video propaganda in schools just shows it off.

But does it sound even more familiar?

“Rule 1: Never allow a crisis to go to waste,” White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told the New York Times right after the election.

And he declared that failure to act swiftly and boldly “could turn a crisis into a catastrophe.”

And who could forget the greatest hyperbole of all-time:

Pelosi publicly stated that “every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs.”

Did someone forget to mention her there aren’t even that many people to begin with in this country?

So you have the Economic Crisis.

The Housing Crisis

The Mortgage Crisis.

The Stimulus Crisis

The Health Care Crisis.

The Swine Flu Crisis.

The Health Care After August Town Halls Crisis (see upcoming Obama speech to Congress)

And Coming Soon, Global Warming (now called by it’s Orwellian generic term “Climate Change”) and the hysteria of Americans single-handedly destroying the planet!

OH NO! Not that!

The Democrats are doing exactly what they accuse the Republicans of doing after 9/11.

The only difference is, who’s in power.

And who the “faithful” are.

But now they have an ally,  they have The Ministry of Truth, The Mainstream Media.

Ask them, they’ll tell you straight up about how evil Bush was doing the same exact same “crisis” management they are doing and watch them miss the connection entirely.

And if you point it out, watch out!

For Proof denies Faith, and without Faith I am nothing!


“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

—George Orwell

And the Faithful don’t want to hear it.

Just ask them.

Go on… I dare you…


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