Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Conservative plans on surveillance

Brown Brother is watching you.

The Conservatives have pledged to do away with many of Labour’s most intrusive and illiberal projects.  The National Identity Register – the engine behind Labour’s ailing ID card scheme – and ContactPoint, an insidious register of children’s personal data will both be scrapped, while all Government departments would be subject to regular checks by the Information Commissioner.

Labour’s fetish for hoarding our personal data is usually defended by po-faced ministers as “a crucial means of defeating terrorism”.  That’s why, they claim, your DNA should be stored forever if you’re arrested as a suspect for a crime for which you are later acquitted.  Under this Government you’d think presumption of innocence is a concept as outdated and irrelevant as the Divine Right of Kings.

Labour’s sinsiter pessimism about everyone is not as insignificant as they’d like you to think: it turns you into a suspect for crimes that you wouldn’t even consider committing.  So if you’re a parent lending your school a hand by driving kids to choir practice, you’re a potential paedophile.  And if you’re applying for a passport, by Labour’s twisted ID card logic, you’re a potential suicide bomber waiting for an explosive vest.

Do you feel any safer for that?

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