Saturday, September 26, 2009

Now It's Your Turn - Fight Back America

After watching Glenn Beck’s “Mom’s” show,  feel as though people all over this great country of ours are becoming aware of the perils that face us. I feel as though people all over this great country of ours are becoming aware of the perils that face us. I now feel hopeful because the majority refuses to stay silent any longer. WE SURROUND THEM! An overwhelming majority of citizens, particularly those who pay attention and make it their obligation to find out what is actually happening in our country, are beginning to speak out. The forces wanting to rip our country apart, to take our freedoms so long fought for, have intimidated us into silence for too long. We The People are breaking free from the mind control imposed on us by “political correctness”. “Political correctness” is nothing more than a euphemism for CHAINS – not change. It is the whip they use to keep us in our cage. The American citizenry have begun to break those chains and will no longer be held to their standard of freedom.    I could not watch Glenn’s show last night, but had to watch this morning. Our Dear Leader felt compelled to arrive late for his UN daily dose of “change” speech making sure he started just after 5PM. In my humble opinion, it was another of his immature swipes at his opposition. You know, when criticism does not appear to work, when union bosses can not intimidate and when television remotes are a constitutional right, then just preempt the leading television show of your opposition. Force yourself upon the masses, whether they want to listen or not. This may be why his FCC head and Czar are trying to remove free speech from our airwaves and internet. When you can’t control the message, control the airwaves – reminds me of countries such as Venezuela and others around the world where the government owns the conversation. But I digress.   I was surprised and delighted to see these average Moms speak of how the United Nations are seeking, and succeeding, from taking our country from us. I was surprised and delighted to hear them speak of the unconstitutional monetary policy now in play and how they fear our US dollar may be out of existence within five years, replaced by an international currency. I was happy to hear they know of the UN holding our children’s education hostage, with the help of the teacher’s union and others. They all know. They are aware of assault facing us as citizens. Many said they had felt alone before Glenn’s 9/12 Project show compelling people to ban together. Now they know, they are NOT alone.   Glenn Beck always admonishes us that he “is not our voice” and that “we need to find our own voice”. Of course, we know we have a voice, but he is the one with the microphone. For that we are grateful. Someone with access to millions is speaking up. This encourages others to speak up.   To that accord, along with my suggestions in yesterday’s column, allow me suggest ways in which we can speak up. Yesterday I asked if everyone would send out a daily email or letter or make a daily call to local, state and federal government officials. Today I am asking you to bombard your local papers, and the national papers, with letters to the editor. Today I am asking you attend your local and state government meetings. If you can not attend, acquire a transcript. CHANGE TRICKLES UP, not down. Fight at all levels of government. Support state sovereignty bills now pending in most states. If your state does not have one in legislation now, force them to. Do not let the bill languish in committee, as it is doing in so many states. Apply pressure.   Call in to not just conservative shows, but those with the fortitude to do so should call Liberal talk shows, write to liberal editors and confront liberal progressive friends with the truth of what they are doing. Make them think! They are so used to singing the “collective” song they forget how to think for themselves. Many belong to unions who are used to bullying them into voting a certain way. Many do not realize their voices have been co-opted by a ventriloquist called progressivism.   Our opposition is very vocal and counts on us to be quiet. Disappoint them, please. Our opposition is organized and counts on us to be an unorganized mass of separate voices. Let us learn to team up, to work together, and to at first, shout them down, then to shut them down all together.   There are many, many more of us. Do not be afraid. Use your real name. Wear a button. Get a bumper sticker. Tattoo it on your forehead if you have to.  Do NOT remain in the shadow. That is of vital importance. Do NOT allow them to keep you “in the closet” as some of the Moms said on Glenn Beck’s show.   WE ARE THE MAJORITY. By working together it is not necessary that you give up your own voice. We must all work together by working separately. Influence those around you, not only by teaching them what is really happening, but by compelling them to use their voice to speak out against it.   I know in my heart most Americans are not on board with turning our country over to the United Nations. I know in my heart most Americans cherish their freedom. I know in my heart most Americans want to be free.   They are trying to turn this into a debate on race, a debate on capitalism and greed versus sharing. It is none of those. It is America versus One World Order. Plain and simple. To think otherwise is to not see the big picture, I’m afraid. If this little girl can speak out, I know you can!

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