Friday, September 4, 2009

Ephraim Hardcastle of the Daily Mail misidentifies his David Davises

Sean Gabb of the Libertarian Alliance writes:-

Dear Comrades,

Writing in today’s “Daily Mail”, the columnist Ephraim Hardcastle claims

that David Davis, the Conservative MP and former shadow Home


will be speaking at the Libertarian Alliance conference next month


On behalf of the Libertarian Alliance, I wish to say that “The Daily

Mail” has made the mistake of assuming that there is only one person in

the whole world called David Davis. In fact, the person speaking at our

conference will be David Davis, our Northern Affairs Director. The

Conservative MP of that name has not been invited, and has not, to our

knowledge, offered himself as a speaker.

This being said, we do not, on this occasion, think that an alleged

involvement with a Conservative MP has brought the Libertarian Alliance

into disrepute. David Davis MP is a special case. When he stood for

re-election last year in protest against the Labour police state, we

endorsed him and were pleased when he accepted our donation to his

election funds. Though we would be very cautious about accepting any

other Conservative MP to our conference – where children and the easily

alarmed will be present – we would be delighted to welcome David Davis


and would give him a seat of honour at the Saturday Banquet.

Of course, we will not take “The Daily Mail” to the Press Complaints

Commission. Nor will we threaten proceedings for libel. We fully

understand that newspaper writers nowadays are often far too busy trying

to keep their jobs to bother with checking the truth of the stories they


While writing, I will remind you that the Libertarian Alliance Conference

will take place at the National Liberal Club in London on Saturday 24th

and Sunday 25th October 2009. The full brochure and booking form can be

found here:

And we are once again offering a cash prize of £1000 for the best essay

on a theme set by Sean Gabb. This prize is made possible by the

generosity of Teresa Gorman. Full details of title and other conditions

may be found here:

In closing, we one again assure our many friends and supporters that

allegations of a close relationship between ourselves and David Cameron’s

Conservative Party are wholly without foundation. We now hope this matter

can now be put behind us.


Sean Gabb

Director, The Libertarian Alliance (Carbon Positive since 1979) Tel: 07956 472 199 Skype Username: seangabb

Wikipedia Entry:


Buy these novels by Richard Blake: “Conspiracies of Rome” (”Fascinating to read, very well written, an

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