Wednesday, September 2, 2009

News for 09/02/2009- Exactly Who Were the Groups on That Secret Conference Call, Anyway?

On August 11th, President Obama held a conference call with all his special interest allies in order to push renaming 09/11 as our National Day of Service instead of keeping the day for strict remembrance of those who perished in the awful and unjust terrorist attacks on our country. Their feeling is that the Republican Party owns this day, according to some reports, and this would be a way to ”capture” the day for the Democrats. What horrendous thinking, illustrative of what is wrong with this country.  The resolution, introduced in the Senate by Charles Shummer (D-NY) as S.245, then in the House as HR 718, by Doris Matsui (D-CA) was being furthered by the President by consulting this hand-picked assemblage.  Groups on the call included: ACORN, AFL-CIO, Apollo Alliance, Color of Change, Community Action Partnership, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, 80 Million Strong for Young American Jobs, Friends of the Earth, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies,, National Black Police Association, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, National Council of Negro Women, National Wildlife Federation, RainbowPUSH Coalition, Urban League, Young Democrats of America.  

 Who are these organizations and why were they given a seat at the table?  

ACORN- Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now  To understand the nature and extent of Acorn’s radicalism, an excellent place to begin is Sol Stern’s 2003 City Journal article, “ACORN’s Nutty Regime for Cities.” (For a shorter but helpful piece, try Steven Malanga’s “Acorn Squash.”) Sol Stern explains that Acorn is the key modern successor of the radical 1960’s “New Left,” with a “1960’s-bred agenda of anti-capitalism” to match. Acorn, says Stern, grew out of “one of the New Left’s silliest and most destructive groups, the National Welfare Rights Organization.” In the 1960’s, NWRO launched a campaign of sit-ins and disruptions at welfare offices. The goal was to remove eligibility restrictions, and thus effectively flood welfare rolls with so many clients that the system would burst. The theory, explains Stern, was that an impossibly overburdened welfare system would force “a radical reconstruction of America’s unjust capitalist economy.” Instead of a socialist utopia, however, we got the culture of dependency and family breakdown that ate away at America’s inner cities — until welfare reform began to turn the tide. While Acorn holds to NWRO’s radical economic framework and its confrontational 1960’s-style tactics, the targets and strategy have changed. Acorn prefers to fly under the national radar, organizing locally in liberal urban areas — where, Stern observes, local legislators and reporters are often “slow to grasp how radical Acorn’s positions really are.” Acorn’s new goals are municipal “living wage” laws targeting “big-box” stores like Walmart, rolling back welfare reform, and regulating banks — efforts styled as combating “predatory lending.” Unfortunately, instead of helping workers, Acorn’s living-wage campaigns drive businesses out of the very neighborhoods where jobs are needed most. Acorn’s opposition to welfare reform only threatens to worsen the self-reinforcing cycle of urban poverty and family breakdown. 

  HERE ARE JUST A FEW ISSUES INVOLVING ACORN Acorn is charged with several counts of voter fraud within 14 states. Here is the map and the charges. There is a history of voter fraud charges envolving Acorn.

A group of dissident members is seeking a federal investigation of ACORN for alleged criminal violations stemming from an embezzlement scandal that rocked the organization last year. The splinter group, ACORN 8, released a 24-page document in January, 2009, that asks federal investigators to consider fraud, embezzlement and conspiracy charges, and criminal civil rights violations relating to the embezzlement of nearly $1 million from the nonprofit’s accounts and an alleged cover-up of the theft for almost a decade. “Moreover, due to the admission that a felony has been committed, other federal offenses may have also been committed … ,” states the document signed by 14 members of ACORN 8, including recently expelled members of ACORN’s national board of directors. Starting sometime in the late 1990’s and ending sometime in the early part of this decade, Dale Rathke, brother of founder Wade Rathke, was involved in embezzling somewhere in the neighborhood of $1 million from the ACORN accounting and financial services arm Citizen Consulting Incorporated. At the time, Dale Rathke was heading up CCI. CCI has acted as the weigh station for all financial funds for ACORN and all of it’s affiliates. In other words, any money earmarked for any activity within the ACORN network starts out at CCI. ACORN has hundreds of affiliates though no one, outside the insiders, knows exactly how many. It likely receives hundreds of millions of Dollars from the government. Though again, no one is sure because all of it is hidden by using the private CCI as an initial weigh station. It works with HUD, HHS, and the Department of Labor along with a host of philanthropies in order to continue its operations. All of it is done in the shadows through a very sophisticated network of affiliates and one private company, CCI, doling out the money. By doing this, it becomes nearly impossible to track its activities. What I have brought to light is only scratching the surface but should give everyone an idea of just how powerful and dangerous ACORN is. The truth is that the root cause of the mortgage mess is found in Washington and with organizations like ACORN which have long pushed and used extortion tactics to force banks to make bad loans. All the while, collecting millions of dollars in grants and “donations” from banks that paid them protection money. The U.S. Census is supposed to be free of politics, but one group with a history of voter fraud, ACORN, is participating in next year’s count, raising concerns about the politicization of the decennial survey. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now signed on as a national partner with the U.S. Census Bureau in February 2009 to assist with the recruitment of the 1.4 million temporary workers needed to go door-to-door to count every person in the United States — currently believed to be more than 306 million people. ACORN’s partnership with the 2010 Census is worrisome to lawmakers who say past allegations of fraud should raise concerns about the organization. “It’s a concern, especially when you look at all the different charges of voter fraud. And it’s not just the lawmakers’ concern. It should be the concern of every citizen in the country,” Rep. Lynn A. Westmoreland, R-Ga., vice ranking member of the subcommittee for the U.S. Census, told  Acorn, funded by bailout tax dollars, working against our Second Amendment and our Constitution!   CONNECT THE DOTS:

  • Largest radical group in America, with more than 400,000 dues-paying member families and more than 1,200 chapters in 110 U.S. cities
  • Was implicated in numerous reports of fraudulent voter registration, vote-rigging, voter intimidation, and vote-for-pay scams during recent election cycles
  • Pressured banks to lend money to underqualified minority borrowers
  • Maintains close ties to organized labor
  • Opposes capitalism
  • Calls for more government control over citizens and the economy
  • Favors a government monopoly in healthcare
  • Advocates an open-door immigration policy.

    …The Apollo Alliance is Socialist / Communist radical group that is being sponsored by many Big Corporate sponsors and, of course, huge Unions.  The Liberty Tree Lantern believes it is important for all of us “so far” free Americans to know who we are stacked up against in the “Fascist” Corporate world who have joined forces with the Socialists and Communists to form the “hybrid” leading to a One World Order and enslavement through near total taxation, in the form of withholding, payroll, fees and all sorts of taxes, on our common working man earnings.  Besides both houses of the U.S. Congress and The Obama Administration, who are domestic enemies of and directly usurp and infringe upon The Constitution, here is who We The People are up against in it’s defense and to protect our INDIVIDUAL freedom, unalienable rights, finances and property according to the Socialist / Communist Apollo Alliance’s own website.  Be warned people, these are enemies of The Constitution and our very FREEDOM.  May God help us!



    Isn’t it interesting that just as Glenn Beck exposes Van Jones the Green Job Czar in the Obama Administration as an avowed Communist ex-con, his group which he co-founded ColorofChange kicks into high gear to try to silence Glenn Beck’s voice. Let’s face it, no news organization out there does their homework anymore. Everyone is afraid to speak the truth. It is no surprise that when Glenn Beck starts going after the big boys in the Obama Administration that thug-like reprisals begin to appear. No matter what Glenn Beck says, he has the right to say it. What about all the times that MSNBC called George Bush a racist?

    Its a racist organization screaming about racism. What else is new? If the advertisers suffer from hypogonadism then I guess they just miss the opportunity to get their message out to a few million folks each night. Can you imagine the outrage if you took out the word “Black” and replaced it with “White” in the following passages? Our goal is to empower our members—Black Americans and our allies—to make government more responsive to the concerns of Black Americans and to bring about positive political and social change for everyone. What they do: Using the Internet, we will enable our members to speak in unison, with an amplified political voice. We will keep them informed about the most pressing issues for Black people in America and give them ways to act. We will lobby elected representatives using email, the telephone, and face-to-face meetings. We’ll bring attention to the needs and concerns of Black folks by holding coordinated events in different parts of the country, running TV and print advertisements, and demanding that the news media cover our issues. We will also work with other groups—online efforts and other organizations that are doing related work—to magnify our impact. When we come together and speak with one voice, we cannot be ignored.



    Community Action Agencies (CAAs) are nonprofit private and public organizations established under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to fight America’s War on Poverty. Community Action Agencies help people to help themselves in achieving self-sufficiency. Today there are approximately 1000 Community Action Agencies, serving the poor in every state as well as Puerto Rico and the Trust Territories.

    …Structural racism explores the causes of the enormous racial disparities that exist in income, wealth, education, housing, employment, and crime throughout our society.  The lens of structural racism points out the interrelated causes of persistent poverty. For example, inadequate housing and a weak local economy result in a low tax base which leads to poor schools that do not prepare people for the workplace adequately and thus they cannot make a livable wage in this economy. Using the structural racism lens helps explain why siloed approaches to reducing poverty may not reach the goals we desire. This prestigious national project of the Community Action Partnership and funded by the Ford Foundation is exploring the assumption that place-based strategies to reduce poverty and enhance economic security are more effective when they take the racial inequalities that are a result of structural racism into account in their program design.  

    Deep South Center for Environmental Justice   Environmental Justice mandates the right to ethical, balanced, and responsible uses of land and renewable resources in the interest of a sustainable planet for humans and other living things. A major goal of the Center has been the development of minority leadership in the areas of environmental, social, and economic justice along the Mississippi River Corridor. The DSCEJ has become a powerful resource of environmental justice education and training. A major aim of the Center has been the development of curricula that are culturally sensitive and tailored to the educational and training needs of the community.   This group recieves funding from US Government under US Dept of HUD and US Dept of Labor.   Founder, Beverly Wright, Ph.D., is also author of the book: Race, Place, and Environmental Injustice After Hurricane Katrina  

    80 Million Strong for Young American Jobs   The current economic crisis is hurting America’s youth more than any other generation.  Our national unemployment is 17.3%.  We graduate college with an average of $27,000 in student loans.   We are uninsured and victims of predatory lending.  Despite the overwhelming evidence, Congress has yet to act or even discuss the impact of the economic crisis on young Americans.  80 Million Strong for Young American Jobs is a coalition of leading youth organizations committed to addressing the crisis by uniting the Millennial generation to own and direct our economic future.  

    CONNECT THE DOTS:  This is coalition made up of the following organizations: , including the Hip Hop Caucus, ShoutAmerica, Campus Progress, Voto Latino and   

     Friends of the Earth- A Rockefeller Family Fund At Friends of the Earth, you will find a group of committed people who fight daily for a healthy and just world. Friends of the Earth knows regulation, legislation, taxes, and banking have a big impact on our environment.  We hold our elected officials accountable and work to expose unnecessary funding for environmentally destructive projects—saving taxpayers’ money and the planet.  

    CONNECT THE DOTS: The Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF) was incorporated in 1967 by Martha, John, Laurance, Nelson, and David Rockefeller. Its principal beneficiaries are leftwing environmentalist organizations. Several RFF Board members formerly worked for the now-defunct San Francisco-based TechRocks company, which provided information-technology support and development for a number of anti-corporate, non-profit organizations. One RFF representative sits on the steering committee of the Peace and Security Funders Group. Recipients of RFF philanthropy include: the Tides Foundation; the Tides Center; Alliance For Justice; the People for the American Way Action Fund; the American Civil Liberties Union’s Women’s Rights Project; the Sierra Club; Friends of the Earth; the NARAL Pro-Choice America, Environmental Media Services; the League of Conservation Voters; the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund; the Waterkeeper Alliance; the Environmental Working Group;Planned Parenthood; the Proteus Fund; the League of Conservation Voters Education Fund;; Defenders of Wildlife; Environmental Media Services; the Greenpeace Fund; the Brennan Center for Justice; Project Vote; the Center for Community Change; the Center for American Progress; the National Wildlife Federation; the NAACP National Voter Fund; the New World Foundation; Earthjustice; among others.

    Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies   Founded in 1970 to provide training and technical assistance to newly elected black officials, the Joint Center now explores a range of public policy issues of concern to African-Americans and other communities of color.  According to its mission statement, the Joint Center, through research, analysis and publications, seeks to “improve the socioeconomic status of black Americans and other minorities; expand their effective participation in the political and public policy arenas; and promote communications and relationships across racial and ethnic lines to strengthen the nation’s pluralistic society.” is an all-partisan network dedicated to educating, empowering, and energizing young people to increase our civic engagement and political participation. We work to show young people how public policy impacts our lives, and more importantly – how we can impact public policy. Current Staff includes James Bernard, who is currently working in the Community Strength Department of SEIU, going back to his labor roots. He launched The Source and XXL, two hip-hop magazines, and has written about popular culture.  

     CONNECT THE DOTS: Describing itself as a coalition of “student, faculty and civil liberty organizations,” Free Exchange on Campus (FEC) defines its mission as “advocating for the rights of students and faculty to hear and express a full range of ideas unencumbered by political or ideological interference.”

    FEC was co-founded by Campus Progress (a project of the Center for American Progress), the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association’s Student Program, the American Association of University Professors, the American Civil Liberties Union, People For the American Way (and its “Young People For” program), the United States Student Association, and the Center for Campus Free Speech. The foregoing organizations are also part of the coalition’s current membership. Additional FEC coalition members include the American Library Association, the Free Press, the AFL-CIO (and its Department for Professional Employees), the Association of College and Research Libraries, Common Cause, Democracy Matters,, the Modern Language Association, the National Women’s Studies Association, the National Writers Union, the Progressive States Network, the Roosevelt Institution, the Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press, and the National Association of State Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs).  FEC’s contention that leftwing political bias does not thoroughly pervade university faculties is debunked here, here, here, here, here, and here. Free Exchange on Campus is a well-funded coalition. As of 2005, FEC member Campus Progress held assets of $1.25 million; U.S. PIRG, $6.2 million (in 2005); the American Association of University Professors, $5 million (in 2004); People for the American Way, $3.1 million (in 2004); the National Education Association, $89.3 million (in 2004); the American Federation of Teachers, $67.6 million (in 2004); and the ACLU Foundation, $196.1 million (in 2005). FEC is also funded by George Soros’s Open Society Institute and the American Federation of Teachers.

    National Black Police Association   According to their website: The National Black Police Association was established:  To improve the relationship between Police Departments as institutions and the minority communities; To evaluate the effect of the policies and programs within the Criminal Justice System upon the minority community; To serve as a mechanism to recruit minority police officers on a national scale; To work toward police reform in order to eliminate police corruption, police brutality and racial discrimination; and To educate police officers to perform with professionalism and compassion.  

     National Coalition on Black Civic Participation   The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) is a 501©3, non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to increasing Black civic engagement and voter participation. NCBCP was founded on May 6, 1976. For thirty-two (32) years, the NCBCP, through its 80 member organizations, 12 state and local affiliates, and strategic partners, has served as an effective convener and facilitator at the local, state and national levels of efforts to address the disenfranchisement of African Americans and other marginalized communities through civic engagement.  

    National Council of Negro Women   According to their webiste, their mission is to lead, develop and advocate for women of African descent as they support their families and communities. We fulfill our mission through research, advocacy and national and community-based health, education and economic empowerment services and programs in the United States and Africa. Through section and affiliate volunteers in 34 states, NCNW addresses local needs while impacting communities nationwide.  

    National Wildlife Federation   Their Mission Statement Says: Inspiring Americans to protect wildlife for our children’s future. But the organization is best known for these stances: Opposes U.S. oil drilling in Alaska, Supports the ban on DDT, Seeks to restrict land-development projects


    NWF recently endorsed a document called the Earth Charter, which blames capitalism for many of the world’s environmental, social, and economic problems. The National Wildlife Federation receives financial support from the Bank of America Foundation, the Beldon Fund, the Bullitt Foundation, the Compton Foundation, the Energy Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Surdna Foundation, and the Turner Foundation.

    Rainbow PUSH Coalition  The RainbowPUSH Coalition is a progressive organization fighting for social change. Best known for :

    • Civil rights organization formed by merger between two groups founded by Jesse Jackson
    • Supports race preferences, alternatives to incarceration, and bigger government
    • Drives much of its agenda through frivolous, unsubstantiated charges of institutional and corporate racism

    CONNECT THE DOTS: Rainbow/PUSH is the result of a 1996 merger between two groups founded by Jesse Jackson. One was People United To Serve Humanity (PUSH), established in 1971, which advocated race preferences in the form of affirmative action. PUSH also helped sponsor a massive June 12, 1982 rally, organized by the Communist Party USA and the Soviet-supported U.S. Peace Council, advocating the dismantling of America’s military arsenal. The other organization was the Rainbow Coalition, formed in 1985 to counter policies enacted during President Reagan’s second term which Jackson deemed discriminatory against African Americans. Today Rainbow/PUSH maintains its national headquarters in Chicago, and has branch offices in New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Atlanta, Houston, Silicon Valley, New Orleans, and Washington, DC.

    Characterizing the United States as a nation rife with discrimination against African Americans and other minorities, Rainbow/Push lists its major issues as: “Jobs and Economic Empowerment; Employee Rights and Livable Wages; Educational Access; Fair and Decent Housing; Voter Registration and Civic Education; Election Law Reform; Fairness in the Media, Sports, and Criminal Justice System; Political Empowerment; Trade and Foreign Policy; Affirmative Action and Equal Rights; Gender Equality; and Environmental Justice.”

    NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE The mission of the Urban League movement is to enable African Americans to secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights.


    In 1971, Vernon Jordan, who had previously headed the United Negro College Fund and would eventually, two decades later, become an advisor to President Bill Clinton headed the National Urban League. Jordan expanded the organization’s activities in the areas of equal housing, education, and minority business development.  He also instituted the Urban Leagues’s State of Black America Report. During his tenure, Jordan demonstrated an inclination to blame white racism for even the most egregious black-perpetrated outrages. In the wake of a 1980 black riot in Miami, for instance, he suggested that the city’s “white power structure” — political and judicial — had created a racial atmosphere in which refraining from rioting was “too much to ask of any [black] human being.” Over the years, Urban League reports and public statements have frequently condemned the United States as an intractably racist nation.The National Urban League has received funding from: the American Express Foundation; the AT&T Foundation; the Carnegie Corporation of New York; the Annie E. Casey Foundation; the Fannie Mae Foundation; the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; the Joyce Foundation; the W. K. Kellogg Foundation; the Sara Lee Foundation; the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; Pew Charitable Trusts; and the Verizon Foundation.

    Young Democrats of America   Designed to deliver valuable information about how to become part of a new generation of Democratic political activists. The Young Democrats of America has been the official youth arm of the Democratic Party since 1932. Since 2002, YDA has operated independently of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) as a nonfederal 527 political organization.



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