Monday, September 7, 2009

D.C. loves it some traffic cameras

From National Motorists Association:

#6 Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. is overrun with ticket cameras. They even have ticket cameras installed on their street sweepers. The city has also been criticized for ticketing motorists in their own driveways. Over a six-year period, the District has issued more than 500,000 citations and $32 million in fines via automated tickets.


As far as photo enforcement tickets are concerned in the District, D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier tells WTOP the Metropolitan Police Department has mailed out more citations this year than ever before.

“Year to date, for red light cameras, 81,249 tickets and 489,892 speed camera tickets issued so far,” said Lanier on WTOP’s Ask the Chief program Thursday.

There’s a good explanation for why the numbers are up: There are simply more cameras watching drivers.

We’ve added some cameras and technology out there,” Lanier said. “Currently, we have 49 red light cameras, all of which are operating. We have 10 fixed and 12 mobile radar units.”

See, D.C. is like an immature teenager. It wants, wants, wants, but doesn’t have the budget or tax base to afford. It wants to dole out entitlements to citizens who won’t work. It thinks it’s entitled to have a world class baseball team and the $610M baseball stadium to go along with it. It wastes money here, it wastes money there. All the while the critical infrastructure is falling apart. Schools are in disrepair and the roads will rattle your cars suspension to nothing in a few years.  How do you feed the never-ending appetite of a city that can’t budget within its own means? Why you install these traffic devices to shake even MORE money from your citizens and the tourists who visit daily. Every few months DC tries to bring up the idea of taxing commuters from Maryland and Virginia. When will this madness end? Can’t congress swoop back in and take responsibility for the city once more? You know, how the Constitution says the city should be run?


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