Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm Lady Liberty?

Oy vey. I feel swamped with school stuff. I’ve only had about 2 hours of sleep each night this week, and people are starting to wonder if I’m loopy. I also got a new job waving for liberty taxes. It’s a fun job but I’m taking up yoga so my back will stop hurting.haha!

College is fun. I have to do a presentation in speech this Tuesday and I’m going to make some peanut butter cookies for everyone to try. I hope it all goes well cause I really don’t like talking in front of people…I’m not shy or anything. I just don’t like a lot of attention. Even this blog is hard to write. I know blogs are supposed to be like a diary or whatever, but I don’t like how it’s all about me. ooh! I know! I’ll write about what people did while I waved today! :D

One guy got really enthusiastic and practically fell out of the car waving, another person almost missed the green light so they could take a picture of me(Lady Liberty), some dude sang a ke$ha song for me while he waited for the light, and a car drove by with a blindfolded person sitting in the back waving. There was more but it was pretty much the same sort of stuff. Random nonsense :) oh and a wasp almost stung me! I flipped out! It landed on the dress and I stared jumping around. needless to say everyone watching laughed.

Random fact: I just got so sidetracked from looking up random facts, I ended up looking up how to crochet mittens. whoops.


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