Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union Speech

Front Page Magazine says the President should skip the State of the Union Speech and Make better use of his time by firing everyone around him.

:) Sounds good to me. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barney Frank…just 3 Democrats I can name off the top of my head that NEED TO GO!

While I am naming names please DO NOT VOTE IN Ben Bernanke to a second term as the Federal Reserve chairman.

That man needs to get out of the way so the Federal Reserve Bank can be audited and every American can see all where all OUR money has gone since it’s inception.


Ok so back to the State of the Union Speech.

I sat through as much as I could bare. Half way through the Speech which sounded like a desperate man grasping at straws;

Health Care reform got squeezed in…big surprise. Give it up already!

7 million people have lost their jobs over the last 2 years in America.

Who gives a Flying FUDGE about health care reform if they have no money or a job, to pay for the Health Care Insurance to begin with?

And if this government is truly concerned with Health Care Reform then why not make it available NOW to the unemployed,instead of 2014?

The president gave us the same old speech, feel sorry for me, when I came into the office there was this and that to contend with.

You are the President of the United States, get over yourself and stop crying about it. YOU ran for the job so just roll your sleeves up and get busy!

faye raye dracula

Stop the Faye Raye Impersonations. We are all over the drama. Hollywood might hire you in a dramatic role playing the Dying Swan act. Maybe?

Here are a few ideas to help you on your way to being a better and more caring President:

1.Throw a few less parties. The American people are sick of watching your lavish lifestyle on Television, while children go to bed hungry.

2. Stop humming around the golf course in your little golf cart and chatting with the media. This way Americans will not get angrier by the minute at the charade.

3. Next time you go to Hawaii on vacation, invite a few thousand out of work and desperate Americans!

4. Stop spending so much money and telling the American People it was Necessary. NO IT IS NOT!

5. The next time you try and pull the wool over our eyes about this recession being almost over, take a good long hard look around America. Search out children who have not eaten for days because their parents have no money to feed them. Reality check is in order.

One comment that had me screw my mouth up, and I quote: “The American people had to tighten their belts.”

Really, do you think so?  So shouldn’t the government follow suite too? I love it…

It doesn’t matter to Americans anymore about personality, they want results and they want them yesterday. That is why Americans are so fed up.

Americans are all sick of this elitist mentality and let my superior brain, make it all better with my bandage speech.

BUT wait folks…..

We also heard some new tunes sung tonight too. Could there actually be a light at the end of this wet and gloomy tunnel?

Finally our government is waking up to the fact that other nations are beating America at Energy and finding new markets to achieve. So now the President announced that we will start off shore drilling and Nuclear power plants…..Oh boy I bet the Democrats are sucking huckleberries over that.

That was one of those… we don’t want to do things. Americans need energy and they need it now.

state of union

Then there was the other point about making Tax Cuts to ease the burdens. Oh but wait, that won’t actually happen to next year when we have a new budget. NEXT YEAR?

The Working Class American People will be lucky if they survive the rest of this year! Sheesh…

Another classic quote: “There are a lot of people in America who have lost trust in our ability to lead them.” I am so glad you are finally getting the idea.

Then the President went on to say “It’s not just Democrats or Republicans many people have lost trust in our policies.” Really, I hadn’t noticed!

I heard a lot about jobs and re-building America, but what will actually change and what will be a lot of eye rolling again is another thing. There are bills that need to be passed and argued about in Congress but in the meantime what will actually change?

Education was something I was interested in. I think if these concepts the President put the Country, actually change our Education system for the better, then we might actually have a chance. I know I don’t want to  without pay for my sons education by selling a kidney or something.

America’s graduation rate is 21st out of 27 industrialized countries. Considering OUR status as world power, where did the US go wrong?

Well for what it is worth, that is my 2 cents.

“We Shall See” has become my favorite saying.

Like many people I KEEP HOPING for a brighter day, however I very much doubt our Current Leaders both Democratic and Republican will be able to make the sun shine out of their not so wonderful backsides anymore.

Love and Blessings



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