Sunday, October 25, 2009

“Radio for Peace…if we agree with you!”

More from Ernesto, Program Director of KPFT:

Leo has expressed to you interest in discussing this issue on air. While I know you’ve written of Leo being ‘backed into a corner’ by your posting, I tend to agree with him that your efforts and feedback are of value. Thank you.

My response:

I’d be happy to make an appointment to come to the station and discuss this with Leo, yourself and anyone else face to face and on the air. Please let me know what time you would like me to be there.

I’ve only brought attention to a larger issue here Ernesto.  Let’s not forget so many issues have started because of one thing and then moved to larger issues.  The whole of the civil rights movement wasn’t about Rosa Parks having to give up her seat on the bus, however, it was the spark that lit a fire exposing a great many other injustices and larger issues.

There are lies by admission and lies by omission. Ernesto, you’re guilty of both but mostly the latter.   My initial question, which for whatever reason, you failed to transcribe was why Leo treated the caller with such disrespect.  If you don’t have the awareness to see that an injury was made to Sonny’s respect, then I doubt there is anything I can say to affect any positive changed in your flawed way of thinking.  So the correct thing for KPFT to say is:  Radio for peace, unless we don’t agree with you, then the gloves are off! How do you expect to be an agent for peace and have such contempt for others who don’t believe the same as you?

Ernesto, you’re in a dangerous position right now, because you are of the mindset that you can do no wrong.  History is filled with evil despots who in their own minds thought they were doing the right thing, and like you, they were experts in the art of pontificating their righteousness to the unsuspecting masses.  I’m sure in their own delusional state they believed they were on the side of right, and I’m sure that’s what you think as well.  I’m only here to let you know, you’re mistaken, and you need to wake up.

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