Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dear Leo, we have no misunderstanding...

This is Mr. Gold’s latest attempt to spin his hateful comments into love after reading my blog.  Here’s what he had to say:

“No.  You misunderstand the nature of things yet again.  YOU are generating the publicity by posting inflammatory notes (”KPFT HATES ALEX JONES”) on Jones websites.  You enjoy the inflammation; I get the publicity.  My note above speaks for itself and is in contrast to your portrayal of it.”  — Leo Gold

How could I be misconstruing things?  I’m quoting you verbatim.  These are your words, not mine.  In regards to your reaction, it is both cowardly and arrogant.  You make assertions and assumptions about members of the KPFT listening audience who pay you the respect of listening to your show and what do they get in return?  You label them as Conspiracy Theorists, and you do so in a very dangerous and very public way on KPFT in the middle of the day.

To ad further injury, you hang up on them first so you can tell them off without the threat of having to give any explanation for your assertions.  Then you have the temerity to do some half-assed damage control and sneak an email to me on the side merely because the GM of the station told you to, and I can’t help wondering if his swift action to the situation isn’t motivated by the pending fundraiser next week.  Let’s face it, you didn’t do it out the goodness of your heart.  You did it only because you were backed into a corner.

“Given that, I recommend that you stand down right now. But if not, that’s ok too, as; hits are way up and people are emailing like crazy that they loved yesterday’s show.” –Leo Gold

So I guess no press is bad press eh Leo..?  It seems you’re going to use this public relations blunder as a publicity franchise for yourself and for those at Pacifica.  So if I understand you correctly, you propose to capitalize on this love fest by deferring our little conversation until next week.  So the star attraction of your plea for dollars will be tar and feathering the crazy during during KPFT’s telethon.  So what’s the solution?   Do we continue to create a spotlight by giving patronage to your Facebook page so you can increase your stable of “friends” and ascend to the glorious position of Houston’s intellectually elite..?  No thanks Leo.  I’ve got a better idea…

To all the 9/11 Truthers, Patriots, Conspiracy Theorist, and so called “Nut Jobs” — I would like to suggest a course of action.  Stop being treated like a second class citizen.

The answer here is simple.  If you were outraged by Leo Gold’s comments, if you are tired of these one trick pony liberals with a lot nerve and a little bit of education labeling you as crazy  because you know the truth, then I ask you to take a stand.  I’m asking you, the conspiracy theorist, nut jobs who aren’t afraid to admit it, I want you to put your money where your mouth is and boycott the KPFT fund-raiser planned for next week.

As truthers, it’s time for us to ascend to the level of respect and dignity true patriots deserve.  These people have no intention of treating you with respect unless they have to.  Let’s make them.  It’s bad enough we as the truth movement endure petty ridicule from the likes of Geraldo or the ghouls on Fox and friends, but do we really have to take it from whiner like Leo Gold and his little two hour a week rant of superiority?  Now is the time to put and end to the sarcasm and heckling by a halfway house for so-called intellectual elitist and second-rate journalists.

If you reward institutions like Pacifica who ridicule you and therefore conceal the real truth, if you give them your ears, your time and God forbid, your money, then you are of the same disorganized thinking of a battered house wife.  Her husband beats her, screams at her and deprives her, yet she’s the first one to come to his defense when he’s in hand cuffs.  Cast off this slave mentality.   Walk tall, and claim your birthright as a citizen of the United States.

The answer here is simple.  Don’t give money to KPFT next week.  If you planned to make a donation, don’t.  Instead  support the institutions of truth where you are fed intellectually, like your local 9/11 truth movement, Ron Paul, Alex Jones David Eik.  Support those people who drape banners over the freeway bridges saying 9/11 was an inside job.  Support your local pastors, teachers or business men who have bravely taken a stand and have been held up to ridicule by two bit puppets and pin heads like Leo Gold.


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