Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nick Griffin: allowed to stumble into the mainstream against a wall of bias...

…created by those who let him on.

Sean Gabb

I link to an article of mine on, penned in the wake of settling dust after the appearance of Nick Griffin of the BNP last Thursday on Question Time. Please follow my link and read the whole essay: for a flavour of what I said, here is an extract:-

…From the opening minutes, it was plain that this would not be—nor was planned to be—a normal episode of Question Time. The other panellists had conferred and brought along set speeches of denunciation, which the Presenter, David Dimbleby, both allowed and encouraged. Indeed, he joined in with hostile questions of his own.

It is unlikely that the audience had been fed questions to put. It was hardly necessary, bearing in mind the demographic profile—quite unlike Mr Griffin’s own electoral base. The questions were universally hostile. So were most of the audience comments.

Rather than Question Time, this was an hour in which Nick Griffin was put on trial before the nation, following the sort of process that a Communist police state might have envied. It was all set up to be grossly unfair.

I believe that Mr Griffin is planning a formal complaint to the BBC about bias. Sadly, he is missing the point. Whatever unfairness was meant, he was given the opportunity of a lifetime to do two things—first, to show the world that he was not a sinister crank; second, to tell the world directly and in brief what he was in politics to achieve. Judged in terms of this opportunity, his performance was an embarrassing failure….

Today, we learn that Griffin may be asked back onto this programme. I might leave speculations, of a conspiratorial kind about the reasons for this announcement, to our Blogmaster.

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