Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is Freemasonry Dangerous?

By Jason Marshall

The question that I would like to pose for discussion is: whether or not Freemasonry is dangerous?

I had a run in the other day with an anti-Mason at Wal-Mart (go figure), who said that we were a danger to religion, the government, and society. I did a quick rebuke and basically told him to stay off of youtube and the other conspiracy websites, as it was obviously effecting his cognitive abilities.

Now then, I personally do believe that we are actually dangerous to all the things that the “anti” mentioned, just not in the ways that he believed. I believe that as Masons we are taught to be freethinking, independent, and suspicious of any organization or group which would like to take away our liberties and freedom of thought. After all, many of our founding fathers were Masons who were literally outlaws and rebels in the eyes of the English Crown, when they formally stood up against England and declared our independence. Therefore, as Masons we do have track record of opposing tyrannical governments.

I have also read some interesting books that pose the theory that a groups which helped to begin the Protestant Reformation, eventually become the modern Freemasons. Therefore, if this is true we have opposed religious institutions in the past, which could help explain why the Catholic Church held us in contempt for such a long period of time. Furthermore, the fundamental teachings of the S.R. involve religious tolerance and liberty.

Finally, when it comes to society, I feel that we could be “dangerous”, if we are working against the “flow” of society. I currently believe that much of society is ignorant, self-centered, and becoming increasingly detached from spirituality in general. Therefore, if we are working towards not only seeking light for ourselves, but also guiding those around us towards spiritual awareness and development, then we are working “against” society, and then could be a “danger” to society.

Therefore, I believe that we are dangerous, or at least in the eyes of those who enjoy tyrannical & oppressive governments and religious institutions, or a society that is falling further and further into darkness.

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