Thursday, October 8, 2009

I need a history lesson...

“Does the Confederate Battle Flag offend you?  Then you need a history lesson.”

Well, I took the advice of this tee-shirt that I saw, and I’ve been doing my own little research project.  It’s fitting in really nicely with all the reading and listening (audio books & sermons) I’ve been doing on the War Between the States.  I’m giving myself a history lesson, because the Confederate Battle Flag did offend me…until now.  I feel blessed that I have been led down this path, because I truly believe it is an exercise in dominion, in redeeming the truth about things from the liberal /Marxist / politically correct revisionist propaganda, and in bringing everything captive to Christ.

It’s late and I’m tired, but I just had to put this quote up on this blog to get this started.  I hope to add information about the Flag over the next week.

This is a quote by W. Earl Douglas who was a journalist out of Charleston, S.C.:

If hate had been the prevailing emotion between the races, then it is a safe bet that the Confederacy would never have been born.  Fortunately, there was love, understanding, and compassion.  And the two greatest lies ever perpetrated by history are:

1.  That the South instigated the war.

2.  That is was fought by the North for the purpose of freeing the slaves.

The Negro was merely used as their excuse for the war, while the real reason for it is reflected in every area in our lives – for the tentacles of our government form the bars of a new slavery.  No!  Don’t furl that Confederate Battle Flag, let it wave all across the South to remind Americans that there exists here a yearning for liberty, freedom, and independence that will not be denied.  Let it fly as a testimonial to real men and real women who would rather work and fight than shed tears and beg for governmental charity.”

By the way,  Mr. Douglas was black.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of information I have uncovered about this flag.  I hope to share more of it with you soon.

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