Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It Is Imperative That This Goes Viral - Your Life Depends On It!

Doc here: Please, please, please do everything in your power to spread the news as to what is coming in December when our so-called president, who never took the oath of office and still hasn’t proven himself to be a valid citizen who could even be elected according to the Constitution. This man (?) will cede our country’s sovereignty (or what’s left of it) to the One World Government – something the global elite has ordered him to do – remembering that he is just a puppet of this elite group who have planned this taking of our God-given freedoms, liberty, property, finances and rights of a free, sovereign people. The end is near and we need to ban together as one voice to stop this madness! Get everyone off their butts and start making noise – let those in the congress know – under no circumstances should they allow the so-called president to sign any treaty that will allow our Constitution to be subjected to any other foreign powers. Be strong – be loud – and be prepared – should this treaty be signed – for the s**t to hit the fan.

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