Friday, October 30, 2009

Algore's AGW Halloween Treat From FOX

BOO, Motherfucker.

During his appearance on Glenn Beck, Christopher Lord Monckton (correct form, actually) challenged Captain Corpulence to a(nother) debate on AGW, but now several million people–who may not have before–know Al has been dodging these invitations for years. Looking into the camera, Monckton said:

“Al, Baby.” Either Show Up to debate AGW or Shut Up about the subject–forever. Of course, he will do neither because he’s a lying piece of shit.

Monckton also put up Richard Lindzen’s graph of atmospheric CO2 retantion that disproves all the IPCC bullshit. Good stuff. Anthony has the show broken up into YouTube segments here. Fox will have the whole thing up later.

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