Saturday, October 31, 2009

Viva La Taxes!

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s cry in unveiling the House’s massive reform bill might as well have been “Viva la health care revolution!”

Thank you, Madam Fidel. Or is that Hugo, or Mao…

The House Health Care bill has bloated to an enormous nearly 2,000 page monster.

And we are all the citizens who will get trampled by this one.

The grand unveiling of the Revolution wasn’t open to the public, “Because that’s how we’re handling this event,” a person trying to get into the “ceremony” was told.

But, of course, we don’t want anyone to ask any tough questions. And not bask in the magnificence that is Speaker Pelosi, Mrs “drain the swamp” of corruption herself.

Truth be told, most lawmakers are excluded too. As the Hudson Institute’s Hanns Kuttner noted on the National Review Web site, you would have to devour 221 pages a day to have read this life-changing legislation in its entirety before it comes to a vote, promised for before Veterans Day, Nov. 11.

That’s $2.2 million dollars a page.

And that’s only the beginning.

“the cost of coverage would shift from a percentage of income to a percentage of the premium, no matter how high the premiums go.” This will be a big, unpleasant surprise for the working middle class.” Kaiser Health News’ Julie Appleby reported.

So your coverage would be based on the premium. The more and higher the premium, the higher the coverage. Or the reverse, since this whole debacle is based on lower premiums. So that means LOWER COVERAGE.


Washington Post columnist Harold Meyerson on Wednesday revealed that the Senate bill’s excise tax on “Cadillac” plans “targets a lot of Chevy plans as well.” The tax follows a formula based on the consumer price index plus 1%. But if medical costs and insurance premiums rise significantly higher than the CPI  (Consumer Price Index)— a near sure thing — a lot more plans get taxed.

Reminiscent of the Alternative Minimum Tax, a measure to soak the rich will end up drowning Joe Sixpack. Meyerson warns: “If employers opt for cheaper policies to avoid the excise taxes on more-expensive plans, their savings may not be passed on to workers as higher wages but simply kept by the employers. Out-of-pocket health costs for workers would rise, but into-pocket wage increases to cover those costs might not be forthcoming.”

The Alternative minimum Tax was passed in 1968 to to soak  a few Millionaires the Democrats felt weren’t paying enough taxes. Problem is, the tax once let out of the barn quickly grew like a weed.

Washington Post 11/11/2006:

Democratic leaders this week vowed to make the alternative minimum tax a centerpiece of next year’s budget debate, saying the levy threatens to unfairly increase tax bills for millions of middle-class families by the end of the decade.

They created the Monster themselves!

And now we have the New Monster. That they promise won’t go rampaging through The Village and destroy everything.

Hope and Change!

President Obama is planning to reduce the cost of medical care by taxing it!
So how many “not one dime” of taxes is that exactly?

Codification of the “Economic Substance Doctrine” (Page 349): Empowers the IRS to disallow a perfectly legal tax deduction or other tax relief merely because the IRS deems that the motive of the taxpayer was not primarily business-related.

Oh, yes, your kind compassionate and sensitive IRS Agent…

Individual Mandate Surtax (Page 296): If an individual fails to obtain qualifying coverage, he must pay an income surtax equal to the lesser of **2.5 percent** of modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) or the average premium. MAGI adds back in the foreign earned income exclusion and municipal bond interest.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”– George Orwell

Example-Medical Devices Tax:

President Obama invited them to the White House to cut a deal. They refused.

Now we have the wrath visited upon us. It’s not a tax on us directly, so he can claim he didn’t raise taxes, evil capitalists did.


It assesses an industry-wide payment which firms must make in proportion to their market share.  It bars the them from passing along the cost of the assessment by charging more for certain basic products, but allows them to raise the price of others to raise the funds for the fee.

So, the result will be that virtually every piece of advanced surgical equipment will be subject to a price increase to meet the levy from Washington. No matter that these devices often make the difference between life and death and that, in effect, taxing them raises the cost of vital treatments.  The vengeful White House will have its pound of flesh from the medical device industry for daring to be independent and to refuse to knuckle down to Administration pressure!

Valves, prosthetic limbs, pacemakers, hearing aids, and such are essential therapies that make life longer, better, and less painful.  To tax them makes no sense.  Except in the world of sharp elbows and interest group politics that grips this take-no-prisoners and show-no-mercy White House. (Dick Morris – former Clintonista)

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House bill appears even more expensive. It would impose $150 billion in Medicare cuts on the pharmaceutical industry, and a 2.5 percent tax on companies that manufacture medical devices (Page 339).

So that device that will save your life will cost you more to save it.


“So even though this bill tries to hide these costs as indirect taxes,” Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, recently told a business symposium, “average Americans who purchase health plans, take prescription drugs, or use medical devices will end up footing the bill.”

Another likely frustration for consumers: The premium hikes and taxes will take effect right away, while the subsidies and benefits in health care reform won’t kick in completely until 2013/4 and in some cases 2019.


That’s how they make it allegedly not add to the deficit, they tax you into the ground BEFORE you get any “benefits” from it. After that 10 years, the sky’s the limit.


Don’t you feel better about that Hope and Change now!

Now for a summary of just some of the Tsunami of Taxes…

Medicine Cabinet Tax (Page 324): Non-prescription medications would no longer be able to be purchased from health savings accounts (HSAs), flexible spending accounts (FSAs), or health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs). Insulin excepted. HSAs will effectively be killed by a final provision, which requires that most plans provide first-dollar coverage for most services.

Pg. 1516 regulates vending machines: In the case of an article of food sold from a vending machine that ‘‘(I) does not permit a prospective purchaser to examine the Nutrition Facts Panel before purchasing the article or does not otherwise provide visible nutrition information at the point of purchase; and ‘‘(II) is operated by a person who is engaged in the business of owning or operating 20 or more vending machines, the vending machine operator shall provide a sign in close proximity to each article of food or the selection button that includes a clear and conspicuous statement disclosing the number of calories contained in the article.

Yes, that’s right! Evil Capitalist Vending Machines must be regulated in order to keep your fat ass from buying that Oreo Cookie!  That’s surely going to reduce your premiums!

Pg. 31, under a section titled, “Sunshine on price gouging of health insurance issuers”: The Secretary of Health and Human Services, in conjunction with States, shall establish a process for the annual review of increases in premiums for health insurance coverage. Such process shall require health insurance issuers to submit a justification for any premium increases prior to implementation of the increase.

“Well, we’re sorry Company X, but we don’t feel that’s justified. You’ll just have to eat that cost.” And go out of business. Ah, we’re terribly sorry about that.
The bill adds a new section to the federal tax code: “‘PART VIII:HEALTH CARE RELATED TAXES.’ Among the new taxes are penalties for individuals who don’t purchase insurance and employers who don’t provide insurance, income tax surcharges of up to 5.6% to those earning more than $1 million, and a 2.5% excise tax on medical devices.”

Pg. 132: The bill creates the Office of the Ultimate Bureaucrat Health Choices Administration headed by the Health Choices Commissioner. Among the commissioner’s duties (he will be appointed by the president and approved by the Senate): “establishment of qualified health benefits plan standards,” “administration of individual affordability credits under subtitle C of title III, including determination of eligibility for such credits,” auditing insurance exchange participants to provide “accountability” for meeting his established standards and billing those insurance companies for the audits, collecting unspecified “data,” penalizing, suspending payments to, and terminating insurance plans that don’t meet exchange standards, establishing ” effective and efficient administration of the Health Insurance Exchange,” and “development of standards for the definitions of terms used in health insurance coverage, including insurance-related terms.”

No word on who will hold this unelected bureaucrat accountable for doing any of this well or fairly. Maybe they can bring back Van Jones?

But hey, look on the bright side, we will have a new federal office.

A brand new Bureaucracy and someone to look out for you…

And, who doesn’t need another of those?

Employer Mandate Excise Tax (Page 275): If an employer does not pay 72.5 percent of a single employee’s health premium (65 percent of a family employee), the employer must pay an excise tax equal to 8 percent of average wages. Small employers (measured by payroll size) have smaller payroll tax rates of 0 percent (<$500,000), 2 percent ($500,000-$585,000), 4 percent ($585,000-$670,000), and 6 percent ($670,000-$750,000).

Cap on FSAs (Page 325): FSAs (Flexible Spending Accounts) would face an annual cap of $2500 (currently uncapped).

Increased Additional Tax on Non-Qualified HSA Distributions (Page 326): Non-qualified distributions from HSAs would face an additional tax of 20 percent (current law is 10 percent). This disadvantages HSAs relative to other tax-free accounts (e.g. IRAs, 401(k)s, 529 plans, etc.)

Denial of Tax Deduction for Employer Health Plans Coordinating with Medicare Part D (Page 327): This would further erode private sector participation in delivery of Medicare services.

Surtax on Individuals and Small Businesses (Page 336): Imposes an income surtax of 5.4 percent on MAGI –modified adjusted gross income–over $500,000 ($1 million married filing jointly). MAGI adds back in the itemized deduction for margin loan interest. This would raise the top marginal tax rate in 2011 from 39.6 percent under current law to 45 percent—a new effective top rate.

Corporate 1099-MISC Information Reporting (Page 344): Requires that 1099-MISC forms be issued to corporations as well as persons for trade or business payments. Current law limits to just persons for small business compliance complexity reasons. Also expands reporting to exchanges of property.

Delay in Worldwide Allocation of Interest (Page 345): Delays for nine years the worldwide allocation of interest, a corporate tax relief provision from the American Jobs Creation Act

Limitation on Tax Treaty Benefits for Certain Payments (Page 346): Increases taxes on U.S. employers with overseas operations looking to avoid double taxation of earnings.

Application of “More Likely Than Not” Rule (Page 357): Publicly-traded partnerships and corporations with annual gross receipts in excess of $100 million have raised standards on penalties. If there is a tax underpayment by these taxpayers, they must be able to prove that the estimated tax paid would have more likely than not been sufficient to cover final tax liability.

Americans For Tax Reform put it this way:

A word search of the 1,990-page House healthcare bill (H.R. 3962) reveals that the term “tax” is used 87 times, “taxable” is used 62 times, and “excise tax” is used 10 times.
Other terms of interest are as follows:
House Healthcare Bill (H.R. 3962)
Term Number of uses
“Tax” 87 times
“Taxable” 62 times
“Excise tax” 10 times
“Taxes”  15 times
“Fee”  59 times
“Penalty” 113 times
“Require” 118 times
“Must”  58 times
“Shall”  3,424 times

The Bill:

And it will only cost $1 trillion Dollars over the next 10 years (after that all bets are off).

The most recent Gallup Poll reflected that 49% of respondents said they believed that the Obamacare plan will increase their health care costs.  Only about 20% said it would lower them.  It is taxes like these that substantiate this kind of concern. Rassmussen:  57% of voters nationwide believe it will raise the cost of health care, and 53% believe the quality of care will get worse. That’s part of the reason that just 45% support the plan. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% are opposed to it. Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters nationwide say that passing no health care reform bill this year would be better than passing the plan currently working its way through Congress. But what do We the People know, after all…

“If you make less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increase. Not by one dime. Not one dime.”

“You will get a tax cut . . . these checks are on the way.”–President Obama  2/24/2009

Trust Me!

Kick back and have a new federally excised-taxed Soda and candy bar from the newly-taxed Vending Machine.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Algore's AGW Halloween Treat From FOX

BOO, Motherfucker.

During his appearance on Glenn Beck, Christopher Lord Monckton (correct form, actually) challenged Captain Corpulence to a(nother) debate on AGW, but now several million people–who may not have before–know Al has been dodging these invitations for years. Looking into the camera, Monckton said:

“Al, Baby.” Either Show Up to debate AGW or Shut Up about the subject–forever. Of course, he will do neither because he’s a lying piece of shit.

Monckton also put up Richard Lindzen’s graph of atmospheric CO2 retantion that disproves all the IPCC bullshit. Good stuff. Anthony has the show broken up into YouTube segments here. Fox will have the whole thing up later.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is Freemasonry Dangerous?

By Jason Marshall

The question that I would like to pose for discussion is: whether or not Freemasonry is dangerous?

I had a run in the other day with an anti-Mason at Wal-Mart (go figure), who said that we were a danger to religion, the government, and society. I did a quick rebuke and basically told him to stay off of youtube and the other conspiracy websites, as it was obviously effecting his cognitive abilities.

Now then, I personally do believe that we are actually dangerous to all the things that the “anti” mentioned, just not in the ways that he believed. I believe that as Masons we are taught to be freethinking, independent, and suspicious of any organization or group which would like to take away our liberties and freedom of thought. After all, many of our founding fathers were Masons who were literally outlaws and rebels in the eyes of the English Crown, when they formally stood up against England and declared our independence. Therefore, as Masons we do have track record of opposing tyrannical governments.

I have also read some interesting books that pose the theory that a groups which helped to begin the Protestant Reformation, eventually become the modern Freemasons. Therefore, if this is true we have opposed religious institutions in the past, which could help explain why the Catholic Church held us in contempt for such a long period of time. Furthermore, the fundamental teachings of the S.R. involve religious tolerance and liberty.

Finally, when it comes to society, I feel that we could be “dangerous”, if we are working against the “flow” of society. I currently believe that much of society is ignorant, self-centered, and becoming increasingly detached from spirituality in general. Therefore, if we are working towards not only seeking light for ourselves, but also guiding those around us towards spiritual awareness and development, then we are working “against” society, and then could be a “danger” to society.

Therefore, I believe that we are dangerous, or at least in the eyes of those who enjoy tyrannical & oppressive governments and religious institutions, or a society that is falling further and further into darkness.

Nobel Peach Prize

A quote attributed to Newt Gingrich just about sums up the state of the Peachy Nobel Prize-Givers:
“As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but that America gave him the White House based on the same credentials.”
Couldn’t have said it any better, Genghis Genghis Newt-Khan…couldn’t have said it better myself.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Twelve Reasons For A Job Loss Recovery

Twelve Reasons For A Job Loss Recovery

by Michael Shedlock

I have been talking about the Job Loss Recovery for quite some time. Here are a few recent examples.

July 14: Bernanke Sees Chance of Jobless Recovery

Given that the Fed’s first mission is to delay, confuse, hope, and otherwise attempt to buy time while engaging in wishful thinking along the way, that Bernanke is willing to admit this may be a jobless recovery is a sign that things will likely be at least that bad. In other words, prepare for a job loss recovery.

August 3: Thoughts On The “Recoveryless Recovery”

Most know that I am in favor of an “L shaped recession“, but that definition includes a “WW” or even a “WWW” where the economy slips in and out of recession for a decade, as happened in Japan.

August 6: Dismal Unemployment Situation In Chart Form

Job Loss Recovery

The last three recessions are unlike the eight preceding recessions. For numerous reasons described below we are heading for another job loss recovery.

Job Loss Recovery Detail

click on chart for sharper image

If the pattern holds, unemployment will rise until 2011 or beyond.

So while everyone is tooting horns and cheering the end of the end of the recession before it has even ended, those graphs and comments from Bernanke himself will put the pending job loss Recovery into better perspective.

What is bringing this idea to the forefront now is all the enthusiasm over what is destined to be the weakest recovery ever.

Others seem to be catching on.

Rebounding Economy Shedding Jobs

Please consider Experts see rebounding economy shedding jobs.

Forget a jobless recovery. The economy may be entering a recovery with job losses.

Third-quarter estimates this week are expected to show that the economy grew for the first time since the quarter ending in June 2008. Despite the estimated 3 percent expansion and a stock market that has been on a tear since March, hundreds of thousands of people are still being laid off each month.

Eight million jobs have been lost nationwide since the recession began two years ago, and by some measures workers face the worst job market since the Depression. The average laid-off worker has been without a job for 61/2 months, a post-World War II record. Many of those workers will never recover financially.

California’s hole, deepened by a state budget mess and volatile tax system, is far worse: Unemployment is at

12.2 percent, third highest in the nation; and adding discouraged and part-time workers puts it over 20 percent.

“It’s not even a jobless recovery; it’s a recovery with more job losses,” said UCLA economist Lee Ohanian. “The idea of having essentially no net job creation after a remarkably severe recession is a real pathology for the U.S. economy.”

‘Painfully weak’ job growth

Top White House economist Christina Romer of UC Berkeley told Congress on Thursday that employment growth could remain “painfully weak” through next year, and that the largest effect from the $787 billion stimulus enacted in February, mainly aid to states, is past. By mid-2010, she said, the stimulus will no longer contribute to growth.

Alarms are ringing at the White House and in Congress. But with a mind-boggling $1.4 trillion deficit this year, Democrats have used up their bullets. The word stimulus has such a bad connotation that the term has been banished from new efforts to goose the economy and help workers

Employment mystery

Economists are puzzled as to why job growth has slowed, citing everything from higher health care costs, to higher productivity, to Chinese currency manipulation.

“The answer is, we don’t know,” said Tim Bartik, a liberal economist with the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research in Michigan who is proposing a tax credit for employers who hire new workers.

There Is No Mystery

Of course we know why job growth has slowed. Here are 12 good reasons.

1. We consumed more than we produced for a decade. Consumers are deep in debt and need to take care of their balance sheets.

2. We built enough houses for 15 years in a 5 year window.

3. People thought home prices would rise forever and borrowed against their homes. They are now underwater and cannot sell or move.

4. There is rampant overcapacity everywhere. We do not need any more Walmarts, Pizza huts, nail salons, Targets, Home Depots, Lowes, gas stations, grocery stores, or anything else.

5. Global wage arbitrage and outsourcing.

6. Boomers heading into retirement are scared half to death. They will not be spending or traveling as much as they thought. Indeed they will be attempting to downsize their lifestyle.

7. Attitudes everywhere have changed. People have finally caught on to the idea that home prices do not always go up. Businesses have caught on to the idea that home prices and commercial real estate does not always go up. Thus banks have tightened lending standards and consumers are reluctant to borrow.

8. “Frugality is the New Reality”. Here is a Search for the word “frugality” in this blog.

9. Misguided federal tax policy. The administration plans to raise taxes on the wealthy. On top of that the health care plan is going to be very costly for small businesses. Thus the administration has inadvertently given small businesses two more reasons not to hire. Instead the administration should be slashing corporate tax rates.

10. Government Pension Plans. States are raising property taxes to help fund pension plans that have blown up. This is a drain on the economy. These plans need to be killed. Please see California Treasurer Spanks Legislature Over Pension Reform And Reckless Spending for an interesting rant about the pension mess in California. Most states are in the same boat, although California is the worst of the lot.

11. Stimulus Spending. Japan has already proven that Keynesian and Monetarist solutions cannot and do not work, yet we try anyway. Please see Will Stimulus Take Hold? for details.

12. Deficit spending in general. Spending what you don’t have and cannot afford never solves anything. We can no longer afford to be the word’s policeman but still attempt to do so at enormous cost. Indeed, there are many things we cannot afford and do anyway. As a result, interest on the national debt is soaring, the dollar is weakening, and this is drain on the real economy regardless of what the stock market thinks about it.

Tax Credits And Other Bad Ideas

Giving tax credits for hiring cannot possibly accomplish anything worthwhile. Businesses are not likely to take on needless expense just for a tax credit. They will just hire who they were going to hire anyway.

Of course the might be exceptions. For example: Give me a big tax credit and I will hire my wife. Our pre-tax household income would not change one iota but our after-tax income would change by the amount of the tax credit. While this would be worthwhile to me, it does not seem to be an effective way to stimulate the overall economy.

Returning to the article for another ill-advised solution….

University of Maryland economist Peter Morici said the administration’s efforts to restore growth by directing spending to such things as alternative energy are too expensive for the number of jobs created and ignore larger problems in the economy.

“You can’t grow with a huge trade deficit,” Morici said. “If you don’t revalue the Chinese yuan against the dollar you can’t get out of this mess, and if you don’t do something about oil imports you can’t get out of this mess. Industrial policies won’t fix it.”

Morici is correct about the Obama Administrations misguided energy plan. However he is wrong about the trade deficit.

According to Rothbard “More nonsense has been written about balances of payments than about virtually any other aspect of economics.”

Inquiring minds are reading Does the widening US trade deficit pose a threat to the economy? by Frank Shostak.

Most economists are of the view that the ever-growing US trade deficit and the subsequent expanding foreign debt pose a threat to the well-being of Americans. What is then required, so it is held, is to set in motion policies that will help curtail the widening trade imbalances between the United States and the rest of the world. Focusing on the trade deficit as the supposedly major problem of the US economy only diverts the attention from the real culprit, which is the US central bank.

What matters for the process of wealth formation is the flow of real savings. The balance of payments statement doesn’t provide such information. Consequently, it is not possible to determine the implications of a given state of the current account on the well-being of Americans without information regarding the state of the flow of real savings. Therefore various pessimistic assessments regarding the US economy, which are based on the state of the balance of payments, are likely to be without much foundation.

For a complete rebuttal to the trade deficit myth, please read Shostak’s article in entirety.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Mike “Mish” Shedlock is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. Sitka Pacific is an asset management firm whose goal is strong performance and low volatility, regardless of market direction. Visit to learn more about wealth management and capital preservation strategies of Sitka Pacific.

Black Moderates & Conservatives (the 4%?)

The perception is 96% of the black electorate voted for Obama. Is that true? Probably. Did all those black Obama voters have the same mindset? Of course not. Many expectations and cultural forces pushed the vote. Whatever. More significant is the non Leftist, non-dependancy class black citizen. No, not just Thomas Sowell. There are many black voices that offer an alternative to the dependancy class and we know way too few of them. I bet if I close my eyes their messages are the same.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nick Griffin: allowed to stumble into the mainstream against a wall of bias...

…created by those who let him on.

Sean Gabb

I link to an article of mine on, penned in the wake of settling dust after the appearance of Nick Griffin of the BNP last Thursday on Question Time. Please follow my link and read the whole essay: for a flavour of what I said, here is an extract:-

…From the opening minutes, it was plain that this would not be—nor was planned to be—a normal episode of Question Time. The other panellists had conferred and brought along set speeches of denunciation, which the Presenter, David Dimbleby, both allowed and encouraged. Indeed, he joined in with hostile questions of his own.

It is unlikely that the audience had been fed questions to put. It was hardly necessary, bearing in mind the demographic profile—quite unlike Mr Griffin’s own electoral base. The questions were universally hostile. So were most of the audience comments.

Rather than Question Time, this was an hour in which Nick Griffin was put on trial before the nation, following the sort of process that a Communist police state might have envied. It was all set up to be grossly unfair.

I believe that Mr Griffin is planning a formal complaint to the BBC about bias. Sadly, he is missing the point. Whatever unfairness was meant, he was given the opportunity of a lifetime to do two things—first, to show the world that he was not a sinister crank; second, to tell the world directly and in brief what he was in politics to achieve. Judged in terms of this opportunity, his performance was an embarrassing failure….

Today, we learn that Griffin may be asked back onto this programme. I might leave speculations, of a conspiratorial kind about the reasons for this announcement, to our Blogmaster.

“Radio for Peace…if we agree with you!”

More from Ernesto, Program Director of KPFT:

Leo has expressed to you interest in discussing this issue on air. While I know you’ve written of Leo being ‘backed into a corner’ by your posting, I tend to agree with him that your efforts and feedback are of value. Thank you.

My response:

I’d be happy to make an appointment to come to the station and discuss this with Leo, yourself and anyone else face to face and on the air. Please let me know what time you would like me to be there.

I’ve only brought attention to a larger issue here Ernesto.  Let’s not forget so many issues have started because of one thing and then moved to larger issues.  The whole of the civil rights movement wasn’t about Rosa Parks having to give up her seat on the bus, however, it was the spark that lit a fire exposing a great many other injustices and larger issues.

There are lies by admission and lies by omission. Ernesto, you’re guilty of both but mostly the latter.   My initial question, which for whatever reason, you failed to transcribe was why Leo treated the caller with such disrespect.  If you don’t have the awareness to see that an injury was made to Sonny’s respect, then I doubt there is anything I can say to affect any positive changed in your flawed way of thinking.  So the correct thing for KPFT to say is:  Radio for peace, unless we don’t agree with you, then the gloves are off! How do you expect to be an agent for peace and have such contempt for others who don’t believe the same as you?

Ernesto, you’re in a dangerous position right now, because you are of the mindset that you can do no wrong.  History is filled with evil despots who in their own minds thought they were doing the right thing, and like you, they were experts in the art of pontificating their righteousness to the unsuspecting masses.  I’m sure in their own delusional state they believed they were on the side of right, and I’m sure that’s what you think as well.  I’m only here to let you know, you’re mistaken, and you need to wake up.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How Much Juice is Left in this Bear Market Rally?

By Bill Bonner

Since it peaked in 2007, the UK stock market lost 60% of its value. As of yesterday, it had recovered half of what it had lost.

All over the world, the story is about the same. Markets have recovered half or more of what they gave up.

The US is a laggard. While the S&P is up 60%, the Dow isn’t yet at the halfway point. Some foreign markets, meanwhile, have 100% + gains.

Fund managers who missed the rally are kicking themselves. They’ve failed to keep up with the benchmarks.

Even before the market headed up in March we echoed Richard Russell’s words: “One of the surest phenomena in the financial world is the bear market bounce,” he said. We also guessed that the bounce would go to about half the previous losses. We based that on what had happened after the Crash of ’29.

Well, we’re still not there. But an analyst from Morgan Stanley tells us that markets tend to do better than that. The typical bounce is about 70%, says he.

Whew! That’s a pretty serious bounce. If we’d known it was going to be that big we would have encouraged dear readers to bet on it. Instead, we judged it a dangerous countercurrent…like a back eddy or rip tide. Yes, it can take you places…but not necessarily where you want to go!

Our outlook here at The Daily Reckoning is very long term. We don’t like betting on countercurrents…even important ones. Instead, we like to go with the flow…and keep going with it until it arrives at its end.

That’s not as easy as it sounds.

In 1999, it looked like the bull market had come to an end. We thought so. We told readers to get out of stocks…and stay out. Gold was a better place to be.

Investors made nothing in stocks for the next 10 years. In real terms, the stock market decline began in January 2000. Prices went down. They bounced…such a big bounce that it looked like a genuine new bull market. But after inflation, there wasn’t much left. Adjust for purchasing power and investors were worse off every year. Even now, after a 7-month bounce and a 45% gain, Dow investors are still down 30% to 40% from the highs set in 1999.

Dave Rosenberg…

“The only thing we really learned in this extremely flashy, seven-month, 60%, nine-point multiple expansion-led rally, is that momentum investing never did become extinguished this cycle. It is really a fascinating commentary on human behavior that so many ‘investors’ are lamenting about how ‘the train has left the station’ without them. Please, give us a giant break! The train has left the station countless of times in the last 10 years but obviously none of these trips lasted very long because the reality is that equities have failed to generate any positive return over this time interval.

“As for the here and now, there is another reality. Price gains in the stock market have generally occurred with low volume. There are limited buyers – hedge funds and flash traders – but no sellers (not yet, anyway). And, we saw in yesterday’s decline that volume climbed across the board, and the number of high-volume selloffs is a major red flag that should not be ignored.”

The typical major bear market lasts 15-20 years. The last one began in 1966. It wasn’t until 1982 – 16 years later – that the next major bull trend began.

This bear market is already 10 years old. Perhaps it will end in 2015. Maybe in 2020. We don’t know when. We only know how it will end – in misery.

Now, despite 10 years of stinkin’ returns, investors still believe in stocks. They still hope to find the ‘next Google.’ They still punish fund managers who hold back. They still read the financial press. They still watch CNBC. They still want to know what stock to buy.

Yesterday, they bid up the Dow 131 points. The price of stocks to gold is about 10 to 1. When this trend began ten years ago, we predicted that the Dow and gold would go all the way to 1 for 1. We guessed it would happen at the 3,000 to 5,000 level. We’ll stick with that prediction until it proves correct…or it makes us look like a fool.

Government debt? No problem. The net interest paid by the US government is actually about the same – as a percentage of GDP – as it was 40 years ago. It’s only 1.3% of output – nothing to worry about.

But wait…what’s this? The average maturity of that debt has come down from more than 5 years to only 4. And according to the Office of management and Budget, if the US continues on its present course, net interest will rise to 5% of GDP in 2019 and 10% in 2034.

And that assumes there is no big increase in interest rates…and that the economy recovers as planned. If either of those things fails to happen, the situation will degrade fast.

Imagine if the government were forced to refinance debt at double-digit interest rates – as it was in the late ’70s. Net interest could go to 5% of GDP within months.

We’re in a depression, not a recession. Depressions take longer to sort out. But they are also far more treacherous. Because there are always periods when things seem to be going “back to normal,” only to go back down again as soon as investors turn bullish.

Richard Koo, author of The Balance Sheet Recovery, recalls how it was during Japan’s long, dark passage:

“We had these false starts… The economy would begin to improve and then we’d say ‘oh my god, the budget deficit is too large.’ Then we’d cut fiscal stimulus and collapse again. We went through this zigzag for 15 years.”

Koo understands what is going on, more or less. Companies and households are paying off debt. He and Paul Krugman believe the feds have to continue pumping money into the system or they’re going to have a “lost decade,” just like the Japanese.

You have to keep the stimulus money flowing “until the private sector de-leveraging is over,” he says.

By our calculations, it will take 5-10 years for the private sector to de-leverage. By that time, the feds will have added trillions in debt to public finances. Since they can’t finance that much from private domestic savings, and since foreigners will be wary about lending that much even if they had it, the Fed itself will have to pony up the money. This will put the dollar in further danger…along with the entire global financial system.

Koo may be right – as far as his thinking takes him. He should think a little further. The problem is debt. Too much debt in the private sector caused bear markets and a bank crisis. Too much debt in the public sector will cause big problems too – a default…and hyperinflation. Worse than a depression.

How Much Juice is Left in this Bear Market Rally? was originally published in the Daily Reckoning on 23/10/2009.

Dear Leo, we have no misunderstanding...

This is Mr. Gold’s latest attempt to spin his hateful comments into love after reading my blog.  Here’s what he had to say:

“No.  You misunderstand the nature of things yet again.  YOU are generating the publicity by posting inflammatory notes (”KPFT HATES ALEX JONES”) on Jones websites.  You enjoy the inflammation; I get the publicity.  My note above speaks for itself and is in contrast to your portrayal of it.”  — Leo Gold

How could I be misconstruing things?  I’m quoting you verbatim.  These are your words, not mine.  In regards to your reaction, it is both cowardly and arrogant.  You make assertions and assumptions about members of the KPFT listening audience who pay you the respect of listening to your show and what do they get in return?  You label them as Conspiracy Theorists, and you do so in a very dangerous and very public way on KPFT in the middle of the day.

To ad further injury, you hang up on them first so you can tell them off without the threat of having to give any explanation for your assertions.  Then you have the temerity to do some half-assed damage control and sneak an email to me on the side merely because the GM of the station told you to, and I can’t help wondering if his swift action to the situation isn’t motivated by the pending fundraiser next week.  Let’s face it, you didn’t do it out the goodness of your heart.  You did it only because you were backed into a corner.

“Given that, I recommend that you stand down right now. But if not, that’s ok too, as; hits are way up and people are emailing like crazy that they loved yesterday’s show.” –Leo Gold

So I guess no press is bad press eh Leo..?  It seems you’re going to use this public relations blunder as a publicity franchise for yourself and for those at Pacifica.  So if I understand you correctly, you propose to capitalize on this love fest by deferring our little conversation until next week.  So the star attraction of your plea for dollars will be tar and feathering the crazy during during KPFT’s telethon.  So what’s the solution?   Do we continue to create a spotlight by giving patronage to your Facebook page so you can increase your stable of “friends” and ascend to the glorious position of Houston’s intellectually elite..?  No thanks Leo.  I’ve got a better idea…

To all the 9/11 Truthers, Patriots, Conspiracy Theorist, and so called “Nut Jobs” — I would like to suggest a course of action.  Stop being treated like a second class citizen.

The answer here is simple.  If you were outraged by Leo Gold’s comments, if you are tired of these one trick pony liberals with a lot nerve and a little bit of education labeling you as crazy  because you know the truth, then I ask you to take a stand.  I’m asking you, the conspiracy theorist, nut jobs who aren’t afraid to admit it, I want you to put your money where your mouth is and boycott the KPFT fund-raiser planned for next week.

As truthers, it’s time for us to ascend to the level of respect and dignity true patriots deserve.  These people have no intention of treating you with respect unless they have to.  Let’s make them.  It’s bad enough we as the truth movement endure petty ridicule from the likes of Geraldo or the ghouls on Fox and friends, but do we really have to take it from whiner like Leo Gold and his little two hour a week rant of superiority?  Now is the time to put and end to the sarcasm and heckling by a halfway house for so-called intellectual elitist and second-rate journalists.

If you reward institutions like Pacifica who ridicule you and therefore conceal the real truth, if you give them your ears, your time and God forbid, your money, then you are of the same disorganized thinking of a battered house wife.  Her husband beats her, screams at her and deprives her, yet she’s the first one to come to his defense when he’s in hand cuffs.  Cast off this slave mentality.   Walk tall, and claim your birthright as a citizen of the United States.

The answer here is simple.  Don’t give money to KPFT next week.  If you planned to make a donation, don’t.  Instead  support the institutions of truth where you are fed intellectually, like your local 9/11 truth movement, Ron Paul, Alex Jones David Eik.  Support those people who drape banners over the freeway bridges saying 9/11 was an inside job.  Support your local pastors, teachers or business men who have bravely taken a stand and have been held up to ridicule by two bit puppets and pin heads like Leo Gold.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Commerce Clause part 2 of 4

© Copyright 10/22/09

all rights reserved

Previously WE looked at an introductory list of how WE the People could regain control of Our right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”Last time WE went into Why The 9.12 Project won’t work. Here is the list:

The List (simplified)

1.   Overthrow the government by a military coup or para-military militias?

2.   The 9/12 Project.

3.   ‘The Commerce Clause’

4.   Convening a Constitutional Congress

5.   Hope that the present circumstances will change and the will of WE the People will be implemented

6.   Hope that the other party will get its act together and produce the necessary changes for WE the People in future elections.

7.   Remain divided and work for self, other causes, parties and candidates.

8.   Establish a new political Party

Each one of these will be further worked in future posts.

Today – ‘The Commerce Clause’ – part 2 of 4

Last time WE looked at the exact wording of the ‘Commerce Clause’ from the U.S. Constitution. WE looked at ‘Wickard VS. Filburn,’ the landmark case decided in 1942.  WE also looked at the U.S. Supreme Court’s own website, as to the facts of this case and its unprecedented decisions. Finally, we looked at several states that have begun, recently, to challenge those decisions under the banner of gun control laws.

Many strict constitutionalists believe the Supreme Court decisions in ‘Wickard VS. Filburn’ were unconstitutional. What was more than a mere interpretation of the meaning of the word ‘commerce’ begs the question:

How did the federal government not just have the power to ‘regulate commerce,’       but command jurisdiction over the states?

In order to understand this we need to understand what else was going on in the country in 1942 when the Wickard v. Filburn case was decided, granting more control to the Federal government, by interpreting the Commerce Clause as the Supreme Court did. Unfortunately, by 1942 when his case found its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, all but one justice had been appointed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Justice Owen Josephus Roberts, a Republican, had been appointed by Herbert Hoover. The Court was clearly in Roosevelt’s corner philosophically. The court’s unanimous decision in this case reflected New Deal logic.

In telling a story, there is a format utilized known as narrative development. In order to appreciate the ending, we need to understand how the story evolved. Such is the importance in understanding the ‘Commerce Clause.’ What led up to this court case and what else was going on in the country at the time the Supreme Court rendered its decision?

To raise revenue to fund the War Between the States, the income tax was introduced in the United States with the Revenue Act of 1861. It was a flat rate tax of 3% on annual income above $800. The following year, this was replaced with a graduated tax of 3-5% on income above $600 in the Revenue Act of 1862, which specified a termination of income taxation in 1866.

The Socialist Labor Party advocated for a graduated income tax in 1887. The Populist Party ”demanded a graduated income tax” in their 1892 platform. The Democratic Party, led by William Jennings Bryan, advocated the income tax law passed in 1894, and proposed an income tax in their 1908 platform.

Prior to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co.,157 U.S. 429 (1895), aff’d on reh’g, 158 U.S. 601 (1895) all income taxes had been considered to be excises (indirect taxes) required to be imposed with geographical uniformity; such taxes were not required to be apportioned by state according to population (as are direct taxes).

In his dissent to the Pollock decision, Supreme Court Justice Harlan stated:

“When, therefore, this court adjudges, as it does now adjudge, that Congress cannot impose a duty or tax upon personal property, or upon income arising either from rents of real estate or from personal property, including invested personal property, bonds, stocks, and investments of all kinds, except by apportioning the sum to be so raised among the States according to population, it practically decides that, without an amendment of the Constitution — two-thirds of both Houses of Congress and three-fourths of the States concurring — such property and incomes can never be made to contribute to the support of the national government”

The Sixteenth Amendment (Amendment XVI) to the United States Constitution allows the Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on Census results. This amendment overruled Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co. (1895), which limited the Congress’s authority to levy an income tax.

The wording of the original constitution was changed and hairs spilt over “indirect” as opposed to direct taxes.  It was ratified on February 3, 1913 by 42 of then, 48 states.

“The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”

For history and purpose of the amendment see:

  • October 29, 1929 – The New York Stock Market crashes to an all time low (referred to as “Black Tuesday”), signalling the start of the Great Depression.
  • March 4, 1933 – Franklin Roosevelt is sworn in as the 32nd President of the United States.
  • December 5, 1933 – The 21st Amendment is added to the Constitution, pepealing prohibition.
  • January 20, 1937 – Franklin Roosevelt is sworn in as President for a 2nd term.
  • January 20, 1941 – Franklin Roosevelt is sworn in as President for a 3rd term.
World War II
  • December 7, 1941 – Japanese forces attack the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
  • December 7, 1941 – Hitler issued Nacht und Nebel, the Night and Fog Decree. This decree replaced the unsuccessful Nazi policy of taking hostages to undermine underground activities. Suspected underground agents and others would now vanish without a trace into the night and fog. SS Reichsführer Himmler issued the following instructions to the Gestapo.

“After lengthy consideration, it is the will of the Führer that the measures taken against those who are guilty of offenses against the Reich or against the occupation forces in occupied areas should be altered. The Führer is of the opinion that in such cases penal servitude or even a hard labor sentence for life will be regarded as a sign of weakness. An effective and lasting deterrent can be achieved only by the death penalty or by taking measures which will leave the family and the population uncertain as to the fate of the offender. Deportation to Germany serves this purpose.”

  • December 8, 1941 – The United States declares war on Japan.
  • December 11, 1941 – Germany and Italy declare war on the United States.
  • January 1 1942 – The name “United Nations”, coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was first used in the “Declaration by United Nations,” on this date during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers. The League of Nations was considered ineffective since it was not able to prevent WW II
  • November 28, 1942 – Cocoanut Grove fire – Huge fire – heavy on media coverage and the public mind
  • 1942 – Congress of Racial Equality – CORE – begins in Chicago to peacefully challenge segregation. Reached its zenith when it helped organize Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous march on Washington August 28, 1963
  • 1942 – Revenue Act of 1942 gas rationing and increased income taxes
  • May 15, 1942 Gasoline rationing was put into effect. Allocation: 3 gallons per week, to cover ordinary driving demands. Office of Price Administration (OPA) was the federal agency tasked with establishing price controls on nonagricultural commodities and rationing essential consumer goods during World War II (1939–1945). The Emergency Price Control Act (EPCA) passed on 30 January 1942 provided the legislative basis for OPA to regulate prices, not including agricultural commodities. EPCA also allowed for rent controls. The most prominent result of EPCA was the General Maximum Price Regulation issued by OPA in May 1942. This effectively set the price ceiling at March 1942 levels. However, EPCA did not address other economic issues beyond price controls. The resulting economic dislocations forced Congress to pass the Stabilization Act on 2 October 1942. This created the Office of Economic Stabilization (OES) that was responsible for controlling wage levels, regulating food prices, and generally stabilizing the cost of living. At this point, any OPA activities that could affect the cost of living had to be coordinated with OES. The effectiveness of OPA’s measures is subject to some debate. While OPA pointed to an overall 31-percent rise in retail prices in World War II compared to a 62-percent rise in World War I (1914–1918), undoubtedly a black market developed in response to price controls. Maintenance of product quality was a constant concern. OPA even colorfully noted in its Twelfth Quarterly Report “a renaissance of cattle rustlers in the West.” Reports from OPA’s Enforcement Division show that 650,000 investigations were conducted for all of 1943, with 280,000 violations found. In 1944, a total of 338,029 violations were reported, with 205,779 administrative warning letters sent out. Court proceedings were initiated in almost 29,000 cases.
  • Monday, November 9, 1942 the case which challenged the Commerce Clause Petitioner:  Wickard VS. Respondent: Filburn  was decided in favor of the government

The most obvious event of 1942 when the entire nation and the world were so otherwise occupied with World War II, the attention was on the war in the media of the day, not on the courts, legislation or legislators. Intentional or not, it is easy to slip things by when people are not paying attention. After the attack on Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941, the entire country was galvanized towards and primarily focused on the war efforts.

This is a tawdry tale of usurpation, jurisdiction and control. It is hidden like the Matrix or like Alice’s tales in Wonderland. The most astonishing thing of all is that it is all legal (fiction), and out in the open for anyone to see.

What may seem as insurmountable odds in regaining control of our liberties may appear hopeless, but there is an answer! Stay tuned here as we continue.

Next Time –  ‘The Commerce Clause’ – part 3 of 4

Check out the other blogs listed to the right. Come often. Bring others. Get involved. Do something. Even if it is just leaving a comment, that’s doing something. But don’t bother in telling me how stupid I am, this won’t work or that you hate my guts and things like that. Been there, done that and heard that all before and then some. Be original. Be different. I think no greater or more eloquent words were ever spoken about getting involved, than those by President John F. Kennedy -

“Ask not what your country can do for you,

but what you can do for your country!”

1 of WE,


An Amer-I-Can eagle

Progressive Radical Socialist Canned Criticism of American People: Danger, Profits, and Wrong Thinking

Glenn Beck-10-21-09-A


Glenn Beck-10-21-09-B


Glenn Beck-10-21-09-C


Glenn Beck-10-21-09-D


Glenn Beck-10-21-09-E


Background Articles and Videos


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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kelly Kapowski, the it girl

Teniendo en cuenta que la industria de la moda ha decidido que tenemos que volver a vestirnos como Kelly Kapowski (que no os engañen: no han vuelto los 80 con las hombreras, los 90, han vuelto los 90, os lo digo yo) tampoco es tan raro que esta mañana mis dedos hayan tecleado casi de manera inconsciente “Smashing Pumpkins” en el buscador de Spotify.

Porque si total voy a tener que vestirme como cuando iba al instituto, pues una parte de mi inconsciente relacionará las mallas de flores tipo Liberty con grupos de la época. También puede ayudar que con la llegada salvaje del otoño, así sin avisar, se me ha puesto un ánimo turbio y negro como las alas de un cuervo o como las ojeras de Billy Corgan.

Así que bueno, pasaré la mañana con el “Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness” a todo trapo. Podría haber sido peor, mi inconsciente podría haberme hecho teclear “BackStreet Boys” o algo peor que no quiero ni pensar. Y una recomendación antes de irnos: no se pierdan la última película de Woody Allen “Wathever Works”, que es una delicia de diálogos ágiles, ingeniosos e irónicos a más no poder. Allen ha vuelto a Nueva York y lo ha hecho a lo grande. Imprescindible.

It Is Imperative That This Goes Viral - Your Life Depends On It!

Doc here: Please, please, please do everything in your power to spread the news as to what is coming in December when our so-called president, who never took the oath of office and still hasn’t proven himself to be a valid citizen who could even be elected according to the Constitution. This man (?) will cede our country’s sovereignty (or what’s left of it) to the One World Government – something the global elite has ordered him to do – remembering that he is just a puppet of this elite group who have planned this taking of our God-given freedoms, liberty, property, finances and rights of a free, sovereign people. The end is near and we need to ban together as one voice to stop this madness! Get everyone off their butts and start making noise – let those in the congress know – under no circumstances should they allow the so-called president to sign any treaty that will allow our Constitution to be subjected to any other foreign powers. Be strong – be loud – and be prepared – should this treaty be signed – for the s**t to hit the fan.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Donna Summer--Videos

“God had to create disco music so I could be born and be successful.”

Donna Summer – Hot Stuff




Donna Summer – Love To Love You Baby(1975)


Donna Summer Love to love you 1976


Donna Summer I feel love ‘77


I Feel Love – Donna Summer



Donna Summer – A Song For You


Donna Summer Work That Magic 1991


Donna Summer-Cry of a Waking Heart-1991



Donna Summer The Power Of Love


Donna Summer – Don’t cry for me Argentina

I am sensual and very physical. I’m very erotic. But my sexuality exists on a sort of a fantasy level.


Background Articles and Videos Donna Summer – A&E Biography (part 1/6)

Donna Summer – A&E Biography (part 2/6)

Donna Summer – A&E Biography (part 3/6)

Donna Summer – A&E Biography (part 6/6)
Donna Summer – A&E Biography (part 4/6)

Donna Summer – A&E Biography (part 5/6)

Donna Summer – A&E Biography (part 6/6)

Donna Summer – Arsenio Hall Interview (1989)

Donna Summer Interview Part 1 Up Close 

Donna Summer Interview Part 2 Up Close 

Donna Summer – Interview at Oprah Show

Donna Summer – ET Interview (’Crayons’ CD 2008)

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Texas Exhales: Judge William Justice Dead at 89

Once known and “the most hated man in Texas,” Judge William Wayne Justice has died at age 89 after a long illness. Texans can now exhale, and those who are crafting a New Texas should take the life of Judge Justice as an example of the type of justice Texas doesn’t want and won’t tolerate.

Appointed to the Federal District bench by President Lyndon Johnson in 1968, he became known as a liberal judge whose decisions radically changed law and society in Texas.

Justice did not believe that the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights were static and unchangeable. He advocated the “living constitution” viewpoint that the Constitution should evolve as the society evolved.

Consequently, he legislated from the Federal bench.

His legal decisions covered issues in prison reform, immigration, public education, public housing and voting law.

In one of his more infamous rulings in 1977, Doe v. Plyler, he ordered that undocumented immigrant children had the same rights as US citizens and must receive public education. He also ordered bilingual public education.

Once his liberalism was chronicled and well-known, reformers and social do-gooders flocked to his courtroom to file class action cases. Some of the class action cases, many of which were the largest lawsuits in America, dragged on for decades. And his court decisions changed Texas forever and influenced legal precedent nationwide.

Frank Kemerer, Justice’s biographer and university professor, said that Justice was “perhaps the single most influential agent for change in 20th-century Texas history.”

Likely, Kemerer is right. But Justice’s brand of change did violence to the US Constitution. He should have been impeached and removed from office. But in a tyrannical Federal government that snickers at state’s rights and outright ignores the US Constitution, Justice was a hero.

In the new nation of Texas, Federal judges must be chosen that are committed to strict interpretation of the new Texas Constitution. The judges should be required to sign an affidavit stating their commitment to strict interpretation, and judges should stand for re-election or re-appointment every few years…no lifetime appointments to the Bench. In instances of judicial activism, judges should be subject to removal from the bench at any time.

The New Texas deserves no less than judges who will protect liberty.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What is to be done?

David Davis

I was contemplating an essay about the increasing intrusiveness of State surveillance of individuals the world over, and the increasing restriction of their thoughts and writings. But then, checking in my informal way before typing, I looked about me and it seems The Cautionary Revelation has been thinking along the same lines.

Our problem as libertarians in particular is that we eschew force and coercion, based on our beliefs in Natural Rights. This is fine and quite correct of us, and honest: and it is academically consistent with a philosophy of individual liberty under a minimal Common Law. However, we have in the end to ask where we not only hold self-congratulatory conferences, and not only continue to publish learned pamphlets about why liberty is really fairly astonishingly good at sorting out everything under the sun, and begin to ask:

“What is to be done about these GramscoFabiaNazis, who have always been, if you read the subtexts, cheerfully and openly honest and frank about what they have always intended?

The States Can Stop Obama

Sheriff Richard Mack
October 14, 2009

By now we have all heard the cliches and seen the posters from the “Tea Parties” espousing freedom, less government, and perhaps most of all, how the federal government had better back off trying to shove their national healthcare down our otherwise healthy throats. The truth of the matter is all the slogans of “Don’t Tread On Me” or “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” or “We’re Mad As Hell And We’re Not Taking It Anymore,” don’t mean a thing when compared to reality; the real and actual answer to all the protests, marches, and outrage. The answer is in our own backyards! The States can stop every bit of it! That’s right, the individual States can stop “Obamacare” and all other forms of out-of-control federal government mandates and “big brother” tactics. If Arizona, Hawaii, New Hamshire, Texas, etc. want nothing to do with National Healthcare as proposed by Barack Obama or Congress, then all they have to do is say “No!”
Read the full article

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

like a horse and carriage

If you head to Liberty you might notice some orange boxes hanging outside in a most traditional fashion, and a house of cards framing the entrance. It’s all because legendary French house Hermès has teamed up with Liberty to create an exclusive limited edition collection.

Taking Liberty’s trademark floral patterns and overprinting them with their signature bold carriage design, the Hermès Pour Liberty silk scarves are a graphic workout that’s part English romanticism and part French city chic. The layered designs veer from bold to abstract and are sure to become classics, each sporting a custom purple label and coming in a classic stamped Hermès orange box. Daring. Chef’s Kiss!

Liberty and Tien Phong team up

Liberty and Tien Phong team up
QĐND – Sunday, October 11, 2009, 20:34 (GMT+7)

A cooperation agreement was officially signed on October 10th in Hanoi between US life insurance company Liberty and Tien Phong Bank.

Under the agreement, the two sides will cooperate in providing insurance products for the Vietnamese bank’s clients.

Accordingly, the bank’s clients who apply for mortgage loans will be given insurance for their pledges at the bank.

In addition, clients of the bank, including individuals or organisations, can also access other insurance products and services, such as health, asset, accident, and tourism insurances, provided by Liberty at Tien Phong Bank.

Source: HNM

Translated by Thu Nguyen

Source: QDND Bookmark & Share

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is Socialism Biblical?

by Joel McDurmon, Oct 09, 2009

A reader recently sent us an email regarding socialism and the Bible. His friend, he says, contends that socialism is biblical. I hear this all the time. Having just completed the manuscript for my refutation of some modern Christian Socialists—Ronald Sider, Tony Campolo, and Jim Wallis—I felt the unction to reply to this claim. The email reads thusly:

I had an acquaintance who tells me Socialism is biblical. As he put it, “Think about it, the Israelites were required to give up their income for the benefit of 1. the priests 2. Levites 3. poor 4. those in debt 5. those countrymen who were slaves and 6. the farmers were not allowed to pick their produce up from the ground in order to give to the poor. That is called socialism. Oh and on top of that, they had a free will offering.”

I have a difficult time equating God’s direction with Socialism. What do you think?

The email is signed by a Chaplain, though he doesn’t say where or in what capacity. Chaplains often cross social lines that pastors and other church officials do not (unfortunately). Chaplains often deal with military men, public officials, officers, wardens, and prisoners among others. These men need a clear understanding of where the Bible draws lines between private versus State functions.

Our reader’s acquaintance introduces his arguments for Socialism by saying, “think about it.” Unfortunately for him, he has not thought about it enough. The refutation of his points is simple: in none of these instances was the “Socialism” involved enforceable by the civil State. Thus, to talk of “Socialism” is misleading. The measures are socialistic if by socialism you mean private application of charity by individuals, families, and churches in order to benefit the poor and needy of society. It is emphatically not socialism if by that label you mean taxation and redistribution enforced by the State’s gun. Big difference.

Christian Socialists have employed this sort of equivocation for 120 years as an intellectual bait-and-switch. I present a good example in my forthcoming book, God versus Socialism: A group of Boston social gospelers formed the Society of Christian Socialists in 1889, and immediately began publication of a monthly journal called The Dawn. Its mission statement read:

The Dawn stands for Christian Socialism. By this we mean the spirit of the Socialism of the New Testament and of the New Testament church. In man’s relations to God, Jesus Christ preached an individual gospel; accordingly in their relations to God, Christ’s disciples must be individualists. In man’s relations to man, Jesus Christ preached a social gospel; accordingly, in these relations, his disciples must be socialists.[1]

Notice the squirrely switch between the use of the capitol “S” “Socialism,” and the call for Christians to be lower-case “s” socialists. By the same logic, all humans are Humanists, all people who exist are Existentialists, all people who take communion are Communists, all rational people Rationalists, all people who eat cereal are Serial Killers, ad nauseam. These guys knew Jesus didn’t call for State Socialism, meaning government-power to redistribute wealth. Yet they could play off of the fact that Jesus called us to be hospitable and charitable in our social life among our fellow man—thus, we should all be good “socialists.” Once the Christians get on board with “socialism” and helping the poor in general, then the latent appeals for government Socialism start coming to the fore, as Christians are taught that all property should be socialized, “managed,” and receive “equitable distribution.”

Of course Christians are obligated by the Word of God to take care of the “priests” and “the poor,” but never does God’s Word authorize the civil government to tax people and redistribute wealth for these goals. Each of these measures was part of God’s law, but not part of the subset of God’s law that established and limited civil law. To make this point clearer, let us look briefly at each of the instances our Chaplain relates:

1. the priests and 2. Levites: The Old Testament law required that a portion of yearly tithes go to support the priests and Levites. The priests and Levites were the temple workers and servers for the twelve tribes. No one else was allowed to perform these offices. The offices themselves came at a price: priests and Levites were not allowed to own land. In exchange for not having their own productive capital, God mandated they live off of the charity of those who did.

// Yet God nowhere said that the civil rulers could use the force of the sword of the State in order to collect this tithe. The civil authority had no power to collect it by force, nor to punish those who did not pay up. It was for this reason that the prophet Malachi could complain about the people “robbing God,” for they were not paying their tithes (Mal. 3:8–12). The punishment was not to send tax agents knocking on doors or garnishing of wages. The punishment was left up to God, Who Himself could bring punishment in the form of historical sanctions: captivity, plague, etc. God would also pour out financial blessing upon obedience (Mal. 3:10–12). God was very serious about the tithe, but He did not empower the State to carry it out. No Socialism here.

An exception to this may appear in Nehemiah’s reinstitution of the law in Neh. 12:44; 13:10–13. But this was Nehemiah’s solution to the problem, and not explicitly commanded by God. Even here, it does not say that the “rulers” and collectors mentioned were empowered with the sword to do the collecting or punish those who refused. Further, they did not even have the knowledge of how much each household had in order to verify that what was given was a tithe. No IRS here. No Socialism here.

3. the poor: There were several “poor laws” in the Old Testament; none of them involved State Socialism. The yearly tithe went to the Levites at a national level, at a central national location. Every third year, however, the tithe remained locally, and was distributed locally to the resident Levites, aliens, orphans and widows (Deut. 14:28–29) (it says nothing of “the poor” in general). Again, nothing is said of government power to collect these tithes or punish those who did not give. The Israelites were expected to give voluntarily and themselves knew God would punish them if they refused, and bless them immensely as they obeyed (Deut. 12:19–21).

4. those in debt: Again this can only refer to certain poor laws, where God’s law allowed for poor brethren to receive no-interest loans for up to six years. In the seventh year any unpaid balance of the loan was cancelled. This was a measure designed to allow the poor brethren to borrow money to get back on their feet. Nevertheless, God gave the civil State no authority to regulate, monitor, or enforce these loans, nor to punish those who refused to lend. This law did not apply to foreign nationals living among the Israelites. Of them a lender could charge interest and continue to receive it indefinitely until payoff. See Deuteronomy 15:1–11.

5. those countrymen who were slaves: Jews who through debt, theft, or need were sold into slavery would face a six-year term. At the end of this term, they could decide whether to remain with their master, or return free into the marketplace. If they decided to return free, the master was obligated by law to give his former slave clothing and enough money to get going (Deut. 15:12–15). This income was indeed forfeited by the master, although the slave would have more than earned it through seven years of unwaged labor. Had he been a productive worker, the master would have profited greatly. The master would still be well ahead after giving him his freedom bonus. Had the slave been an “unprofitable servant” (Matt. 25:30), however, causing his master loss, then the master would surely be glad to see him go, and would surely pay to send him along and avoid any future losses. The aim of Old Testament slavery, of course, was to avoid such a situation. It aimed at reform and restoration of the unsuccessful individual. By spending six years working under a wise, successful, and productive master, a slave should learn the skills, mentality, and wisdom to succeed on his own once free. In this case, the six years of servitude and the payment upon release profited everyone involved.

All of this said, God’s Word adds nothing to this about the role of the civil State, nor of civil punishments for those who refused to obey the ideal.

5. the farmers were not allowed to pick their produce up from the ground in order to give to the poor: By law, owners of property were to not harvest the corners of their field, nor pick up sheaves that fell to the ground during harvest. These were left for the poor of the land to come along and “glean.” The gleaning laws gave the poor an outlet, for a very limited time of the year, for a very limited amount, to get food for themselves. They would have to do the hard work of finding and harvesting the slim pickings for themselves, and they would have to do so in competition with all other gleaners. As part of the charity involved here, this was good practice for becoming productive in a competitive market place.

Note again: the State did not enforce gleaning. The State had no mandate from God to punish those who refused to leave their corners unharvested. The State did not collect the gleanings and the hand them out to the poor: the poor had to go pick them up themselves.

So, in none of these alleged measures of socialism, do we find anything that genuinely earns the name “Socialism.” In no instance did the State have the power to redistribute wealth. In each instance, the “socialism” depended entirely upon individuals obeying God’s mandate for charity towards the Levite, the poor, and the disadvantaged.

God kept the State out of the charity business. There’s a good reason for this. If the power of the sword ever mixed with the power to distribute bread, there would be no end to political corruption: the State would use its powers of distribution to control the people; worse, people who grew dependent upon the State’s bread would also then be dependent upon the State’s sword. Acquiring provisions would no longer be an issue of personal responsibility, but of institutionalized force. It would teach the dependent of all shapes and sizes that deriving food at gunpoint is legitimate. Thus, State socialism would be nothing short of legalized armed robbery.

When Jesus fed the 5,000, the people were amazed. But Jesus realized they were not following Him because of the miracle, but because of the free bread:

Jesus answered them and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves, and were filled. Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man shall give to you, for on Him the Father, even God, has set His seal” (John 6:26–27).

When Jesus knew that the people who try to make Him king because of His generous welfare, He fled:

When therefore the people saw the sign which He had performed, they said, “This is of a truth the Prophet who is to come into the world.” Jesus therefore perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force, to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain by Himself alone.

Jesus was wiser than to mix civil power with welfare. This reflects the wisdom of Old Testament law. Our Chaplains need to understand this. So do their acquaintances, and every other Christian out there.

For those who wish to pursue this further, read David Chilton’s Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulators, and look for my forthcoming refutation of the New Social Gospel in God versus Socialism: A Biblical Critique of the New Social Gospel.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

This is how and why Gordon Brown will resign and soon

David Davis

Here you go. Health reasons. It’s the best way probably for him to go, but not for us: we needed to _inflict defeat_ seriously and with great power, specifically upon anti-English, deliberate, directed and focussed socialism, with an anti-English and wicked socialist in charge at the Helm of the Enemy Class Fleet.

This will not be as possible with somebody prettier and more Wireless-Tele-genic, later.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Voices of Opposition: Gay marriage threatens liberty says Cornell at thinkpoint

Steve Cornell left a comment on my site which directed me to a post on his blog, titled Will legalized Gay Marriage threaten Liberty? posted on May 27, 2009.  I read through the post and then commented, however, my entry is still waiting for approval to post.   I have reprinted my comment here.

[Blog Comment on]

Because of the complexity of your post I am only address a portion of it, and if I have time I will continue to address things on my own blog. – Thanks.

I agree with your opening statement. “America is a nation of rich multi-ethnic, multi-cultural diversity. But maintaining civility within diversity requires citizens who respect those who differ from them. Requiring such goodwill is good for the nation…We should not be disrespectful of anyone for matters related to their nature or how they were born. These cannot be chosen or changed.”

But two things I respectfully disagree with are 1) the idea of sexual preference and 2) forcing homosexuality on the populace.

Idea of sexual preference: Homosexuality, whether choice (or as you term preference) or innate, matters not in the course of civil law. Unlike the associations you make with such things as “Rape, incest and all sexual contact between adults and children”, homosexuality causes no harm and, as pertaining to marriage, is most certainly consensual (meaning the two parties are of an age of legal consent). I will note here that any non-consensual sexual contact is never ok.

Forcing homosexuality onto the public: Here I struggle with two arguments with what you suggest. First you suggest by allowing two consenting adults to make a legal and binding commitment, forces those around them in their community, city, state, nation and world, to participate in that union or in your words “force[s] the lifestyle choices of others on everyone”. Now, this seems quite a rather irrational argument, since I am quite sure no other marriage of heterosexuals has forced anyone else heterosexual or homosexual to participate in their union. I am equally certain my neighbors marriage has not once forced me to participate in their union or played any role in my life. Their union is theirs, and affects them alone.

There is a flip side to using this as an argument, that is the idea of forcing of beliefs, in particular religion. It seems many of the arguments both in other posts and in comments, as well as opposing groups views, bring up religion. However, not everyone is of the same religious view. Yet, by making marriage an issue of religion, one can equally argue that by making laws under the pretense of keeping others from sinning or by acknowledging god, one is forcing a particular religious view upon the populace who may or may not be of the same religious belief. For instance, my religion has no issue with homosexuality nor of any two consenting adults (incest is not included in this) getting married, yet by religious people pursuing changes in civil law, those in my religion are forced to comply with beliefs they do not hold and are forbidden (in my state) to perform ceremonies under penalty of fines and jail.

So, with that said, I thoroughly disagree. Liberty is being affected, indeed, but it is not of those who are already married or of those heterosexuals wishing to marry, but of those who are gay and wish to make a legally binding commitment to their partner there by being able to legally support and be held accountable to that person. Here in really lies the injustice

I need a history lesson...

“Does the Confederate Battle Flag offend you?  Then you need a history lesson.”

Well, I took the advice of this tee-shirt that I saw, and I’ve been doing my own little research project.  It’s fitting in really nicely with all the reading and listening (audio books & sermons) I’ve been doing on the War Between the States.  I’m giving myself a history lesson, because the Confederate Battle Flag did offend me…until now.  I feel blessed that I have been led down this path, because I truly believe it is an exercise in dominion, in redeeming the truth about things from the liberal /Marxist / politically correct revisionist propaganda, and in bringing everything captive to Christ.

It’s late and I’m tired, but I just had to put this quote up on this blog to get this started.  I hope to add information about the Flag over the next week.

This is a quote by W. Earl Douglas who was a journalist out of Charleston, S.C.:

If hate had been the prevailing emotion between the races, then it is a safe bet that the Confederacy would never have been born.  Fortunately, there was love, understanding, and compassion.  And the two greatest lies ever perpetrated by history are:

1.  That the South instigated the war.

2.  That is was fought by the North for the purpose of freeing the slaves.

The Negro was merely used as their excuse for the war, while the real reason for it is reflected in every area in our lives – for the tentacles of our government form the bars of a new slavery.  No!  Don’t furl that Confederate Battle Flag, let it wave all across the South to remind Americans that there exists here a yearning for liberty, freedom, and independence that will not be denied.  Let it fly as a testimonial to real men and real women who would rather work and fight than shed tears and beg for governmental charity.”

By the way,  Mr. Douglas was black.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of information I have uncovered about this flag.  I hope to share more of it with you soon.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Obama's latest radical leftist nominee would curtail religious liberty

Check out this post from Laura at Pursuing Holiness. (H/T ECM)


Ms. Feldblum explains that she does feel empathy when the rights of religious people are subordinated to that of LGBT people*, but it must, and will, happen. She intends to make it happen.

[...]In example after example she advocates for the right of LGBT people to make religious people conduct business in a way that they feel violates their core principles. It’s a touchy issue. I was happy to build websites for gay clients when it was for restaurants, real estate, and other businesses that had nothing to do with sex – but when asked to submit a quote to build a gay dating site, I referred the caller to another developer who was glad to bid for the project. Shall the law side with Ms. Feldblum’s dignity or with my religious freedom?

[...]So to sum up, the cure for her deep, intangible hurt is not to go freely associate with other people, but to force others to do what she wants… this is how she will rule when appointed to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

She’s done a lot of digging, and cites extensively from Chai Feldblum’s work, so I recommend clicking through and having a look. This is important, especially for those of us who live and breathe apologetics. If nominees like Jones, Jennings and Feldblum are appointed, it is very likely the ability to carry out an authentic Christian life in the public square will be be curtailed. Including apologetics.

This happens all the time in Canada, where people like Chai Feldblum are running the show:

  • The persecution of a Catholic Bishop (at Blazing Cat Fur)
  • The persecution of Rev. Stephen Boissoin (at Ezra Levant)
  • The persecution of Catholic Insight magazine (at Ezra Levant)
  • The persecution of Christian businessman Scott Brockie (at The Interim)

My previous post on Obama’s nominee for safe-school czar is here, and another post about the FRC’s opposition to him. And the Obama administration is backing limitations on free speech at the United Nations. These are serious issues and if they are ignored, we will be facing the same situations you can see in Canada today.

Glenn Beck Gets Warmer--The Crisis Is Intentional and Will Get Worse!




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Glenn Beck-10-05-09-B


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Background Articles and Videos




Related Posts On Pronk Palisades ACORN or Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now Crime–Corruption–Organized Crime–ACORN–Taxes–Obama Connected And Trained Obama’s Civilian National Security Force–Youth Corp Wave–Friendly Fascism Faces–Cons–Crooks–Communists–Communities–Corps! The American People Confront Obama’s Red Shirts (ACORN) and Purple Shirts (SEIU)–Bullhorns and Beatings Over Obama Care! Obama’s Marching Orders For His Red Shirts (ACORN), Purple Shirts (SEIU) and Black Shirts (New Panther Party)–Progressive Radical Socialists Obama Youth–Civilian National Security Force–National Socialism–Hitler Youth–Brownshirts– Redux?–Collectivism! Discover The Left’s Organized Crime Network–Crime Pays–Organized Crimes Pays More–Apply for Census Taker Jobs! ACORN Or Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now–Good Intentioned People Lead By Criminal Organizers–Demand A Special Prosecutor To Investigate!–Videos ACORN–Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now–Obama’s Red Shirts Obama–ACORN–CRA–Congress–Democratic Party–Fannie Mae–Barrack Obama’s Kansas Values–Killing Babies in Cold Blood? Voters Beware: The Radical Rules of Saul Alinsky and Leftist Democrats


Apollo Alliance Apollo Alliance and Obama’s Green Czar Van Jones: Greens on The Outside–Reds On The Inside–Big Greens, Big Unions, Big Foundations, Big Business, Big Bucks, Big Taxes–Videos


Federal Reserve System Banking Cartel’s Public Relations Campaign Continues:Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke On The Record The Obama Depression Has Arrived: 15,000,000 to 25,000,000 Unemployed Americans–Stimulus Package and Bailouts A Failure–400,000 Leave Labor Force In July!


Services Employee International Union (SEIU) Public Option = Government Option = Pathway to Single Payer = Single Payer = Socialized Medicine = Blue Pill = Poison Pill The American People Confront Obama’s Red Shirts (ACORN) and Purple Shirts (SEIU)–Bullhorns and Beatings Over Obama Care! Obama’s Marching Orders For His Red Shirts (ACORN), Purple Shirts (SEIU) and Black Shirts (New Panther Party)–Progressive Radical Socialists


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Glenn Beck and you...Enemy of the State?

This just in from the Missouri Information and Analysis Center: if you voted for a third party canidate in the previous election, or have cartoon-ish bumper stickers, you could  be an enemy of the state.  And MIAC gets twenty-eight percent of their funding from the Homeland Defense Department.  This solidifies by belief that the guv’ment is overgrowing it’s boundries and intruding on our personal and civil liberties.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The LPUK replies to our post about Gramscian alteration of cultures

Ian Parker-Joseph (Leader, The Libertarian Party of the UK)

(The following is a published comment on our original posting, reprinted as a formal post here, by kind permission of IP-J.)

I do not feel that you have gone far enough in your analysis, and whilst the view of history can be described in the manner your have described, you have not yet brought this up to date.

There is a much more insidious movement that underlies what we see going on around us. It is Communitarianism. It too is Fabian based, and is also determined to break down our historic and societal structures, so that it may build, right across the newly forming geo-political groupings society created and managed from the centre, and ultimately managed on a global basis.

Communitarianism is now present in the policy structure in all 3 major poltical parties in the UK, presented benignly as ‘progressive’ politics, they will dictate what communities should look like, how they should behave and what the demographics will be.

Progressive destruction always preceeds ‘progressive’ rebuilding, and all the parties have been responsible over the past 30-40 years for this happening here in the UK. Miners, fishermen, Steel, Farming are only some of the industries that have been forfieted in the name of Communitarianism.

The overall plan, to firstly destroy communities then to rebuild, not in the name of freedom for the people, under the rule of law, but in the name of controlled populations ruled BY laws, totally. Totalitarianism by any other name.

How does this happen without people knowing? Slowly, slice by slice.

Arnold Toynbee observed the lessons of history, in essence, when he said, “…all great Nations commit suicide”. We simply have to speed things along.

Here’s the plan:

1. Firstly, we must promote “Multiculturalism”. To support this, we will make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal, and that cultural differences are not important.
For instance, if any point out that drop-out rates are high for young Blacks, we respond by saying that this is entirely due to the prejudice and discrimination of the indigenous population. We refuse to countenance any other explanations.

2. The religious beliefs of immigrants must be accepted, not only as equal to, but superior to, those traditionally held in Britain. This must be done most carefully, so that liberal elements in the various churches can assist in their own downfall.

3. Encourage immigrants to settle together so that they have no need to take on the culture of the majority. Again, the key to this will be the constant promotion of ‘Diversity’ rather than ‘Unity’. When all that is left to hold us together is tolerance and pluralism we will have destroyed what is meant by being British!

4. We will encourage all immigrants to keep their own language and culture.
It will be important to ensure that we have various cultural sub-groups living in close proximity. Thereby reinforcing their differences.

5. But this isn’t all. We must make our fastest growing demographic groups the least educated. This will add a second underclass; a class unassimilated, undereducated, and antagonistic to the indigenous majority. If we can make this underclass have a 50% drop out rate from school, so much the better.

6. We will of course have to get big business and liberal foundations to give our efforts to create diversity lots of money. We will invest in ethnic identities, and establish the cult of victimology. We will persuade the minorities that their lack of success is the fault of the majority.
This will enable the development of a ‘grievance industry’, which will blame all minority failures on the indigenous population. This will keep the majority intimidated. Because they won’t want to be labelled xenophobic or racist, they will rapidly become afraid to, even question, what is happening.

7. We will constantly find reason to celebrate Diversity. ‘Diversity’ is a wonderfully seductive word, don’t you think? It stresses differences rather than commonalities. Never forget that diverse peoples, artificially thrown together, worldwide, generally end up hating each other. That is when they are not killing each other. So preach ‘Diversity’ at every opportunity!
Remember, it is against historical precedent to have a diverse, peaceful, and stable society. Remember also that in general terms, people undervalue the unity that’s needed to keep a nation together. We will take advantage of this natural Myopia.
If we are successful, and we will be, (just so long as can keep the plan hidden from the majority for long enough) we will be able to Balkanise Britain as easily as Yugoslavia.
(And now for the really good bits)

8. We will place all these subjects ‘off limits’- taboo to talk about. In the Middle Ages the threat of being called a ‘Heretic’ stopped discussion and paralysed thought. For our purposes, words such as ‘Racist’, ‘Bigot’, and ‘Xenophobe’ will serve to halt argument and conversation opposed to our plan!

9. Having established ‘Multiculturalism’, (and ‘Multilingualism’) alongside the doctrine of ‘Victimology’ we will next make it impossible to enforce our immigration laws. We will repeatedly say that as immigration has been good for Britain in the past, it must always be good. We will endeavour to ensure every immigrant (especially those with strong religious beliefs, i.e., Muslims), whilst occupying the same or overlapping geographic areas as the indigenous people, do so with minimal interbreeding. We will of course ignore the cumulative impact!

10. And finally, we will no doubt have to create one or two new political parties to facilitate this. They will serve political blind alley’s to siphon off any who question what is happening. We will help the leaders, we select, keep control, by ridiculing their organisations, whilst labelling their supporters as right wing and out of touch.
A similar approach will be adopted towards any genuinely ‘Nationalist’ organisation that showed signs of growth, for such an occurrence would be a direct danger to ‘The Plan’. So, if such a group appears, on top of labelling them racist and xenophobic, we will also launch a massive negative-publicity campaign against them. We will use the police and intelligence agencies to harass their activists, attempt to bankrupt them and, amend voting procedures to deny such a group access to political power. (Scottish voting debacle ring any bells)

Did you recognise the 10 points of the plan to destroy Britain? You should do, as this ‘Plan’ was put into operation decades ago, and the final section of the ‘Plan’ is now being actively used – against Parties such as the BNP, UKIP and occasionally many of the other hundreds of registered political parties, unions, blogs,and many individuals.

It is no small co-incidence that all the major parties now follow the same centrist policies. The One Party State, as David describes from history above is the fate that awaits us under the ‘progressive’ politics of the Conservatives, Labour, Libdems and the EU.