Thursday, February 11, 2010

Your Tax Dollars Working Hard

Were you planning on Visiting the USA’s Newest National Park anytime soon?

Do you know where it is?

Guess what, it is an Island…what’s that…I hear crickets.

Hmm, now how are we supposed to get there without a lot of time and expense?

Swim? Catch a boat? Hitch Hike in the ocean?

Why do I hear the “Jaws” music all of a sudden?

I think I would much rather see a real shark coming after me than the ones in Congress sitting behind a desk and smoking cigars. At least with a real shark you know what to expect unlike the ones in Washington.

Here is the run down on the National Park Our Tax Payer Dollars Just purchased

Congress just brought US a nice little island for $50 million dollars.

2900 acres of pristine island land near St Croix. Where?

Read it again folks…an Island near St Croix, in the Caribbean.

It has glorious views of the ocean and while most of US average people will NEVER see it, well it is now an American National Park.



50 MILLION TAX PAYERS DOLLARS spent in a time when most people cannot even feed their families.

Who’s corrupt hand was covered and paid for on this little investment?

50 Million Dollars in a time when unemployment is driving families into poverty and homelessness.



I told you the government could care less about the people.

Because IF THEY DID CARE, the government would certainly be using 50 MILLION TAX PAYER DOLLARS in thousand other ways that would ease American families burdens.

This is truly disgusting Congress. Be Ashamed, be very ashamed.

Let me show you a snapshot of our newest National park.

St Croix Island

Looks beautiful but where are the camp grounds? Cant take the RV camping there now can we?

What no boat ramp? How much will it cost the American People to get there?

Oh, I know I could sell that kidney I was saving for my son’s college education to get there :)

This is the kind of spending that has most of us seeing RED with steam coming out of the top of our heads, and with good reason too I might add.


How many more people will go hungry because of careless spending and money being handed over in “Shut Your Mouth Deals?” 1 in 8 Americans are HUNGRY, READ IT AGAIN CONGRESS…1 in 8 Americans are hungry. Do they care? Obviously not! Your children and my own, are just a social security numbers and that’s it folks. Your child is just someone who can help pay off the trade deficit and will. Then their child will be doing the same thing and so forth and so on. Up until at least the next 3 generations the way we are currently going. Isn’t that sad?

I still can’t get over it …$50 Million Wasted Dollars… on an Island, when American children are going to bed hungry.

What a sham of a government and a total mess they have put us all in.

This mess has been going on a long time too, folks.

The problem is, that the mess has now caught up with us and eventually it had to surface and it did. It’s crunch time and we had better crunch soon.

Love and Blessings



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