Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thought for 2-23-10 - Obama's new health proposal

President Obama’s 11 page ‘new’ health proposal is a slimmed down version of the present bills that would probably look more similar to the Republican ideas but will still pretty much be an insurance industry takeover and will still cost, in my opinion, way more than stated. It not really anything much ‘new’, just an attempt to resell it. In his own words he said he was guilty of a poor sales job in his first attempt. This is his second. It will be his last as well. His back is against the wall.

Looks like the feds would set ‘plan standards’ or minimums and regulate through another level of bureaucracy with no federal government insurance, but mandates for everyone to have coverage (to lower overall costs) through state based approved insurance markets.

There would also be high risk assigned pools like with auto insurance (where you go if you get a DWI). Looks like it might eliminate or cut that ‘high end policy’ tax and give small business tax breaks.

The proposal would impose fees on drug companies and Medicare tax increases for the wealthiest as well as taxes on non-earned investment income like capital gains (another as yet untapped tax potential).

The feds would have the ability to limit rate increases and institute computerized records and claims filing to lower costs and speed up payments.

It would also close the so called ‘donut hole’ in Medicare prescription coverage over the next ten years.

Even some of Obama’s own people are skeptical and his hardliners are even saying that his proposal is basically a ‘shot in the foot’ for the summit Thursday. And all of this is being attempted for the benefit of about ten percent of the population.

I expect this administration to continue to flail until they resort to the ‘reconciliation process’ to get it passed with only 51 votes, which they may not even have after Thursday. If they do this, however, you can expect a massive outcry from all over the country. Much of that will be weeping and gnashing of teeth by the democrats who will lose their seats in May and November. I guess there is hope and change after all.

It would tickle my funny bone to see old Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi stroke out if they fail to get it done. Obama is history. His already historically low approval rating is going to tank. He can’t move on to any of the other critical issues facing this country until he can finish this and right now he is like a snapping turtle who won’t let go until lightning strikes.

[Via http://ozarkfreedomfighter1.wordpress.com]

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