Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lest We Forget Our Men and Women


Today I wanted to honor our returned men and women of the Armed Forces.

I have written so many articles on what is going wrong in the world, that I decided to write about something of a personal experience I had last week.

Things we all take for granted that do not cost an arm or a leg, except for those military men who would gladly have their lost limbs, back on their bodies.

Last week I broke my toe… Now if America’s Funniest Home Video’s saw that fall, I would have won the $10,000.00 easy. Silly how easy it is to brake your toe and twist it up. For those of you who have done this it amazes me how much pain one toe can cause.

Still…considering other people who have lost both legs, it was nothing at all.

The same day I busted my toe, I had spent half of my day earlier at the Veteran’s Hospital.

I was talking to some really sick men who have served our country with honor and pride. These were men with limbs missing, air tubes under their noses, wheelchair bound and generally incapacitated.

A busted toe seems like nothing now, actually it is nothing.

Many of these ex-military guys are not happy with what is happening to the USA Military and how the country is being run for the future. I asked these 2 really nice guys I was chatting with, where they had previously served and what branch of the armed forces they were previously in.

One man was holding my hand, as he told me he was a Vietnam Vet and he was ex-Army. The other man was ex-Navy. One man was white and the other man was black. Yet the 2 of these men were brothers in arms and that counts for a lot.

Vietnam powmia

I then proceeded to tell then my son in law was serving in Afghanistan currently. Both of these men asked me how my son in law was was doing and what was going on over there. The other man sitting next to the Vietnam Vet then started to talk about the current state of the military and who in their right mind could expect our guys to ask questions first, read Miranda rights then possibly die why some crazy terrorists put a bullet in our boys brains.

Both guys now had loud voices and arms moving about as they became upset about the state of the Military. They both made comments to the general effect of That “there is more crap going on over there in Afghanistan, than we are led to believe in this country.” I agreed with them. These are ex-military guys and they had seen war, they know.

I watched sad faces, men walking with disabilities, sleeping in wheelchairs drooling, and the air was filled with sadness and pain.


When was the last time our congress went into a Veteran’s Hospital and asked these guys some questions about their lives? Ask these same men and women what they think America should do with terrorists? These are the same guys who lost body parts to protect this country. They do not understand why we are allowing terrorists to threaten our Country. Please explain that to these very brave men who have given up so much for what seems so little to them now.

Some of these men have serious mental issues now. Some never recover from the death around them, in war.

The sound of bullets whizzing past their ears. They wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats and tears. These guys take so many drugs in order, to have some kind of normal life. These are the same men who have had series of Anthrax shots. Please do not tell me, that these shots do not have any side effects either. I beg to differ.

My son in law has had about 4 to 6 Anthrax shots now. He has seen battle in Iraq and suffered an injury to the side of his head. He now suffers from back and joint pains. He has also had chest pains, when he was serving in Iraq and which I believe have developed from these Anthrax shots. He is 33 years old. He is a father and husband. Congress please tell him why he is out there putting his life on the line to read Miranda Rights to a terrorist again?


This is a picture of my son-in-laws little boy. Beautiful baby isn’t he?

I cannot show you a picture of my son in law to protect his privacy while he is serving in Afghanistan.

There was one point at the Veteran’s Hospital, where I could see and feel so much pain it made me cry.

The air was being choked with it. When was the last time our President, or any of the Liberal Congress (who in my opinion have made some very bad choices of late), served in the Armed Forces? Have they done what is best for our Military men and women?

After what I saw and heard last week from our Military Veterans, they do not seem to think so either.

The next time you want to think that everything is hunky dory with our military, take yourself off to the Veterans Hospital and look hard.

Take the time to talk to a returned Veteran. Listen to these men and women’s stories.

Take what they are telling you to heart, then tell me if it doesn’t bother you as well.

Love and Blessings


[Via http://catchfallingstars.wordpress.com]

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