Saturday, February 6, 2010

Action! Elect New People, Eat Local Food, & Buy American

By Tisha Casida

Another day, another exhausting showcase on what is wrong with the world and the system.

Some refreshing news, the National Tea Party convention is getting some good press, and some of their topics and speakers thus far have truly spoken for “We the People”.

Again, there is a lot of what is wrong, and I want to focus again on what it RIGHT!  I am 100% confidant that this great Country can pull itself out of economic and social problems using our Liberty & Free Markets.

So, a quick to-do list:

First visit Get Out of Our House – an organization TRULY dedicated to ousting the bad politicians regardless of party-lines.  Let’s start over with TRUE CITIZENS representing us!

Next, find a farmers’ market, CSA-program, or other local food program (find a great database here – Local Harvest) to join and be a part of this upcoming spring/summer/fall.  Local food systems are better for our economy, our environment, and our liberty.

Next, make a pledge to buy AMERICAN, LOCAL, and HAND-MADE whenever and wherever you can.  Find a list of sites and companies in our Blog-Roll.

Lastly, support local media sources that are bi-partisan and seek to appeal to Independent Minds that love Liberty, Free-Markets, and our Great Country.  The Good American Post does just that.

It is simple:

1. Get rid of the bad politics that make up our laws and justice system

2. Eat healthy, local food that supports our producers

3. Purchase consumer-goods from American companies

4. Support local, non-partisan media that is dedicated to our Constitution and Liberty

Together, we make the difference.


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