Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thought for 2/2/10 - You call that a budget ?

The President pledged budget cuts in his SOTU address last week. On the heels of last year’s 1.4 TRILLION deficit, yesterday he submitted his budget to Congress for $ 3.8 TRILLION. Folks, that a lot of zeros. $100 BILLION of that is for STIMULUS II. Let’s see, did STIMULUS I work?

The pencil pushers at the CBO say the 2010 deficit will go up to nearly $1.6 TRILLION.

Obama says it’ll ONLY be $1.3 TRILLION in 2011. OK, that’s better.

This administration is hell bent on spending the U.S. into the dream nirvana of Hope and Change. Much of the proposed budget is to continue or increase programs that have not worked. The Heritage Foundation says, for example, that the Head Start program has little to no effect on cognitive, socio-emotional, health, and parenting outcomes of children participating in the program. Yet, we have spent, since 1965, over $150 BILLION.

Another bit of misinformation put out by this administration is that they will use only one test when deciding what ideas to support with tax dollars. Whether or not it works. Looks like the rhetoric doesn’t apply here, so you have to wonder how many other places that holds true.

An article in today’s Washington Post says that the proposed budget will get its ‘offset’ from taxing banks, rich people and cutting other programs. More taxes. Less benefits. Less incentives. Sounds like a plan to me.

I have long said that you cannot legislate morality (sin taxes). Likewise, you cannot legislate success. Success is embodied in people like Sam Walton or JB Hunt who didn’t even finish highschool, yet, by hard work, in the free enterprise system of this Republic, made it. BIG. The list is very long.

The world is full of educated idiots. Persistence and Determination are Omnipotent.

[Via http://ozarkfreedomfighter1.wordpress.com]

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