Saturday, February 27, 2010

Liberty: Why I think the way I do. Part 4

In the last post, I made the comment that government can’t do anything that you yourself cannot do. This is because government has no powers except those that its citizens lend it.  This concept really changed the way I looked at taxation, war etc.  For example,  if I have two neighbors and one is rich and one is poor, I cannot force the first neighbor to give money to the second.  Of course it is the responsibility of the neighbors too look out for each other, but force cannot be involved.  One of our most important natural rights is the right to personal property, so you own yourself and your other property, and other’s are not to rob you of any these.  The same principal may apply to taxation by government, which is essentially removal of your funds by force. If you don’t think taxation is backed up by force or the threat of force, try not paying them sometime! This is not to say that we shouldn’t pay some taxes for some things like defense or roads, but our current system is by definition immoral.

War is another good example of this idea. Are there times when one nation is fully justified in invading and occupying another? You bet! But throughout history war has occurred a lot more often than is justifiable by the moral conditions set by Natural Law.  If I have a neighbor who has something that I want, or doesn’t mow his grass enough etc., I cannot invade his house and take over his property.  In the same way one nation doesn’t have the authority to do such things to another.  However, if my neighbor is threatening me, or has invaded my home, then I have the Natural Right to take action in order to defend myself.   Our founders proclaimed that our nation should be a lot like modern day Switzerland. We were to be a strong, free nation, changing other nations through example, not through entangling alliances or police action, unless a direct threat to our own security was present.

Our founders knew that government by its very nature grows more and more each year and grabs for more and more power that it really has no authority to reach for. This is why they set up our country to be a nation of laws not of man.  Our laws are (at least 0rigonally) written to apply to everyone equally. This is to prevent individuals from gaining power over others through unethical means or through pure charisma.  This also  prevents the foundation of a royal class and requires politicians to be elected every so often instead of gaining their offices by heredity.

To conclude this post I will add the remainder of Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man.

  • Four: Political Liberty consists in the power of doing whatever does not Injure another. The exercise of the Natural Rights of every Man, has no other limits than those which are necessary to secure to every other Man the Free exercise of the same Rights; and these limits are determinable only by the Law.
  • Five: The Law ought to Prohibit only actions hurtful to Society. What is not Prohibited by the Law should not be hindered; nor should anyone be compelled to that which the Law does not Require.
  • Six: the Law is an expression of the Will of the Community. All Citizens have a right to concur, either personally or by their Representatives, in its formation. It Should be the same to all, whether it protects or punishes; and all being equal in its sight, are equally eligible to all Honours, Places, and employments, according to their different abilities, without any other distinction than that created by their Virtues and talents.
  • Seven: No Man should be accused, arrested, or held in confinement, except in cases determined by the Law, and according to the forms which it has prescribed. All who promote, solicit, execute, or cause to be executed, arbitrary orders, ought to be punished, and every Citizen called upon, or apprehended by virtue of the Law, ought immediately to obey, and renders himself culpable by resistance.
  • Eight: The Law ought to impose no other penalties but such as are absolutely and evidently necessary; and no one ought to be punished, but in virtue of a Law promulgated before the offence, and Legally applied.
  • Nine: Every Man being presumed innocent till he has been convicted, whenever his detention becomes indispensable, all rigour to him, more than is necessary to secure his person, ought to be provided against by the Law.
  • Ten: No Man ought to be molested on account of his opinions, not even on account of his Religious opinions, provided his avowal of them does not disturb the Public Order established by the Law.
  • Eleven: The unrestrained communication of thoughts and opinions being one of the Most Precious Rights of Man, every Citizen may speak, write, and publish freely, provided he is responsible for the abuse of this Liberty, in cases determined by the Law.
  • Twelve: A Public force being necessary to give security to the Rights of Men and of Citizens, that force is instituted for the benefit of the Community and not for the particular benefit of the persons to whom it is intrusted.
  • Thirteen: A common contribution being necessary for the support of the Public force, and for defraying the other expenses of Government, it ought to be divided equally among the Members of the Community, according to their abilities.
  • Fourteen: every Citizen has a Right, either by himself or his Representative, to a free voice in determining the necessity of Public Contributions, the appropriation of them, and their amount, mode of assessment, and duration.
  • Fifteen: every Community has a Right to demand of all its agents an account of their conduct.
  • Sixteen: every Community in which a Separation of Powers and a Security of Rights is not Provided for, wants a Constitution.
  • Seventeen: The Right to Property being inviolable and sacred, no one ought to be deprived of it, except in cases of evident Public necessity, legally ascertained, and on condition of a previous just Indemnity.

Now I didn’t read all of this stuff before I felt the way I do about liberty, I knew in my gut that it was right and was very excited to see that our founders felt the same and were eloquent enough to put it in writing!

Now I’ve tried my best to explain where our personal rights come from, next time I’ll talk about the ideal distribution of power in a free republic. As we continue I’ll build up and add to the concepts previously discussed and use them to explain why I feel the way I do about current issues.

Live Free!


Get off our backs!

These need to be viewed by every person and every school child in America. What a remarkable lesson in history and civics. Judge Andrew Napolitano does an excellent job in enunciating what the US Constitution says and does not say.

The US Constitution was, is and shall remain a guard against government intrusion, not a license for government to do ANYTHING beyond what is enumerated in the Preamble.

Below are Parts 1, 2, and 3 of 3 parts of an incredible speech by Judge Napolitano.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cavalry Arms owner pleads guilty!

For those unaware of Cavalry Arms. They manufactured a polymer lower for the AR platform. Providing a very lightweight lower.  They’ve been essentially under-siege by the BATFE for approximately two years.

The owner, Vincent, stated that 90% of the goverment’s original case was dismissed. The final contention is a charge that the owner knowingly sold firearms to an out-of-state resident – in California.

Most of the articles I read online provided little info and declared how such illegal sales are almost always used in crimes, etc.

The following article is one of the only ones I have read that gives any counter-point or details on the matter.

Apparently, the firearms sold to the resident of California were actually stored in Arizona with the firearms dealer.

For those unaware of the situation in California. It has become a little bit ridiculous. Massive restrictions on firearm ownership, approved firearm lists that can limit a purchase based on color, and police officers who believe they should be shooting law abiding citizens for trying to preserve their 2nd Amendment rights.

It’s quite probably that many of the firearms purchased were not on the approved California list. To give you an idea on just how restrictive this list is.  I just googled and found a link to the roster. There are only 1300 approved pistols on the list, a drop in the bucket when compared to the thousands and thousands of different models. To a collector, it’s like saying you can collect the Yankees but not Red Sox baseball cards.

Frankly, I am of the opinion that if a firearm is not allowed to be in your state. You should still have the right to own and store that property where it is legal.  But I am of a lot of opinions that California residents are getting close to justifying a lot of things.


Premier of Newfoundland defends decision to seek surgery in the USA

Political Map of Canada

Story from the Canadian Press. (H/T ECM, Lone Wolf Archer)


An unapologetic Danny Williams says he was aware his trip to the United States for heart surgery earlier this month would spark outcry, but he concluded his personal health trumped any public fallout over the controversial decision.

In an interview with The Canadian Press, Williams said he went to Miami to have a “minimally invasive” surgery for an ailment first detected nearly a year ago, based on the advice of his doctors.

“This was my heart, my choice and my health,” Williams said late Monday from his condominium in Sarasota, Fla.

“I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics.”

[...]His doctors in Canada presented him with two options – a full or partial sternotomy, both of which would’ve required breaking bones, he said.

He said he spoke with and provided his medical information to a leading cardiac surgeon in New Jersey who is also from Newfoundland and Labrador. He advised him to seek treatment at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami.

That’s where he was treated by Dr. Joseph Lamelas, a cardiac surgeon who has performed more than 8,000 open-heart surgeries.

Williams said Lamelas made an incision under his arm that didn’t require any bone breakage.

Canadian politicians regularly trumpet the superiority of the Canadian system when running for re-election, but when it’s their health in the balance, they sing a different tune.

Consider former Liberal prime minister of Canada, Jean Chretien?

Jean Chretien takes his own family to private health clinics. In fact, he doesn’t just use U.S.-style private clinics. He actually goes to private clinics in the U.S.

And he flies to those U.S. private clinics on Canadian government jets, paid for by Canadian tax dollars.

According to access-to-information documents obtained by the Canadian Alliance, on Feb. 8, 1999, Chretien and two aides flew from Vancouver to Minnesota, home of the Mayo Clinic. According to air force flight logs, they flew back to Ottawa that afternoon with Chretien’s daughter. And on Dec. 11 of the same year, Chretien went back to the clinic, this time just with his wife and his aide.

These trips were courtesy of the Canadian Forces 412th Squadron, which has flown literally thousands of nautical miles taking Chretien back and forth to the clinic.

And what about former Liberal MP Belinda Stronach?

Liberal MP Belinda Stronach, who is battling breast cancer, travelled to California last June for an operation that was recommended as part of her treatment, says a report.

Stronach’s spokesman, Greg MacEachern… said the decision was made because the U.S. hospital was the best place to have it done due to the type of surgery required.

But these Liberals are just regular leftists. What about the socialist leader Jack Layton? Surely a socialist wouldn’t take advantage of free market capitalism to be treated unequally, would he? That would be so greedy and capitalist!

NDP Leader Jack Layton, who’s campaigning as the defender of public health care, had surgery at a private clinic in the 1990s, The Canadian Press has learned. Layton had hernia surgery at the Shouldice Hospital, a private facility in the Toronto suburb of Thornhill, while he was serving as a Toronto city councillor.

Capitalism for me, but not for thee, eh, comrade?

Related posts

  • Government-run health care is really about redistributing wealth
  • Cato Institute destroys the myths of inferior health care in the USA
  • Canadian politicians rejects single-payer health care to get treated in USA
  • How does health care in the USA compare with other countries?
  • Videos explaining what government-run health care is like in Canada
  • Canada cuts deal with US hospitals to reduce waiting times
  • Understand the right way to reform health care… with short podcasts!
    Belinda Stronach, Canada, Capitalism, Care, Communism, Danny Williams, Die, Drugs, Equality, Film, Fraser Institute, Free Market, Freedom, Government, Health, Jack Layton, Liberal, Liberal Hypocrisy, Liberal Party, Liberty, Michael Moore, National, Nationalized, NDP, New Democrat Party, Sex Change, Single-Payer, Single-Payer Health Care, Socialism, Socialized, Socialized Medicine, Wait, Waiting List, Wealth Redistribution


    Tuesday, February 23, 2010

    Thought for 2-23-10 - Obama's new health proposal

    President Obama’s 11 page ‘new’ health proposal is a slimmed down version of the present bills that would probably look more similar to the Republican ideas but will still pretty much be an insurance industry takeover and will still cost, in my opinion, way more than stated. It not really anything much ‘new’, just an attempt to resell it. In his own words he said he was guilty of a poor sales job in his first attempt. This is his second. It will be his last as well. His back is against the wall.

    Looks like the feds would set ‘plan standards’ or minimums and regulate through another level of bureaucracy with no federal government insurance, but mandates for everyone to have coverage (to lower overall costs) through state based approved insurance markets.

    There would also be high risk assigned pools like with auto insurance (where you go if you get a DWI). Looks like it might eliminate or cut that ‘high end policy’ tax and give small business tax breaks.

    The proposal would impose fees on drug companies and Medicare tax increases for the wealthiest as well as taxes on non-earned investment income like capital gains (another as yet untapped tax potential).

    The feds would have the ability to limit rate increases and institute computerized records and claims filing to lower costs and speed up payments.

    It would also close the so called ‘donut hole’ in Medicare prescription coverage over the next ten years.

    Even some of Obama’s own people are skeptical and his hardliners are even saying that his proposal is basically a ‘shot in the foot’ for the summit Thursday. And all of this is being attempted for the benefit of about ten percent of the population.

    I expect this administration to continue to flail until they resort to the ‘reconciliation process’ to get it passed with only 51 votes, which they may not even have after Thursday. If they do this, however, you can expect a massive outcry from all over the country. Much of that will be weeping and gnashing of teeth by the democrats who will lose their seats in May and November. I guess there is hope and change after all.

    It would tickle my funny bone to see old Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi stroke out if they fail to get it done. Obama is history. His already historically low approval rating is going to tank. He can’t move on to any of the other critical issues facing this country until he can finish this and right now he is like a snapping turtle who won’t let go until lightning strikes.


    Lest We Forget Our Men and Women


    Today I wanted to honor our returned men and women of the Armed Forces.

    I have written so many articles on what is going wrong in the world, that I decided to write about something of a personal experience I had last week.

    Things we all take for granted that do not cost an arm or a leg, except for those military men who would gladly have their lost limbs, back on their bodies.

    Last week I broke my toe… Now if America’s Funniest Home Video’s saw that fall, I would have won the $10,000.00 easy. Silly how easy it is to brake your toe and twist it up. For those of you who have done this it amazes me how much pain one toe can cause.

    Still…considering other people who have lost both legs, it was nothing at all.

    The same day I busted my toe, I had spent half of my day earlier at the Veteran’s Hospital.

    I was talking to some really sick men who have served our country with honor and pride. These were men with limbs missing, air tubes under their noses, wheelchair bound and generally incapacitated.

    A busted toe seems like nothing now, actually it is nothing.

    Many of these ex-military guys are not happy with what is happening to the USA Military and how the country is being run for the future. I asked these 2 really nice guys I was chatting with, where they had previously served and what branch of the armed forces they were previously in.

    One man was holding my hand, as he told me he was a Vietnam Vet and he was ex-Army. The other man was ex-Navy. One man was white and the other man was black. Yet the 2 of these men were brothers in arms and that counts for a lot.

    Vietnam powmia

    I then proceeded to tell then my son in law was serving in Afghanistan currently. Both of these men asked me how my son in law was was doing and what was going on over there. The other man sitting next to the Vietnam Vet then started to talk about the current state of the military and who in their right mind could expect our guys to ask questions first, read Miranda rights then possibly die why some crazy terrorists put a bullet in our boys brains.

    Both guys now had loud voices and arms moving about as they became upset about the state of the Military. They both made comments to the general effect of That “there is more crap going on over there in Afghanistan, than we are led to believe in this country.” I agreed with them. These are ex-military guys and they had seen war, they know.

    I watched sad faces, men walking with disabilities, sleeping in wheelchairs drooling, and the air was filled with sadness and pain.


    When was the last time our congress went into a Veteran’s Hospital and asked these guys some questions about their lives? Ask these same men and women what they think America should do with terrorists? These are the same guys who lost body parts to protect this country. They do not understand why we are allowing terrorists to threaten our Country. Please explain that to these very brave men who have given up so much for what seems so little to them now.

    Some of these men have serious mental issues now. Some never recover from the death around them, in war.

    The sound of bullets whizzing past their ears. They wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats and tears. These guys take so many drugs in order, to have some kind of normal life. These are the same men who have had series of Anthrax shots. Please do not tell me, that these shots do not have any side effects either. I beg to differ.

    My son in law has had about 4 to 6 Anthrax shots now. He has seen battle in Iraq and suffered an injury to the side of his head. He now suffers from back and joint pains. He has also had chest pains, when he was serving in Iraq and which I believe have developed from these Anthrax shots. He is 33 years old. He is a father and husband. Congress please tell him why he is out there putting his life on the line to read Miranda Rights to a terrorist again?


    This is a picture of my son-in-laws little boy. Beautiful baby isn’t he?

    I cannot show you a picture of my son in law to protect his privacy while he is serving in Afghanistan.

    There was one point at the Veteran’s Hospital, where I could see and feel so much pain it made me cry.

    The air was being choked with it. When was the last time our President, or any of the Liberal Congress (who in my opinion have made some very bad choices of late), served in the Armed Forces? Have they done what is best for our Military men and women?

    After what I saw and heard last week from our Military Veterans, they do not seem to think so either.

    The next time you want to think that everything is hunky dory with our military, take yourself off to the Veterans Hospital and look hard.

    Take the time to talk to a returned Veteran. Listen to these men and women’s stories.

    Take what they are telling you to heart, then tell me if it doesn’t bother you as well.

    Love and Blessings



    Sunday, February 21, 2010

    Even Prime-Mentalists should not behave like thugs to their stafff

    michael Winning

    It says in today’s Daily Mail that Gordon Brown has been told off by his most senior Civil Servant to “curb his volcanic temper”. You wonder what else is not stated and what else was told to hm. Where there’s smoke there’s fire or willl be soon.

    If the election (if, not when) goes ahead and we are stuck witht his fellow, I don’t fancy five more years of this lot. Prime Ministers even lefty-fascist ones, ought to know how to behave at least to their nearest conspiratoors. We;ll be laughed at even by bemedalled African dictators in sunglasses, at least they wastes no time killing their opponemts.


    (VIDEO) Ron Paul Wins Big: CPAC 2010 Straw Poll RESULTS..."End The Fed"...

    Paul: ‘The Revolution is Alive and Well’

    Andy Barr
    Saturday, February 20, 2010

    Ron Paul supporters came out in force on Friday, chanting their support for the Texas Republican congressman.

    Paul was the only speaker so far to fill the entire convention hall at the Conservative Political Action Conference, and some of his supporters were turned away after the room reached its capacity of 1,100 people.

    With the conference running an hour behind, Paul’s army assembled early, occasionally breaking into chants of “end the Fed” as other speakers tried to address the crowd.

    Once Paul finally took the stage – following appearances Friday by some of the conservative movement’s brightest stars – the crowd was louder and more raucous in their support for Paul than they had been for most of the other speakers combined.

    “Sounds to me like the revolution is alive and well,” Paul said, beaming after taking the stage to Queen’s “We will rock you.”

    Paul hit all of his themes, rattling off criticisms the monetary and foreign policies of both President Barack Obama and Republicans in Congress.


    Saturday, February 20, 2010

    Something Funny

    So, yesterday, I made a run to my least favorite store Wally World and I decided to finally purchase my own copy of one of my favorite movies, Scarface (1983).

    There is one scene after all of Tony Montana’s success where he has to discuss banking fees, and he is arguing with Jerry the banker because the IRS is on to Tony’s operation and the bank needs to make it look legit, so the banker has to raise the maintenance fee for such a ridiculously large amount of money.

    Today, I check and apparently, Bank of America (yes, one of the banks that was bailed out by our tax dollars, mind you), charged me for a maintenance fee that I did not even qualify for. Of course, I had to email the customer service and now I have to wait until probably tonight to receive an answer.

    What are the odds! Just like Scarface, without all the criminality and stuff; well, at least not on my part. :)

    Oh, and End the Fed!

    Truth and Peace,



    Beck's Big Bureaucratic Bankrupt Beast--Stop Socialist Spending


    Glenn Beck- February 19, 2010 (Part 1/4)

    Glenn Beck- February 19, 2010 (Part 2/4)

    Glenn Beck- February 19, 2010 (Part 3/4)

    Glenn Beck- February 19, 2010 (Part 4/4)

    Background Articles and Videos Inside Look – A Lack of Pension Funds – Bloomberg


    In-Depth Look – Pension Funds And Recession – Bloomberg

    Pensions: Setting the Record Straight (Insight – Patricia Macht)

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    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    The Tea Party's "Contract from America"

    This is a great start, a bold set of initiatives defining what the Tea Party stands for. Notice that unlike Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America”, this is a ground up contract of our expectations.

    The next step is getting politicians to sign on to these beliefs. If they do so, they get our support. If not, they will be in our sights.

    The “Contract from America”:

    •Amending the constitution to require a balanced budget and a two-thirds majority for any tax hike.
    •Permanently repealing all tax hikes scheduled to begin in 2011.
    •Requiring every bill in Congress to be made public seven days before any vote can be taken and all government expenditures authorized by any bill to be easily accessible on the Internet before the money is spent.
    •Requiring each bill to identify the specific provision of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to do what the bill does.
    •Permitting all health insurance plans to be sold anywhere in the United States through the purchase of insurance across state lines. Allow small businesses and associations to pool together across state lines to buy insurance.
    •Adopting a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and “replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words — the length of the original Constitution.”
    •Imposing a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth.
    •Allowing Americans to opt out of Social Security and Medicare and instead put those same payroll taxes in a personal account “they own, control and can leave to whomever they choose.”
    •Preventing any regulation or tax on the Internet.
    •Improving education by eliminating ineffective and wasteful programs, giving parents more choices from pre-school to high school and improving the affordability of higher education.
    •Authorizing the exploration of proven energy reserves to reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources from unstable countries and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation, lowering prices and creating competition.
    •Prohibiting the Federal Communications Commission from using funds to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
    •Creating a Blue Ribbon task force that engages in a complete audit of federal agencies and programs.
    •Blocking state and local governments that receive federal grants from exercising eminent domain over private property for the primary purpose of economic development or enhancement of tax revenues.
    •Preventing the EPA from implementing costly new regulations.
    •Placing a moratorium on all earmarks until the process is fully transparent. Also requiring a two-thirds majority to pass any earmark.
    •Making all lawmaking regulators, including presidential appointed czars, be affirmatively approved by Congress and signed into law by the president.
    •Audit the Federal Reserve System.
    •Making sure the federal government does not bail out private companies. The government should also immediately divest itself of its stake in the private companies it owns from recent bailouts.
    •Amending the constitution to require congressional term limits. No person shall be elected to the Senate more than twice or to the House of Representatives more than four times.
    •Making all regulations “sunset” after 10 years unless renewed by congressional vote.
    •Broadcasting all non-security meetings and votes on C-SPAN and the Internet.

    Feel free to give us your comments. Are they missing anything?



    Sunday, February 14, 2010

    Another flu wave expected

    February 13, 2010

    New Jersey health officials say the country is due for a third wave of the pandemic flu and are reiterating their advice that immunization shots against regular influenza and H1N1 are the best protection against infection.

    “You don’t want to get that,” said Bob Gogats, Burlington County Health Coordinator. “It makes you sick for quite awhile and immunization only takes a few minutes. Plus, it’s free. It doesn’t make any sense not to get it.”

    Burlington, Camden and Gloucester counties are providing free immunizations against both viruses at county-run clinics this month and in March. There are ample doses of both vaccines and supplies can be replenished if necessary, county officials say.

    “People need to keep thinking H1N1 even when the usual flu season is over because it acts a little bit differently,” said Dr. Susan Walsh, a deputy commissioner for Public Health Services. “During this quiet period is exactly when they should get vaccinated,” she added.

    Unlike regular flu, which peaks from January to March, H1N1 — also know as swine flu — strikes in waves lasting six to 12 weeks. The second wave of the H1N1 virus lasted from October into early December and health officials are now warning that the next bout is imminent.

    The H1N1 virus is passed through casual contact with an infected person but risk can be reduced by regularly washing hands, sneezing into the crook of your elbow instead of your hand, staying home when sick and avoiding crowds and sick people.

    The majority of flu cases in New Jersey and across the country are caused by the H1N1 virus, she said.

    The H1N1 virus has killed 42 New Jerseyans — from a 3-year-old Bergen County girl to an 80-year-old Hudson County woman — since last spring’s breakout. Those deaths were reported across the state, with the tri-county area accounting for nine cases, or 20 percent, according to the state Department of Health and Senior Services.

    Some can shake an infection with bed rest while others require hospitalization that could include intensive-care treatment, Walsh said.

    Ironically, New Jersey has been seeing “regional activity” — the second of three steps that measure intensity — of H1N1 virus for the past five weeks. Activity has slowed since January, Walsh said.

    The highest-level category is “widespread activity” while “sporadic activity” is the lowest level.

    “New Jersey was one of the last states to go to widespread activity,” she said. And although the H1N1 virus arrived later than in most other states, it has stayed around longer.

    Gogats characterized the flu season this year as “unusual” for two reasons:

    1. A 16 percent increase in hospital emergency room admissions was “four times higher than the highest we’ve ever had during our average flu season.”

    2. The school absenteeism rates peaked to their highest point in 10 years, which was “more than double the historical average absenteeism for any week. . .”

    Gogats remembers that people looking for H1N1 immunization shots last spring and summer were “beating the door down. Now you can’t get anybody to come in,” he said.


    Saturday, February 13, 2010

    Hate & Ignorance Comes in Many Forms

    For those of you, that have questioned the “Cold” reference part of me.

    Let’s see, I work tirelessly for children’s rights, humanitarian equality for all people, an end to greed and wanton destruction upon the earth, for all people to live free and happy, without Government intervention or corruption.  How in goodness name does that make me Cold?

    Oh it must be because I refuse to subscribe to lies, propaganda and powerful politicians that only have their own agenda’s best interests and NOT that of the people. If you have never physically communicated with someone, but yet you slap a negative label on them, what does that make you?

    You can fill in the blank here……………………………but really look at what you write down.

    I speak against politicians personal agendas and policies, not the person themselves. There is a big difference.


    How do you know, if the average person you are talking about, gossiping to others about and then pointing fingers at, is at all, anything that you are professing?

    What are you basing your opinions on? If you find what I say as offensive, then ask yourself why?

    Do I actually prick your conscious? Is what I am saying, simple truth and there is a part of you that refuses to believe this?

    Isn’t this also, why humanity is in such a mess currently? We have based our decisions in what we are told to see, hear and read off others?  We make our decisions because someone else thinks this way or tells us, it is so?

    People who gossip and talk about someone else (this includes the media), are usually ignorant, jealous, angry, insecure and hateful. These are the same ones that twist the details of the story and very rarely allow the other persons side to be told. Someone who is confident in their beliefs, thoughts and convictions, does not need to speak ill against others. Usually the one who is casting the dispersion, is doing a good job of convincing those around them, who really is the horses backside in the end anyway.  Therefore, how much do you believe or listen to?

    What does the bible say about Gossip “The tongue is sharper than any two edge sword.”Remember that, the next time you want to open your mouth and say unkind things about someone else.

    Are we always supposed to fit into what someone else says is normal, acceptable and the current popular status quo?

    Unfortunately, I will never fit into any human beings agenda or authority, or their idea of how they think I should behave, act or believe.

    I answer only to a higher and spiritual power. No man can, or ever will have that authority over me.


    “The best way to resolve what you are thinking about someone, is to ask the person to their face, or better still, get to know them.”

    Is your own arrogance such, that it would not allow room for forgiveness or even a true understanding?  Because if you are claiming to be a truly spiritual and enlightened being, then isn’t this also the way Buddha, Jesus or any other great spiritual guide would tell you should you do?

    “Seek first to understand others, before you yourself are understood.”

    Strong and powerful words we all should apply in our lives. If we truly lived by these words man would not be fighting, lying, deceiving or baring false witness against one another.

    Hate comes in many forms and it is also the cause of much ignorance in this world.


    This brings me to my next point:

    One of my hero’s was Mahatma Gandhi, believe it or not.

    I have loved this man for a long time and I have many wonderful reasons too. I have also read a few biographies on his life and I keep a book of his sayings next to my bed to read every morning. One thing about Gandhi was this, he never really wanted to be in the limelight. He did not ask to be the spiritual father to millions as he came to be known.

    However, Gandhi became a force to be reckoned with in the political world. Many millions of people loved him because of his strength of character, he was fearless and finally his unrelenting resolve to do what ever he could to help the nation of India become a free people.

    Gandhi was never afraid to go up against tyranny, injustice, inequality and he fought against such things most of his life. He was also a spiritual man but he never really made this too public.

    He believed that if he kept defending and fighting for his people then he was giving GOD all of his love, faith and relying on him the way we all should. Because of what Gandhi did for his people, I know God thought of him, as one of his special children too.


    This is one of the most endearing and beautiful pictures of Gandhi that I love. Gandhi never said hateful and angry things to anyone, instead he allowed them to shine in their own light of truth….or not.

    Speak kindly towards other people because you never know, when someone one day may have something negative to say about you.

    Your Words have power remember that.

    Love and Blessings



    Bed-size log cabin: mock-up block

    So, I have REALLY wanted to make a bed-size quilt (full-to queen-size, to fit my own bed, to be specific). I love throw quilts and decorative quilts just as much as the next person, but I feel compelled to make a quilt suitable for long-term, everyday use.  I waited patiently for my recent trip to Purl Patchwork, where I bought fabrics to make said quilt (of course, I ran out five days later and had to race to the computer, palms sweating, etc etc in order to buy more–because Purl is the ONLY US retailer that carries this one fabric I was obsessed with–but anyway).  Then I made a mock-up log cabin block, to make sure I was fully committed to the project, and this was the result:

    I. LOVE. it.  The block measures about 17″ square, and I plan to make 30 of them (I got to 24 before I ran out of fabric). The fabrics are:

    The two house/ town fabrics are Lucy’s Farm by Liberty (of course, I had to…y’all know how I feel about Liberty prints).  The pink dots are a Lecien fabric, and the cherry blossom print is Olympus Soleil (in my second order, I bought enough to make pillows, and effectively bankrupted myself).

    There’s also Denyse Schmidt Hope Valley, the Princess and Frog gauze by Kokka, and something from the Retro Garden collection by Kokka.  I used a variety of KF shot cottons (my favorite solid). Despite the relative success of this project so far, it was not a good week for me for sewing. I tried to make a shirt this week using this awesome Cynthia Rowley pattern:

    Winmil had run out of the cotton I wanted, so I hopped on the bad idea train and picked up a silk charmeuse…and I’ve never sewed with silk before, and it’s been years since I made a garment (and it was an evening gown…don’t ask me why).  The voice of Wendy Mullin (of Sew U fame) was echoing in my head: in her recent book on dresses, she explains that even very experienced garment sewers avoid this fabric like the plague.

    I carried on and I got the shell completed…I even got so far as completing the gathers, but the binding just. wouldn’t. iron. I thought, “I’m a quilter, I can make a decent binding in no time.” But it was a no-go, and I had to put it away for another time, when I have more experience (plus, the fabric was only $5). I’m actually going to try again, this time with cotton. Usually, this would really get me down, but I desperately want to learn to make my own clothes, so I will persevere!!

    Happy quilting, sewing, garment-making, etc…and good luck to those participating in the Ravelympics!


    Thursday, February 11, 2010




    this page is not ready it is for February 12 or the day after!

    See Next Page




















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    Your Tax Dollars Working Hard

    Were you planning on Visiting the USA’s Newest National Park anytime soon?

    Do you know where it is?

    Guess what, it is an Island…what’s that…I hear crickets.

    Hmm, now how are we supposed to get there without a lot of time and expense?

    Swim? Catch a boat? Hitch Hike in the ocean?

    Why do I hear the “Jaws” music all of a sudden?

    I think I would much rather see a real shark coming after me than the ones in Congress sitting behind a desk and smoking cigars. At least with a real shark you know what to expect unlike the ones in Washington.

    Here is the run down on the National Park Our Tax Payer Dollars Just purchased

    Congress just brought US a nice little island for $50 million dollars.

    2900 acres of pristine island land near St Croix. Where?

    Read it again folks…an Island near St Croix, in the Caribbean.

    It has glorious views of the ocean and while most of US average people will NEVER see it, well it is now an American National Park.



    50 MILLION TAX PAYERS DOLLARS spent in a time when most people cannot even feed their families.

    Who’s corrupt hand was covered and paid for on this little investment?

    50 Million Dollars in a time when unemployment is driving families into poverty and homelessness.



    I told you the government could care less about the people.

    Because IF THEY DID CARE, the government would certainly be using 50 MILLION TAX PAYER DOLLARS in thousand other ways that would ease American families burdens.

    This is truly disgusting Congress. Be Ashamed, be very ashamed.

    Let me show you a snapshot of our newest National park.

    St Croix Island

    Looks beautiful but where are the camp grounds? Cant take the RV camping there now can we?

    What no boat ramp? How much will it cost the American People to get there?

    Oh, I know I could sell that kidney I was saving for my son’s college education to get there :)

    This is the kind of spending that has most of us seeing RED with steam coming out of the top of our heads, and with good reason too I might add.


    How many more people will go hungry because of careless spending and money being handed over in “Shut Your Mouth Deals?” 1 in 8 Americans are HUNGRY, READ IT AGAIN CONGRESS…1 in 8 Americans are hungry. Do they care? Obviously not! Your children and my own, are just a social security numbers and that’s it folks. Your child is just someone who can help pay off the trade deficit and will. Then their child will be doing the same thing and so forth and so on. Up until at least the next 3 generations the way we are currently going. Isn’t that sad?

    I still can’t get over it …$50 Million Wasted Dollars… on an Island, when American children are going to bed hungry.

    What a sham of a government and a total mess they have put us all in.

    This mess has been going on a long time too, folks.

    The problem is, that the mess has now caught up with us and eventually it had to surface and it did. It’s crunch time and we had better crunch soon.

    Love and Blessings



    Tuesday, February 9, 2010

    Veiled Fascism: The War Against The Burqa

    By Smaktakula

    Recently, France has escalated its ongoing assault on religious displays and symbols, most recently manifested in the official denunciation of the burqa worn by some muslim women.  The French government is winning the war of forced secularization, outward signs of religion–the crucifix, turbans, the burqa and more–are quickly becoming anathema in French culture.

    Recently the French government has decided not to award citizenship to a Moroccan man whose wife wears a burqa.  Regarding the decision, Immigration Minister Eric Besson offered this explanation:

     This individual imposes the full veil upon his wife, does not allow her the freedom to go and come as she pleases and bans her from going out with her face unveiled, and rejects the principles of secularism and equality between man and woman.

    This is only the latest outbreak in this contentious issue.  Several months ago French President Nicolas Sarkozy floated the issue of banning the burqa from all areas of public French society.  France has a long and shameful history of religious discrimination and inequality, but this latest push for secularism has manifested itself into an assault on religious expression.

    Why does it matter to the United States that France has its collective tête jammed at least ten centimetres up its own Citroën with regard to religious freedom?  It is certainly important as a cautionary example.  Despite the long-held mantra that “It Can’t Happen Here,” recent anti-religious trends should give Americans pause.

    Unlike France, which is an explicitly secular nation, the United States is not.  The First Amendment precludes the government from establishing a religion or favoring one religion over another.  This is not a rejection of religion or religiosity.  In fact, by preventing the government from interfering with the free worship of its citizens, the Bill of Rights affirms the importance of religion in many people’s lives.  The United States may no longer be a specifically judeo-christian nation, but it is a religious one. 

    There is the temptation to regard this religiosity as a flaw or weakness in our national character, an adherence to superstition over science that paralyzes our intellectual development.  While not without some merit, this characterization is simplistic and, I believe, largely mistaken.  Our national religiosity is one of the primary reasons why the US doesn’t suffer the religious ghettoization and integration woes currently plaguing Western Europe.  It is our long-standing and varied religious traditions–and the necessary tolerance which accompanies those variegated beliefs–that allow our citizenry to proudly display their religious affiliation, be it a cross, yarmulke, veil or platter of spaghetti.

    This tolerance doesn’t manifest itself in such a way that a spaghetti adherent must believe what a Jewish person believes, nor does it mandate that members of differing religious groups even like one another.  Our creed demands only mutual respect, in that ideally, Americans of all faiths recognize the right of peoples of different faith to practice and express their respective religions, no matter how ridiculous or bizarre.  This delicate balance puts American culture somewhere between the European extremes: France, striving to gut religious expression entirely; and the United Kingdom, which has resurrected its long-dead policy of appeasement in dealing with its growing Muslim population.

    It is always naïve at best and foolish at worst to say that anything “Can’t Happen Here.”  Nonetheless, our democratic traditions of religious liberty are long-standing and deeply ingrained.  Can it happen here?  Sure.  Will it?  I don’t believe so.

    I was discussing this issue not long ago with a friend, who said to me, “Don’t you think the burqa represents repression against women, and only encourages a subordinate role?  I’m all for liberté but not at liberté of treating someone in a sub-human fashion.”

    The beauty of living in a country where every man, woman and child is free to express his or her religious beliefs, is that it doesn’t matter at all what I think.


    Sunday, February 7, 2010

    Perception in a Liberal Reality

    “How’s that hope-y, change-y stuff working out for you?” Former Governor Sarah Palin yesterday the the Tea Party Convention.

    She called the Tea Party movement a “ground-up call to action that is forcing both parties to change the way they’re doing business.”

    It’s Long, but it good. (59 Minutes).

    LA Times:

    Two lines that stuck out in particular:

    We need a commander-in-chief, not a professor of law standing at a lectern.

    Gee, wonder if she had anyone in particular in mind.

    In praise of the grassroots Tea Party activists, she said:

    You don’t need an office or a title to make a difference.

    Gee, wonder if she had anyone specific in mind.

    I have no idea. :)

    Just to show the Liberal Media works: The Huffington Post, a very liberal blog site spent paragraphs talking about “crib notes” allegedly written on her hand!!

    That’s the only thing they saw in an hour.

    Myopic Liberal vision strikes again.

    MSNBC reportedly showed old footage of Gov. Palin watching turkey’s get slaughtered (from 2008) while it ran graphics linking the Tea Party to the so-called “Birthers” (people saying he’s not a legal US Citizen).

    Yeah, there’s no bias there.

    MSNBC blogger response: Teabaggers in little costumes and Sarah “The Airhead”, what a match!
    Sarah, just shut up.

    On Tuesday, MSNBC host David Shuster smeared “most Republicans” as birthers. On Monday, Tamron Hall asked if the conspiracy theory is the “definition of a conservative.”

    “President Obama sends a message to those who question his citizenship, this as the tea party movement gets ready for its first big convention.”

    At no point did O’Donnell explain or justify the connection, other than her apparent assumption that tea partiers equal birthers. The MSNBC host interviewed author Rick Scarborough, one of the speakers at the convention in Nashville. During the piece, this MSNBC graphic appeared in large font at the bottom of the screen: “Obama: Okay to Question My Policy, Not My Citizenship.”(MRC)

    Doesn’t that say volumes about the way Liberals view people who disagree with their almighty AGENDA.

    With that, I reproduce a piece by Charles Krauthammer from a few days ago:

    What A Shame Ankle-Dwellers Are So Clueless

    ‘I am not an ideologue,” protested President Obama at a gathering with Republican House members last week. Perhaps, but he does have a tenacious commitment to a set of political convictions.

    Compare his 2010 State of the Union with his first address to Congress a year earlier. The consistency is remarkable.

    In 2009, after passing a $787 billion (now $862 billion) stimulus package, the largest spending bill in galactic history, he unveiled a manifesto for fundamentally restructuring the commanding heights of American society — health care, education and energy.

    A year later, after stunning Democratic setbacks in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts, Obama gave a stay-the-course State of the Union address (a) pledging not to walk away from health care reform, (b) seeking to turn college education increasingly into a federal entitlement, and (c) asking again for cap-and-trade energy legislation. Plus, of course, another stimulus package, this time renamed a “jobs bill.”

    This being a democracy, don’t the Democrats see that clinging to this agenda will march them over a cliff? Don’t they understand Massachusetts?

    Well, they understand it through a prism of two cherished axioms: (1) The people are stupid and (2) Republicans are bad. Result? The dim, led by the malicious, vote incorrectly.
    Liberal expressions of disdain for the intelligence and emotional maturity of the electorate have been, post-Massachusetts, remarkably unguarded.

    New York Times columnist Charles Blow chided Obama for not understanding the necessity of speaking “in the plain words of plain folks,” because the people are “suspicious of complexity.” Counseled Blow: “The next time he gives a speech, someone should tap him on the ankle and say, ‘Mr. President, we’re down here.’”

    A Time magazine blogger was even more blunt about the ankle-dwelling mob, explaining that we are “a nation of dodos” that is “too dumb to thrive.”

    Obama joined the parade in the State of the Union address when, with supercilious modesty, he chided himself “for not explaining it (health care) more clearly to the American people.” The subject, he noted, was “complex.”

    The subject, it might also be noted, was one to which the master of complexity had devoted 29 speeches. Perhaps he did not speak slowly enough.

    Then there are the emotional deficiencies of the masses. Nearly every Democratic apologist lamented the people’s anger and anxiety, a free-floating agitation that prevented them from appreciating the beneficence of the social agenda the Democrats are so determined to foist upon them.
    That brings us to Part 2 of the liberal conceit: Liberals act in the public interest, while conservatives think only of power, elections, self-aggrandizement and self-interest.

    It is an old liberal theme that conservative ideas, being red in tooth and claw, cannot possibly emerge from any notion of the public good. A 2002 New York Times obituary for philosopher Robert Nozick explained that the strongly libertarian implications of Nozick’s masterwork, “Anarchy, State, and Utopia,” “proved comforting to the right, which was grateful for what it embraced as philosophical justification.”

    The right, you see, is grateful when a bright intellectual can graft some philosophical rationalization onto its thoroughly base and self-regarding politics.

    This belief in the moral hollowness of conservatism animates the current liberal mantra that Republican opposition to Obama’s social democratic agenda — which couldn’t get through even a Democratic Congress and powered major Democratic losses in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts — is nothing but blind and cynical obstructionism.

    By contrast, Democratic opposition to George W. Bush — from Iraq to Social Security reform — constituted dissent. And dissent, we were told at the time, including by candidate Obama, is “one of the truest expressions of patriotism.”

    No more. Today, dissent from the governing orthodoxy is nihilistic malice. “They made a decision,” explained David Axelrod, “they were going to sit it out and hope that we failed, that the country failed” — a perfect expression of liberals’ conviction that their aspirations are necessarily the country’s, that their idea of the public good is the public’s, that their failure is therefore the nation’s.

    Then comes Massachusetts, an election Obama himself helped nationalize, to shatter this most self-congratulatory of illusions.

    For liberals, the observation that “the peasants are revolting” is a pun. For conservatives, it is cause for uncharacteristic optimism. No matter how far the ideological pendulum swings in the short term, in the end the bedrock common sense of the American people will prevail.

    The ankle-dwelling populace pushes back. It re-centers. It renormalizes. Even in Massachusetts.(IBD)

    Ankle-Dwellers Unite! :)

    Now to end today’s blog with a Test: (I take no credit or blame for it’s origins)

    If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!

    If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
    If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

    If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
    If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

    If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
    If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

    If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
    A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him and then demands that every else do so. It’s only fair!

    If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
    Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down.

    If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
    A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
    (Unless it’s a foreign religion, say Muslim, of  course!)

    ed: We wouldn’t want to offend them now would we… :)

    If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a  job that provides it.

    ed: or buckles down and deals with it.

    A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

    ed: And wants to make it Mandatory!

    I have one to add:

    A Conservative will debate an issue with you.

    A Liberal will debase the person or personality talking about it.
    If a conservative reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a
    good laugh.
    A liberal will delete it because he’s “offended”.

    ‘Nuff Said.



    Some say Obama is a Socialist.  Some say he is a Communist.  Others even say he is a fascist.  What is harder to dispute is what Karl Marx was.

    With that said, here is an excerpt from The Manifesto of the Communist Party

    Nevertheless in the most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

    1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
    2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
    3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
    4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
    5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
    6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
    7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
    8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
    9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
    10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c., &c.

    7 or 8 out of 10 ain’t bad.

    hat tip Mr. Narrator


    Saturday, February 6, 2010

    Action! Elect New People, Eat Local Food, & Buy American

    By Tisha Casida

    Another day, another exhausting showcase on what is wrong with the world and the system.

    Some refreshing news, the National Tea Party convention is getting some good press, and some of their topics and speakers thus far have truly spoken for “We the People”.

    Again, there is a lot of what is wrong, and I want to focus again on what it RIGHT!  I am 100% confidant that this great Country can pull itself out of economic and social problems using our Liberty & Free Markets.

    So, a quick to-do list:

    First visit Get Out of Our House – an organization TRULY dedicated to ousting the bad politicians regardless of party-lines.  Let’s start over with TRUE CITIZENS representing us!

    Next, find a farmers’ market, CSA-program, or other local food program (find a great database here – Local Harvest) to join and be a part of this upcoming spring/summer/fall.  Local food systems are better for our economy, our environment, and our liberty.

    Next, make a pledge to buy AMERICAN, LOCAL, and HAND-MADE whenever and wherever you can.  Find a list of sites and companies in our Blog-Roll.

    Lastly, support local media sources that are bi-partisan and seek to appeal to Independent Minds that love Liberty, Free-Markets, and our Great Country.  The Good American Post does just that.

    It is simple:
    1. Get rid of the bad politics that make up our laws and justice system
    2. Eat healthy, local food that supports our producers
    3. Purchase consumer-goods from American companies
    4. Support local, non-partisan media that is dedicated to our Constitution and Liberty

    Together, we make the difference.


    The Festival of the Old Man

    Getting a week’s jump on Madi Gras.

    If I’m not mistaken, this is the best time of the year to bring up the whole problem the Christian faces in living in the world (old creation) while possessing eternal life in Christ which is the life of the new creation: The conflict between living in the spirit and living in the flesh and the never ending battle in this present evil age.

    Saint Paul constantly wrote about this conflict of the Christian in all of his epistles and he referred to this old Adamic nature (life-style) in various ways. From just two chapters in the Roman letter come these terms: Old man, Body of sin, Slaves of sin, wretched man, and Body of death.

    The spotlight on the Superbowl this year has become a spotlight on this central theme of the Christian life. First and foremost because of the convergence of two major factors: the New Orleans Saints are playing there for the first time in their franchise history, and the fact that they are doing so only one week before the Madi Gras week-end. So its only natural (to the men of flesh) for the Saints to taste victory and think about stepping up the celebration by one week. I find all kind of ironies in this whole scene-not the least of which is the franchise name, “The Saints”.

    Let me suggest that this is indeed the perfect time for American Christians to rediscover their basic identity in Christ in the light of the American culture. All of this has a great deal to do with the theme of unity which is advocated on this blog. It has a great deal to do with what has been called “the Great Christian Tradition” and it has a lot to do with the controversy raised this year about  those certain Superbowl ads. The latest issue of Touchstone Magazine  suggests just how serious these things are in America and have taken a stand on what they perceive are the critical issues they have with their STATE.

    Has the State gone too far?

    “On November 20, 2009, Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical leaders released the Manhattan Declaration at a press conference in Washington, D.C. Among the 148 original signatories are fourteen Roman Catholic bishops, two Eastern Orthodox bishops, and Evangelical leaders from various ministries, churches, seminaries, and colleges, many quite well known, including J. I. Packer, Charles Colson, and James Dobson. The coalition of signatories is the strongest expression yet seen in this country of the new ecumenism of Christians dedicated to the Great Tradition.”

    (Touchstone Magazine- “The Audacity of the State“.

    I do not agree with all said in this issue-in fact I would want to contend that “the strongest expression…of the new ecumenism of Christians dedicated to the Great Tradition” is not in fact these issues involving the so called culture-wars, but rather what myself and others are calling the Missional-ecumenism. But the two agendas are in fact related and the Christians in America cannot get on with their God-given mission in the world without dealing with the question of unity and life in the Spirit, not in the flesh.

    Read the Manhattan Declaration


    Thursday, February 4, 2010

    Credit crunch boredom!

    Shoes with bows

    A couple of weeks ago I quoted a famous Carrie Bradshaw line about shopping being my “cardio”. Well I hadn’t hit the shops in what seemed like an eternity so I thought I’d better get started – to make sure I could still fit into my skinnies….That’s my excuse anyway!

    I can’t tell you how exited I was to get “out there” as it felt like decades had passed since I’d actually bought anything new! So, last Tuesday after work I decided I was ready for an outing… I didn’t have long just time enough for a scanning mission, “Terminator” style. I whizzed around Liberty, Selfridges, Topshop and Warehouse – and managed a couple of purchases (mainly from the latter stores!)… After my little splurge I got on the tube with my bags and suddenly I felt all eyes were upon me. Like people were thinking – doesn’t she know there’s a recession? To make myself feel better I buried my head in this month’s copy of InStyle magazine… and OMG… I couldn’t believe it! There was an article entitled “Return to Spender” and I couldn’t put it down. In a nut-shell, the article was describing how the author, Shane Watson, had been incredibly good last year shopping-wise due to the credit crunch, only making considered, “safe” purchases and buying only what she “needed”. But she was explaining how bored she’d become with this new way of shopping and how she’d realised shopping was part of her and not something that could be denied!

    It was just bizarre because that was exactly how I felt – and I was actually laughing out loud by the time I’d finished reading and I was so engrossed I nearly missed my stop! Last year, I’d tried to be as saintly as possible shopping-wise – really “considering” a purchase before I’d go to the till, trying to think, “Ok, do I really need this top, will it actually change my life (now I know a top is never going to change my life – but we girls do get this kind of over-whelming emotion of actually feeling like we do need to buy that silk nighty top or our world will end!!). I found that the more I analysed something, the less fun the prospective purchase became anyway – and I’d walk away and leave the item swinging forlornly on the rail.  However, recently that’s stopped working because my desire to get something new is over-riding my guilt to say “no”!

    © Pimonova |

    I suppose I was naïve to think that my ability to walk away would last forever – I have been shopping all my life (I’m sure it’s my mother’s fault – after her mother had passed away – when trying on two dresses and unable to make a decision, she’d simply say “I think mummy would want me to have both of them!”). Also, I am a Personal Shopper – and shopping is my business! So, after a year of trying to “make do and mend”, the boredom was bound to set in. I suppose it’s harder for me or anyone else who works in fashion because we’re surrounded by potential purchases constantly. When I’m researching for my clients, scouring the shops for the “hot” items of the season I inevitably want to purchase a few for myself! Gosh – I sound like a shop-a-holic don’t I!

    Whilst I may like buying a couple of new things every season (ok maybe more than a couple), I do think people can put too much emphasis on having the new “it” bag every six months – or another pair of Laboutains for example. I don’t need that type of newness – I simply need a bit of a Topshop fix now and again – to feel new and updated and “on-trend”. One of my favourite Shane’s lines from the article was: “Over the past year, I’ve become adept at buying those compromise items that will update my look for as little cash outlay as possible…. As a result I have more clothes than I have occasion to wear, but I’ve also started to look a bit… bland. Nothingy.”

    Someone had spoken the truth – Shane had totally hit the nail on the head! Due to the credit crunch there was a feeling that going shopping was wrong – last year even started delivering their parcels in non-branded packaging… so no-one knew their customers had splurged on a couple of designer pieces and the neighbours couldn’t judge them!

    Well all I can say is I’m thrilled that at least someone else is feeling the same as me… a wonderful excitement to “get shopping” (albeit with a new sense of thoughtfulness, so as not to throw money away on completely unnecessary items that may have felt more acceptable before the credit crunch – and not using your VISA for another pair of boots if you’ve no intention of paying it off any time soon). And don’t forget – not only are you burning calories when pounding the pavements with your shopping bags but you’re also helping the post credit-crunch economy – as retail in the UK is an incredibly important part of getting money back into the system and providing many thousands of jobs. Now doesn’t that make you feel good, we’re doing our bit for the recovery too… so go for it girls!


    The Day That Freedom Died.

    Today, the citizens of the world, stood by in utter disbelief as a solemn group of men and women in uniform and members of congress ceremoniously lowered the flag, of the once greatest nation on earth, for the very last time. It seemed almost surreal, the mood in the capitol of the former United States of America, was somber. Tears and the sounds of people sobbing, were heard in the distance, emanating from the crowd that was being held back by national police in riot gear. The once proud nation that was the beacon of freedom for the entire world, seemed isolated in it’s death throws, now a faded dream of many.

    This brave new world that started with a revolution and a separation of ways between it and it’s European motherland, has been the worlds inspiration for over two hundred of years. Freedom and prosperity drove immigrants from the four corners of the earth to escape their squalid lives and leave their entire world behind them to settle there in search of a better quality of life. This country that started with a desire for freedom and independence from an oppressive government, was formed by the dream a few men with a common vision. Fought for, at the cost of countless brave souls whose vision of a land where; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, became the envy of the rest of civilization.

    A nation that rose above all and became one of the most powerful countries on the face of the earth. A people that were as diverse as could possibly be, united by a democratic system of law and protected by a constitution, written by patriots several hundred years ago. A nation that seemed unparalleled in it’s ability to rise to a challenge and overcome. Empowered by a people that could build or make anything that they chose.

    This once great nation led the way to freedom in Europe, not once but twice and shed the blood of it’s young men and women to protect the sovereignty of it’s neighbors, threatened by the forces of Nazism and Fascism. The European nations faced certain death at the hands of evil but, were saved by the industrial might of it’s great factories and the brave soldiers who fought tirelessly for their brothers in arms.

    This once great nation that put men on the moon and defeated the greatest threat to freedom on earth; the former Soviet Union and it’s spread of Communism, now stands by and awaits it’s fate. Racked by years of never ending debt and inner turmoil, created by the very people charged with keeping her free. History will look back at the Presidency of Barrack Obama and it’s socialist agenda as the eventual cause of the collapse of this once powerful country. Years of excessive spending and millions of lost jobs, literally bankrupted this nation.

    While this nation was drowning in debt, other nations such as China, Japan and Germany were buying up it’s livelihood, all because of it’s government leaders arrogant desire to control the wealth of it’s citizens and create a government controlled bureaucracy. The expansion of government and increases in entitlement programs for the people proved fatal to the economy of this great nation and ultimately led to the collapse, that we are witnessing today. It is truly overwhelming, to witness the looks on the faces of the bystanders who have lived to see this day and have seen with their very eyes the end of an era. An era that once prompted the following poem, that was forever enshrined at the base of a famous statue, that still sits on Ellis Island in the very harbor, where over seven hundred thousand immigrants came to this land in search of freedom, in the shadow of one of the most recognized cities on the earth:

    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breath free;
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
    Send these, the homeless,
    Tempest-tossed to me
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning,
    And her name, Mother of Exiles.
    From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome;
    Her mild eyes command the air-bridged harbor
    That twin cities frame.
    “Keep, Ancient Lands, your storied pomp!”
    Cries she with silent lips.

    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breath free;
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
    Send these, the homeless,
    Tempest-tossed to me
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

    What will become of the history of this once great nation? No one knows. As we look upon the faces of the citizens, that stand transfixed at the sight of their flag being gently folded for the last time, we wonder. Could this have been stopped? Was this necessary? What could have been done to stop this tragedy? Where were the patriots? Where were the defenders of liberty? Why did no one stand up to this?

    Two hundred and forty two years ago, just a handful of men, “PATRIOTS” started a revolution and fought one of the most powerful countries on the face of the planet to establish; “AMERICA.” Today, the remaining free countries of the world mourn the loss of the last beacon of freedom and it’s enemies cheer it’s demise. The threat of war did not bring this proud nation down. Bad economic policies and endless assaults on it’s constitution, by people trying to change a system of government that was the role model for entire civilizations did.

    What lessons can be learned from this? Where does the rest of the world turn to now for guidance? Who will come to the aid of those brought to their knees by disaster? Who will feed the hungry? Who will help those being persecuted? Who will lead the world into the future? Who?

    The world now holds it’s breath as we all wait to see the outcome of this darkest day. The day that freedom died.


    Tuesday, February 2, 2010

    Thought for 2/2/10 - You call that a budget ?

    The President pledged budget cuts in his SOTU address last week. On the heels of last year’s 1.4 TRILLION deficit, yesterday he submitted his budget to Congress for $ 3.8 TRILLION. Folks, that a lot of zeros. $100 BILLION of that is for STIMULUS II. Let’s see, did STIMULUS I work?

    The pencil pushers at the CBO say the 2010 deficit will go up to nearly $1.6 TRILLION.
    Obama says it’ll ONLY be $1.3 TRILLION in 2011. OK, that’s better.

    This administration is hell bent on spending the U.S. into the dream nirvana of Hope and Change. Much of the proposed budget is to continue or increase programs that have not worked. The Heritage Foundation says, for example, that the Head Start program has little to no effect on cognitive, socio-emotional, health, and parenting outcomes of children participating in the program. Yet, we have spent, since 1965, over $150 BILLION.

    Another bit of misinformation put out by this administration is that they will use only one test when deciding what ideas to support with tax dollars. Whether or not it works. Looks like the rhetoric doesn’t apply here, so you have to wonder how many other places that holds true.

    An article in today’s Washington Post says that the proposed budget will get its ‘offset’ from taxing banks, rich people and cutting other programs. More taxes. Less benefits. Less incentives. Sounds like a plan to me.

    I have long said that you cannot legislate morality (sin taxes). Likewise, you cannot legislate success. Success is embodied in people like Sam Walton or JB Hunt who didn’t even finish highschool, yet, by hard work, in the free enterprise system of this Republic, made it. BIG. The list is very long.

    The world is full of educated idiots. Persistence and Determination are Omnipotent.


    Brooming Barack's Budget Busting Bums

    Walker: The Republic is at Risk

    Irwin Stelzer on President Obama’s Budget Proposal

    Obama’s $3.7T

    HOW TO CUT GOV. SPENDING?: Pres. Obama poposes $3.8 trillion budget

    Congressman Campbell appears on Fox Business to discuss President Obama’s Budget 

    Coburn Remarks on $3.9 Trillion 2010 Budget

    Background Articles and Videos How Much is a Trillion?

    Bennett’s Bottom Line: Obama’s Budget Misses the Mark


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