Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Damn the Tyrant


Brethren, what moved them?

Mother Freedom? Father God?

What drove these gentle souls

To face the wrath and take the rod?

Tyrants, what moved them?

Lust for Power? Lust for Greed?

What drove these evil men

To make the Brethren bleed?

Brethren, strong in Peace

Refusing to make war,

Tyrants, strong in Power,

Armed with might who drove them forth

Through the land, across the Sea’s

They passed with death & tears,

To worship, on their knees,

The God they held so dear

While God, in hallowed chambers

Wept to see them flee,

He led them to a nation,

To forge the hope of free…men

Pagan’s, holding fast

To the teachings of their Kin,

They too fell as victims,

To the wrath of Tyrant’s whims

There around the fire

Beneath a sacred moon,

Defying Papal Ire,

They worshiped to their doom

The stake preserved for all

Who dared defy the Pope,

While God, in hallowed chambers,

Wept while Tyrants cloaked…

Themselves..in His name…

And far on distant shores

Other Children prayed,

Adoring their Creator,

In innocence arrayed

The Cherokee, the Sioux

The Seminole and Creek,

All sought the voice of God,

And heard when he did speak

Then Tyrant’s, once again

Did come to bar the door,

Where children played in laughter,

Midst mighty men of war

Once more they raised their standard

And in the name of “God”,

Raped and crushed the people,

And spared them not the rod

While God, in hallowed chambers

Wept to see them plundered,

The “righteous” stood applauding,

When God’s children were outnumbered

Decades came and passed

And once more evil raged,

For millions in it’s path,

Were murdered, burned and caged

Hitler and his armies

Slew the many as they prayed,

For naught could save them then,

While evil stood arrayed…in power

While God, in hallowed chambers

Wept to see them slain,

While good men bore His standard,

And freed them once again

Utopia? Fair dream

For the poet, for the fool,

For still the Tyrant stalks,

And dares to forge the rules

Let each soul seize his freedom

And hold it to his breast,

Cherish it as gold,

Defend it as a guest

For Tyrants, they will come

Once more to rape the free,

Where children play in safety,

And mothers bend their knee

Remember now the Brethren

The Pagan, Red and White,

Remember Hitler’s armies,

Prepare to stand and fight

While God, in hallowed chambers

Will weep to see it so,

He’ll not forsake the righteous,

When evil mocks their soul

Adorn thyself with Liberty

Bedeck thyself in truth,

Preserve your freedom, Valliant’s,

For Evil stalks your youth

 Stand, declare your freedom

When darkness takes the land,

For God, in hallowed chambers,

Will sanction your great stand!


©Kathleen MacLintock

[Via http://maidofiron.wordpress.com]

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