Thursday, August 27, 2009

9.12 DC March

It’s beyond treason.  The entire Federal gov’t needs to be dismissed and restablished to the bare minimum constitutional level.

States’ rights should be the rule of the day and the federal reserve deserves to be dismantled, including ‘our’ form of currency.

All 3 branches are guilty, guilty, guilty !!!

9.12 DC March ! Patriots ! It is critical to Attend ! Colonel Harry G. Riley, U.S. Army (Ret) ! Gathering of Eagles and Eagles Up !!!

- thanks CS BL777 CS Phil – RightSideofLife Patriots,

Here it is blunt – If we don’t show up at the DC Rally March on September 12 in gigantic numbers to stand up for constitutional government restoration and republic principles, we may never get another chance.  It’s that serious…….

Patriots living on the west coast are under considerable sacrifice to make the rally, but thousands are doing it.  On the other hand, patriots in States (VA,NC,TN,KY,OH,WV,PA,NJ,DE,NJ,NY) can make the rally/march as a “day trip”, a long one but a “day trip”.  It is critical that patriots from these nearby States show up in large numbers…get your neighbors, car pool, van pool…canvass the neighborhood…again it’s that critical.

We have over 26 million veterans in America who understand sacrifice as many have shed blood for freedom and liberty…why in hell can’t we get a million veterans to DC because the threat to liberty has again raised it’s ugly head?  Let’s hit the DC Mall Vets….

Will someone please get the word out to Rolling Thunder…America desperately needs their help…..we need the roar of a few thousand hogs.

TEA PARTY EXPRESS will leave California on 28 Aug to arrive in DC on Sept 12th.  Here is the URL that identifies the route and scheduled stops.    Please sacrifice if necessary to attend and support if the route comes close to your location.

A PFA member has donated a room at Comfort Inn that needs to be filled. Hope we can get a couple guys or several women.  Contact Lloyd


God bless our noble effort and God bless America.

Harry Riley

Visit Constitutional Emergency at:


About - Colonel Harry G. Riley, U.S. Army (Ret.), he is one of the organizers of Gathering of Eagles and Eagles Up!.


- Phil

This from an E-mail by Chuck Koll. Thank’s CK.


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