Monday, August 31, 2009

Ice Banned From "Free Speech" Forum For Speaking Freely

Just as I predicted in one of my recent posts… I just found out that I was banned from a certain forum… which I will not link to here for fear that any of my readers may actually visit the freakin’ place, possibly join and then be subjected to the same crap as others, like myself. I found it very telling that there isn’t any “solicitation” allowd by members… ya can’t even post a link to a business venture in your signature.  I had done this, but this was not the reason I was banned. I was banned as a “disturber” because I pointed out the contradictory nature of the admin.  It is definite that some members are preferred over others and some are given much more leeway than others.  In most forums a lot of those people that have been favored at this certain forum would have been banned for the crap they had posted. But let us look at some of the details: No solitication of any kind?  Allow me to quote one of the administrators Private Messages sent to me (and who knows how many others): Hey Ice, here is a great opportunity for you.

You are a real go-getter, I know.

You want to help people better themselves too, I know that also.

Call (phone number here), its about a 3 minute message.

Then if you want you can visit my page at:

(his link was here).

It is free.

OK Ice, be cool. Mike G. So, what we see by this is that some people must follow the rules and others are not required to. The thing about the link to my business venture being in my signature is that it was posted in defense against a certain members posts in which he attacked my personal character and the business with accusations of fraud and criminal conduct. Of course, he provided no proof or supporting evidence of such. My link was allowed by the site owner and has been in my signature for many months now. It was recently removed by the other guy which has been harassing me of late. Now here’s a rub – I get a private message from him that states: I don’t see any link on that quote.

Talk to Charles about the rest.

We’re done.

You got a warning now.

You want to keep shit disturbing keep it up. Notice that it sez I’m given a warning.  But when I attempted to log in to respond to this message I discovered that I was BANNED.  Imagine that.

I have no idea what link he thought I should supply for which quote… since I recently made many quotes.  Most of those were from my Private Messages… and he wants me to supply a link to my inbox?  What is he, nuts? For those of you that may have missed my latest posts… here they are: Gee… what I lack is the guy’s address… you wanna give it up and then we’ll see how well the contest goes?? Remember that this is a PUBLIC forum.  He posted those things publicly.  And you know that I have all of those postings saved… just as I stated HERE. (
As for knowledge of the banning… I would have knowledge of the banning if the parties involved shared that knowledge. Can I prove that I have knowledge?? Not for this particular instance… unless one of the parties comes forward and declares that the knowledge I profess to have is accurate. One thing is for sure… HE WASN’T BANNED BECAUSE OF WHAT HE POSTED ABOUT ME AND MY BUSINESS.  Those things violated the TOS but it didn’t matter. He remained a “valuable member” for weeks after his attack.  And the truth is that I have never witnessed an attack such as his be ignored by any forum administration … as it was here. And you know that you deleted some of my responses to his postings… and that wasn’t fair at all.  We pm’d each other about that … remember? Be warned folks… if you attempt to defend yourself and violate the TOS you will be told: “To be fair and square I have to ban both of you.” And if you complain about an assault upon your character you will be told there is no violation of the TOS:

“There is know consequences this is a public forum shit happen all the time and you know that too.”

“There is know breach, this is a public forum not private. Freedom is Freedom member’s have the right to speak their minds period.” And that is how things are handled around here when someone makes false accusations of fraud and criminal activity… when someone comes in here and blatantly attempts to damage your personal character and business with false accusations you won’t see them suffer any penalty for such a “personal attack” (which is supposedly not allowed here). But I’ll bet you’ll be seeing me get banned for speaking out about this situation from the past.  Of course, there will be some “other reason” offered for the ban … but we’ll know the real reason. As I said in my earlier post: This stuff happens because the forums involve PEOPLE: People as members and operators.  There will always be a place wherein some people are preferred over others, some will be held in high honor and be allowed to do as they please… and others will be spit on. What is really amazing is that there are almost 200 people involved in my business… And I have not been told of any one of them that has been approached by any government agency for any reason … I’m sure they would have been asking someone for assistance if they were having any problems.  So… fraud? … criminal activity?  Doesn’t seem to be the case.  But those statements were made and not one shred of evidence was provided to support those accusations.  And those accusations were allowed to stand in this forum without any reprisal. That’s my side of things.  I don’t really care what any one else thinks about the situation. You all have a nice life. Next: The term “drama queen” is very common.  And it was not directed at any specific person but a group of “unknown” people that love to catch the drama in the forums.  Those “drama” threads usually get the most views. They are out there… and they are “drama queens”.  It is a “label” that accurately describes some people. As for the other “name calling” — oh yeah… that fits the guy.  It was directed at a SPECIFIC FORMER MEMBER (as far as I know he is not currently a member) that has brought this particular label upon himself by his own actions. Anyone that would make such false accusations (unsupported and without evidence as they were) in an attempt to damage anothers personal character and business deserves such a label… and others even more profane as well. Okay… that’s enough… the drama queens have had their fill for the day. We’ll be leaving it alone now. By The Way — NICE CLEAN UP JOB YOU DID ON MY SIGNATURE … BY REMOVING MY LINKS – PARTICULARLY THE ONE TO THE BUSINESS VENTURE THAT WAS PLACED IN MY SIGNATURE AS A DEFENSE TO THE ACCUSATIONS MADE AND IS NOW NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR OTHERS TO INVESTIGATE THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER. Isn’t it something how some folks must have the last word??  I was given absolutely no opportunity to respond to his private message (the one that stated I am warned) and no opportunity to respond to any responses he or anyone else may have made to my most recent posts. And the quotes above regarding “freedom of speech” came directly from the owner of the site … that “freedom of speech” is being withheld from me.  I got banned because I dared to “speak freely.”

Here is my prediction: that forum, like all the rest that came before it, will crash and burn. I can easily make this prediction because of the contradictory nature of the people running the show. Free Speech in that forum is only allowed for their “preferred” members … their buddies, their pals… and anyone else that agrees with their take on things. As I said in my last few posts there:  Have a nice life.


When We Face Islam

Whether we are aware of islam or not, whether we understand islam or not, whether we ‘engage’ islam or not, the outcome of the islam-West (islam-not islam) interaction will be conflict, murder and mayhem. The conflict is about whether there is liberty in the land or subjugation under islam (think about doing everything you do tomorrow in handcuffs and gagged). The murder will be of those who speak out to resist the islamization and to enlighten others about the threats (the author and I would be on a list). The mayhem will ensue as both sides attempt to advance and/or defend their nations, their beliefs and their lives (you and I will shout for legislation, call for action and will take up arms if we feel unprotected, threatened and exposed).

This is no fad, this will not go away if unaddressed. Shielding ourselves, our families, our communities from these details will only accelerate the rate of advance and the time of reckoning. Fortify yourselves. Arm yourself with knowledge. Assess your values. Steel your heart and embrace your liberty.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Buy My Book Here

Order directly from the publisher by sending a check for $14.95, plus $5.00 shipping and handling, to:

TVD & Consulting

1811 North Dixie, Ste. 104, Box 333

Elizabethtown, KY 42701

For the month of September only, mention this code: “1776 Sept 2009″ and take $2.00 off per book, for a total of $17.95, shipping and handling included. KY residents add 6% sales tax. Discount expires 10/1/2009.

We ship via USPS or UPS, depending on quantity and weight. Allow 2 weeks for delivery.

We also take Visa and Mastercard. Please include your card number, expiration date, CVS # (ID number on back of card), credit card billing address, shipping address, and  your phone number in case we need to contact you about your order.

Or, order online by following the link in this blog’s sidebar directly to the right of this post.


Sunday afternoon thoughts on male aggression, and socialism

David Davis

WE watched, as is usual when we have the time, the Belgian Formula 1 GP, which was slightly less unexciting than normal owing to a good pile-up on the first lap. Perhaps we subliminally enjoyed the implied violence? I do not know….

…There is something wrong with today’s car-racing tracks, which I will deal with in time. But in short, they are (1) too short, (2) have got too many really really sharp corners straight after the start, and (3) don’t allow driver/car-changes midstream if you prang or the driver gets killed, and (4) don’t allow you to jump into the spare car (and where is it then?) while the track is still covered with shrapnel. Peter Davis and I did a nice track nearly two years ago on here, about 26 miles long and rather interesting on Googleearth. We will come back to it. You can serch for it in the meantime.

But…..male aggression. It’s probably one of the things that made Homo sapiens sapiens as successful as (he) is, in the battle for survival against shithead short-arsed-bears bureaucrats, sabre-tooth tigers Soviets, and so on. I have been thinking about this for some time as I find that male students vary considerably in their ability to manage or mask or evince aggression as a statement of attitude, and it does seem to vary corelationally by school. (The Governmint might want to know that.)  Janet Daley today examines what she suggests the fascist PC-left have done to being about the explosion of gang culture and knife crime among young boys and young men. It’s worth a read, even though lots of libertarians don’t like her.

In “New Britain”, youth male aggression is not channelled, and so individual directionless crime is rife: why? Because:-

(1) There are no fathers, only “mums”. Girls are born to “mums”, but boys are born by parthenogenesis to “single partners”. “Fathers” are just devices which prodice the necessary gametes, seemingly on demand (I can’t figure out how or why.)

(2) Young boys have to have their heads shaved at three and watch football all day on the Wireless Tele Vision, and “hang out”.

(3) “Schools” have sold their football fields for the building of “affordable housing”, so there are no “competitive sports” which foster “elitism and “inequality” anyway, and so are bad.

(4) The Naitonalised Curriculum has been voided of content and also femiNazised, in order to render school (on purpose) seemingly useless to boys, so that they can be made to prefer streetgangs as a form of daytime outdoor relief.

Socialism (a fungus) of course needs this machinery to propagate within what is otherwise a highly-ordered civilisation, formed sort of accidentally under liberty.

Is socialism a fungus born out of evolution and natural selection, and which exploits a niche? DISCUSS


Saturday, August 29, 2009


The time has arrived when WE THE PEOPLE can no longer ignore the necessity for term limits for all senators and representatives. The Obama administration, including ALL appointees, czars, etc. are systematically destroying our country.  Most of our so-called representatives are sitting idly by, interested in nothing other than their own political “hides”, reelection and retirement.

The Democrat Party is answering only to the orders of George Soros, ACORN, AFL-CIO and the remainder of the far left.  All of these entities are pushing our country toward socialism as rapidly as possible.  The silent majority in America MUST become more active in defense of our Constitution, liberty and freedom.  Almost every day, Obama comes up with a new plot to eliminate dissent.  The latest are pending attacks on talk shows, TV news, cell phones and the internet.  Need I remind you that these are the steps taken to install a socialist or communist society?

All of the actions of the Obama administration are directed toward complete control over your daily lives and the elimination of personal freedom and liberty.  If you will consult the movie, Communist Blueprint for Conquest, noted in my Sources post, you will see his modus operandi clearly.  It includes the takeover of industry, banking and communications.  You will see the progress both here in America and in countries like Venezuela.

Aside from constant bombardment of our so-called representatives to let them know we abhor socialism and all of its facets, WE THE PEOPLE will have our first opportunity to take back our country in November 2010.  We MUST elect ONLY those candidates with a PROVEN RECORD of supporting the Constitution and opposition to EVERY Obama initiative.  I suggest that we also require a pledge to support a Constitutional ammendment to establish term limits.  I suggest two six-year terms for senators and three two-year terms for representatives.  These limits will allow them to return home and live with the laws they enact.  Term limits will also serve to eliminate their present, principal occupation of caring only about reelection and retirement.



Friday, August 28, 2009

Why there will never be a Libertarian government, ever

David Davis

Good analysis on The Volokh Conspiracy here.

Dr Sean Gabb’s phrase “The Enemy Class” says it all too.

But there is always another strategy. Libertarians, heavily disguised as pork-barrel-opening, largesse-distributing statists, could stage an election-led dawn raid on the legislature. Having got elected, hopefully looking vaguely like compassionate conservatives who “love the NHS”  – but specifically after some particularly spectacular failure and cock-up by the ordinary stalinists of the day, such as affects us now – they could strip off their statists’ clothes revealing the lithe muscular form and leotarded bewinged saviour….


Immediately, they could get to work sacking most departments of State (and Councils people’s Soviets), malleting the hard disks, shredding and burning the records, and turning the bemused “staff” onto the street. Within about two days the country could resemble a somewhat chaotic Hong Kong, only without any bureaucrats at all.

But I don’t think David Cameron has any such plans – do you? Ah well, never mind, it’s fun to dream.


Where are Our Fathers!

A first draft of a more serious piece.  Please excuse rough bits.

We meet in shady groves,

Silently shuffling blood-ridden feet,

And we cry: liberty!  Liberty!

But every voice falls silently,

To the ears of those we abide.

Instead of hearing,

They hand us campaign buttons,

With which we prick our fingers.

They turn up the televisions,

With which we burn all color from our eyes.

And then they smile wide,

At our holy media matrimony,

Between sullen hearts and wicked minds.

Now, in carved out holes,

Raped of freedom, tangled in chains,

We cry:  where are our Fathers!

Only one rises and admits,

We let them do all of this.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Prints Charming at Liberty

Liberty Window

Zoe Murphy cabinet - inside drawer

Svenkst Tenn Stockholm sofa

If you’re around Oxford Street, London, this weekend, I highly recommend taking a look around Liberty.  I spent a couple of hours wandering around today and came away feeling really inspired.  There’s an exhibition on the top floor which is only on until next Wednesday, 2nd September.  Entitled “Prints Charming”, it is a celebration of the world’s most iconic Liberty Prints and a number of designers have been involved.

The windows, to accompany the exhibition, have been styled by Faye Toogood and worth a look.  The main disappointment  is the way a whole window has been dedicated to Meg Matthews’ designs which, I personally, don’t feel deserve the exposure they have been given.  Surely there are many more credible and talented designers out there Liberty’s could showcase?  It was great to see Squint’s work in the window, however.

When looking around the exhibition Zoe Murphy’s furniture also caught my eye.  She uses old furniture and updates pieces to make them new.  What I really loved was the attention to detail – she had upholstered the inside of the drawers by covering padded panels with pretty Liberty prints.

There was also a large area dedicated to Svenkst Tenn Stockholm’s wonderful range of textiles.  In particular I love Josef Frank’s designs which are all inspired by botany and nature.  I would love to get my hands on a large amount of the fabrics he has designed to reupholster an interesting piece of furniture (better start saving!).

All in all I came away feeling inspired with new ideas so if you can spare the time or have a bit of time to kill, take a look around and whatever you like I’m sure you’ll find something you love in Liberty’s.


9.12 DC March

It’s beyond treason.  The entire Federal gov’t needs to be dismissed and restablished to the bare minimum constitutional level.

States’ rights should be the rule of the day and the federal reserve deserves to be dismantled, including ‘our’ form of currency.

All 3 branches are guilty, guilty, guilty !!!

9.12 DC March ! Patriots ! It is critical to Attend ! Colonel Harry G. Riley, U.S. Army (Ret) ! Gathering of Eagles and Eagles Up !!!

- thanks CS BL777 CS Phil – RightSideofLife Patriots,

Here it is blunt – If we don’t show up at the DC Rally March on September 12 in gigantic numbers to stand up for constitutional government restoration and republic principles, we may never get another chance.  It’s that serious…….

Patriots living on the west coast are under considerable sacrifice to make the rally, but thousands are doing it.  On the other hand, patriots in States (VA,NC,TN,KY,OH,WV,PA,NJ,DE,NJ,NY) can make the rally/march as a “day trip”, a long one but a “day trip”.  It is critical that patriots from these nearby States show up in large numbers…get your neighbors, car pool, van pool…canvass the neighborhood…again it’s that critical.

We have over 26 million veterans in America who understand sacrifice as many have shed blood for freedom and liberty…why in hell can’t we get a million veterans to DC because the threat to liberty has again raised it’s ugly head?  Let’s hit the DC Mall Vets….

Will someone please get the word out to Rolling Thunder…America desperately needs their help…..we need the roar of a few thousand hogs.

TEA PARTY EXPRESS will leave California on 28 Aug to arrive in DC on Sept 12th.  Here is the URL that identifies the route and scheduled stops.    Please sacrifice if necessary to attend and support if the route comes close to your location.

A PFA member has donated a room at Comfort Inn that needs to be filled. Hope we can get a couple guys or several women.  Contact Lloyd


God bless our noble effort and God bless America.

Harry Riley

Visit Constitutional Emergency at:


About - Colonel Harry G. Riley, U.S. Army (Ret.), he is one of the organizers of Gathering of Eagles and Eagles Up!.


- Phil

This from an E-mail by Chuck Koll. Thank’s CK.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Project 2996--Remembering A Life Ended On 9/11 With A Post On Your Blog Or Web Site--Call For Volunteers

Remembering 9/11 seven years later

What is 2996?

Project 2,996 is a tribute to the victims of 9/11.

On September 11, 2006, more than 3,000 bloggers joined together to remember the victims of 9/11.

Each year we will honor them by remembering their lives, and not by remembering their murderers.

If you would like to help out, by pledging to post a tribute on your own blog on 9/11 of this year, click the button at the top of the sidebar. Then, use the web to learn something about the life of the name you are given, and on 9/11, post your tribute your blog or website.

But, and this is critical, the tributes should celebrate the lives of these people–kind of like a wake. Over the last 5 years we’ve heard the names of the killers, and all about the victim’s deaths. This is a chance to learn about and celebrate those who died. Forget the murderers, they don’t deserve to be remembered. But some people who died that day deserve to be remembered––2,996 people.

Thank you,

Dale Challener Roe


Background Articles and Videos Bloggers needed for 2,996 Project By Michelle Malkin 

“…Longtime readers will remember the wonderful 2,996 Project honoring the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks. The project is gearing up for this year’s event and needs your help.

Katie Favazza is helping spread the word. Please click here to sign up, participate, and spread the word.  …”


Related Posts On Pronk Palisades Remembering September 11, 2001–Duty, Honor, Country–Your Rallying Point Remembering September 11, 2001



The Narrative (Multi-Demensional Assault on Our Culture via The Frankfurt School)

While perusing the always amazing Pundit and Pundette, I came across this wonderfully concise explanation of the machinations of the Left. I think there is much more here to be fleshed out by deeper thinkers than me. However, this brief (13 minutes of clarity) clip is a must view. It put into words that multi front attack I always sense but could never explain. The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory led to Political Correctness and our cultures brainwashing conformity, self hate and sense of guilt.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Damn the Tyrant


Brethren, what moved them?

Mother Freedom? Father God?

What drove these gentle souls

To face the wrath and take the rod?

Tyrants, what moved them?

Lust for Power? Lust for Greed?

What drove these evil men

To make the Brethren bleed?

Brethren, strong in Peace

Refusing to make war,

Tyrants, strong in Power,

Armed with might who drove them forth

Through the land, across the Sea’s

They passed with death & tears,

To worship, on their knees,

The God they held so dear

While God, in hallowed chambers

Wept to see them flee,

He led them to a nation,

To forge the hope of free…men

Pagan’s, holding fast

To the teachings of their Kin,

They too fell as victims,

To the wrath of Tyrant’s whims

There around the fire

Beneath a sacred moon,

Defying Papal Ire,

They worshiped to their doom

The stake preserved for all

Who dared defy the Pope,

While God, in hallowed chambers,

Wept while Tyrants cloaked… His name…

And far on distant shores

Other Children prayed,

Adoring their Creator,

In innocence arrayed

The Cherokee, the Sioux

The Seminole and Creek,

All sought the voice of God,

And heard when he did speak

Then Tyrant’s, once again

Did come to bar the door,

Where children played in laughter,

Midst mighty men of war

Once more they raised their standard

And in the name of “God”,

Raped and crushed the people,

And spared them not the rod

While God, in hallowed chambers

Wept to see them plundered,

The “righteous” stood applauding,

When God’s children were outnumbered

Decades came and passed

And once more evil raged,

For millions in it’s path,

Were murdered, burned and caged

Hitler and his armies

Slew the many as they prayed,

For naught could save them then,

While evil stood arrayed…in power

While God, in hallowed chambers

Wept to see them slain,

While good men bore His standard,

And freed them once again

Utopia? Fair dream

For the poet, for the fool,

For still the Tyrant stalks,

And dares to forge the rules

Let each soul seize his freedom

And hold it to his breast,

Cherish it as gold,

Defend it as a guest

For Tyrants, they will come

Once more to rape the free,

Where children play in safety,

And mothers bend their knee

Remember now the Brethren

The Pagan, Red and White,

Remember Hitler’s armies,

Prepare to stand and fight

While God, in hallowed chambers

Will weep to see it so,

He’ll not forsake the righteous,

When evil mocks their soul

Adorn thyself with Liberty

Bedeck thyself in truth,

Preserve your freedom, Valliant’s,

For Evil stalks your youth

 Stand, declare your freedom

When darkness takes the land,

For God, in hallowed chambers,

Will sanction your great stand!


©Kathleen MacLintock



According to MSN Encarta: Amendment Encyclopedia Article Find | Print | E-mail | Blog It

In the law of pleading and practice, an amendment corrects an error or defect in a pleading or judicial proceeding in the progress of an action or other proceeding.

Amendment, in legislation, the alteration of an existing statute. Although the U.S. Congress has no power to alter the Constitution, it does have the power to repeal and alter laws. The method of amending the Constitution is provided by Article V. According to this article, an amendment passes after a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or after the petition of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Amendments are ratified by either the legislatures of three-fourths of the states or by conventions in three-fourths of the states. The Constitution contains no provision directly limiting the power of the state legislatures to repeal the statutes of the several states, but Article I, Section 10, limits the power of a state legislature to repeal statutes that are in effect contracts with the citizens of the state. For details on specific amendments to the Constitution, see Constitution of the United States.

In parliamentary procedure, an amendment may be a motion, bill, or resolution. When adopted in accordance with the rules of parliamentary procedure, an amendment becomes a part of the original motion or bill.


Monday, August 24, 2009

There is no reason why the USA should always be our friend

David Davis

It is an independent federation of States which chooses (and does choose) to behave as an independent nation. We ought not to take its benignity in any form of alliance for granted. Remember who gave them the Statue of Liberty, and for what historical deed and attributes. The USA has never needed critically to be our friend, or indeed anyone’s friend!

(There are in fact interesting arguments in favour of its having been better for it to continue in utter isolation, as “A City upon a Hill”. Especially to defend against institutionally-European diseases and mortal risks such as GramscoFabiaNazism, in all its various vile guises. If the USA goes down to GFNs, and it does seem now to have its fair share, we are all in trouble. But this is the subject of another post later.)

Conveniently for us here, the USA chose to aid us in most of the 20th Century, in our manichaean struggles with sundry tyrannies, at critical times. In 1917 for example – even up to February, and even up to the Zimmermann Telegram -  it was an entirely neutral and almost uncoloured decision, for the USA, to side with one or other batch of belligerents. Or even not at all.

Whatever valuable points Sean Gabb makes or implies about the First World War, it was (1) probably unavoidable in the end, and (2) our underlying motives were just and noble. The sheer scale of waste and slaughter is another matter, as is the generality of libertarian opposition in principle to war.

What happened over Lockerbie, which accidentally happens to be in Scotland, affects the USA more if anything than the UK. What would, for example, have been the prosecution’s position against Megrahi et al , in either of these two cases? Firstly,  if the device had exploded, say, over Ribblehead or Slaidburn (if earlier it might have done – I am the Director of Northern Affairs: I know these places!) or secondly instead over international waters of the North Atlantic?

Here, I must add that it does not even matter a monkeys, whether it was the Gaddaffi-Megrahi mob wot dunn it, or another mob, most likely Syrian/Iranian, as the estimable Devil (pbuh) suggests here. If the Devil is right, then it’s the renaging on deals, of whatever sort (ask Stalin, he renaged on lots) that endanger them. And the initial results, always, are bad for liberty.

If public opinion in the USA leans towards refusing to buy our stuff (and they are I still think our major trading partner – the EU is nowhere by contrast) then that’s one more to chalk up to Gordon MaCavity, who seems to bugger off and go to ground when things get embarrassing. It’s becoming clearer by the hour that his pawprints (and most likely Mandelson’s, his puppet-master) are all over Megrahi and his release. But none of these three will be on the DNA database, you can bet the usual 17p.

Libertarians should hope that the sound good sense of the American People (it did however fail last November, for a critical minute) will prevail, and that little lasting damage will be done and this sleazy-dealy-oily-scumbag-under-the-carpet-while-nobody’s-looking event will sidle gently into oblivion. Libertarians in the UK and Europe will need all the help they can get in the next few decades – not just from US bloggers and think-tanks and philosophers, able to narrowcast to us and to each other – but from a broad front of general friendship and fellow-feeling for liberty – from an entire Nation.

But I doubt it will.


Common Sense 2009 by Larry Flynt

The American government — which we once called our government — has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group of powerful elites, the people President Franklin D. Roosevelt called “economic royalists,” who choose our elected officials — indeed, our very form of government. Both Democrats and Republicans dance to the tune of their corporate masters. In America, corporations do not control the government. In America, corporations are the government.

Read the entire article at:


Sunday, August 23, 2009

I've found a useful Chemistry/Biology tutor for all you science students out there

David Davis

here he is doing stuff on his site about energy flows:-

done var vars = {javascriptid: 'video-0', width: '400', height: '300', locksize: 'no'}; var params = {allowfullscreen: 'true', allowscriptaccess: 'always', seamlesstabbing: 'true', overstretch: 'true'}; swfobject.embedSWF('', 'video-0', '400', '300', '9.0.115','', vars, params);

And here’s his main blog:-
