Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thought for 3-3-10 - Global warming and democrats

Finally a warm day and some moderate confirmation that global warming is real. Thank God. I was getting sick and tired of the snow and ice for the last two months. Give me some global warming called spring. I’m ready.

That poor dumb egghead scientist in England that let his emails get loose was, according to the information I can find, at best a co-conspirator of the global warming hoax. The evidence now seems beyond a reasonable doubt that facts were being manipulated to support the theory espoused by world renowned genius scientist, Al Gore. Talk about a credibility issue.

But, like Obama democrats, the true believers in global warming are not swayed by the facts. Their faith is all they need to carry them through.

Now, I don’t doubt for a minute that human activity has changed the world in which we live. Deforestation in Brazil and smog in China surely can’t be good for the planet, but the fact is that there is no viable scientific data to suggest that we are destroying this planet. Which is not to say that we aren’t capable of it and might actually be on our way, but these effects are measured in eons, so we don’t have a full set of measurements yet.

What we do have is faith in the issue. Environmental zealot faith, or religious zealot faith, or global warming faith is the same kind of faith that my wife’s Aunt Shirley has in the democrats.

I hate to be mean, but there’s no gentle way to say this. Shirley is a moron. She’s my mother in law’s sister, but she is still a moron. She would vote for Lucifer if he ran on the Democratic ticket. You have a lot of that around here. You can’t even get Shirley to tell you why she’s a democrat. That’s because she doesn’t know. She can’t tell you even one of the basic platform issues held by the democratic party. She is a democrat, probably because her dad was and the only way she ever votes is to put an X by every candidate that is a democrat. Then she thinks she has done her duty. She has voted.

Did she study the issues? No. Did she attend any rallys? No. Did she attempt to reconcile her belief system with that of the party? No.

Shirley believes she’ll go to heaven but doesn’t have the facts to back it up. She also believes that Obama and the democrats will ‘save’ her, yet she doesn’t even know from what. She didn’t get a raise on her Social Security this year, but she doesn’t know why and when faced with the facts chooses to poo-poo them and go back to watching the Golden Girls. She’s an idiot. An idiot that votes. And her vote gets counted. Just like the millions of other idiot votes who vote straight party line tickets, because they are too stupid or too lazy to try and get the facts to make an informed voting decision.

This has got to change. I’m thinking IQ tests for voting. Just kidding. But, really, though, how do you deal with fanatical, faith based, blind, zealots? You can’t.

Islam is the same way. You have to kill them. Democrats? Not so easy.


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