Between the “Healthcare” Coup, EPA threats and gag orders, the daily Pelosi/Reid dog and pony show.. its gettin’ crazier every hour..
Since before Mr Obama was inaugurated his minions have been hell bent on driving this country into the dirt face first.. with his smiling willful approval. They blame our problems on Bush to placate the anarchist left they aligned with during the election, they blame our problems on capitalism to placate the communists they have sold us out to and they blame our problems over their actions on us for resisting their headlong race into marxism.. as if nobody is paying attention.
There are so many things going on at once that its almost impossible to keep track of them all and that’s not an accident or a miss step, its intentional and we haven’t heard yet from all the whacko leftist “czarist courtesans” Mr Obama appointed to his court. Make no mistake they are each on a mission of their own, their follies to be announced when its time for their next move at communizing our country. The confusion, the lies, the disinformation from the media allies.. its all preplanned, nothing incidental or accidental about any of it.
There are strange things going on in your country right now.. be aware. The govt is arming its federal agencies, not the FBI or ATF but the Dept of Education for one..SHOTGUNS of all things, not to mention the NPS, DOE, BIA, DOI.. and others.. why ? Sniper Rifles, Night Vision.. WHY ??? Surely your agency mooks cant be planning another Waco or Ruby Ridge anytime soon ? What are the embedded collectivists in these agencies expecting to happen.. are the grizzly’s gonna revolt or the Indian Nations gonna have an uprising ? ..how about students ?? WTF Barry ?
The quislings presently in congress pushing the Health Care Coup are right now prepping a rule to bypass a vote on the damn thing.. Who the hell do they think they are ? Close to 70% of the people DON’T WANT GOVT INVOLVED IN THEIR HEALTH BUSINESS yet we are told lie after lie that’s its for us. What is their agenda that is so critical other than a COUP ? Between the RINO’s and the other DOMESTIC’s out there ITS GETTING HARD TO TELL WHICH ONES ARE STILL AMERICANS WITH ALL THIS COLLECTIVIST CRAP EMANATING FROM EVERY CORNER OF THE PEOPLE’S HOUSES.
Mr Obama acts as if he has a legitimate right to rule over us and his obvious anger and frustration at our refusal to be ruled is extremely annoying not to mention self explanatory about his concept of a free society even if he is trying to overthrow it with his CHANGE.. take a hint stupid. YOU WORK FOR US !
In fact all of you on the marxist side of the coin here need an object lesson in CONSTITUTIONALISM BECAUSE ITS OBVIOUS YOU DIDNT FORGET ABOUT YOUR OATH OF OFFICE, YOU NEVER INTENDED TO COMPLY WITH IT FROM THE START. And for you “Others”.. so called Republicans clamoring to come up with their own version of a power grab, annoyed only because they didn’t think of it first.. not because of any patriotic sense of duty to the citizens or the country. Some are RINO’s and are also TRAITORS. One thing is certain to the majority of the citizens from all parties is that all of you in CIVIL SERVICE, every damn branch of it from federal to local, are way out of control, overstepping your constitutional restrictions and interfering with the rights of your employers and we’re not happy about it at all. Its also obvious to your employers that you no longer consider this your “Home’ but rather a place you find uncomfortable and annoying, so much so that your penchant for apologizing for its presence has become a daily occurrence. You can ALWAYS leave.
Unlike many people in my country I know I no longer suffer from the delusion that you traitorous bastards are in any way my fellow countrymen. How much time will pass that, due to your actions against us, we will no longer give you the benefit of the doubt for your actions appearing to be contrary to our country’s interests because they are contrary on purpose… before we will no longer accept your illegal decisions as law because they are corrupt and as illegitimate as you have become ?
There are things that need to be done to right the wrongs you have committed with your unconstitutional actions and laws and the illegal actions of your complicit agencies. Your treason needs to be addressed in a court, unfettered by your judicial activists, your services need to be terminated as soon as humanly possible to restore the Republic to the people to which it belongs.
“Make NO mistake”, as Mr Obama is fond of saying, it matters not what deals you have made with foreign countries, we wont honor them, or what military options you have arranged or might choose to exercise or what political games you may attempt.. we know you all, After all, We the People hired you, and We the People will fire you. For the record.. you were NOT hired by any GLOBAL organization.That’s how Liberty functions. We the People Run the Show.. Not the Hired help.
Normally in the capitalist job market an individual who is going to be let go is given the option to leave before being embarrassed.. some of you collectivist cretins in congress, agency heads, appointees, traitors ad infinitum.. you know who you are.. you all should take a serious hint and LEAVE NOW, Resign, Quit, Vacate the Premises. The rest of you, the believers, the marxist ideologues, the closet Stalinist’s.. above all DON’T BE STUPID.
This is OUR HOME.
[Via http://spitnyri.wordpress.com]
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