Sunday, March 21, 2010

I know we don't have the death penalty for nonces, but it makes you wonder how prisoners in prison get to have razor-blades to use against other prisoners

David Davis

This is the first of my long-headline-pieces for some time.

Someone called Ian Huntley, who killed two girls in 2002 in the benighted place called Soham, where I wonder how anyone can ever sell a house these days, got his throat slashed, actually while _/in prison/_ …

I thought that the death penalty for “capital crimes” had been abolished in 1968. And it seems that this was by the very people who engineered laws of various kinds that criminalised people, increasingly stringently over the recent years, who were thought to think about girls, and sex, and stuff like that, like Ian Huntley apparently is thought to think.

These people are called Fabians. I am not saying that Fabians are the only people that think that strange men should not murder little girls for any reason whatsoever. The murder of little girls is wrong, and libertarians are against this.

Well, there you are. The effing nonce killer has been attacked, with intent, while in prison. Could someone please tell me how prisoners get blades of sharpness, and what for?

I wonder whether this British-State, although having officially abolished the death penalty 42 years ago, has privately decided that this specific penalty _/can/_ be applied, and perhaps should be applied, sometimes, in an “accidental” sort of unsupervised way, but only to criminals which it has decided that nobody will bitch about the death of, and who are already “inside”.

By other criminals, so nobody who matters gets blamed for stuff “going through the wrong channels”?

It’s just nasty buggers killing each other, in a “sort of criminals’ hierarchy”.

How barbaric is that, then?

I thought we were in favour of the “Rule of Law”?


I am not in favour of a “State Death Penalty”. It transfers the obligation to end the life of another human to the State’s decision, which we cannot do and which we cannot delegate since we are currently not allowed that individual right. If we cannot delegate this right, not possessing it supposedly, then we cannot allow the State to allow other prisoners of it to end the life of Ian Huntley.

If we as sovereign individuals are allowed the right to end the life of those that torment and oppress us, then we can kill others, and so someone else who is aggrieved by him can kill Ian Huntley – but NOT the other prisoners. He is not their problem, and they are not his. IF he is to be kept alive by statute law, then he ought to be kept away from scumbag murderers and robbers who’d kill for a half-penny, and who think that they hate “pediatricians”.

Only the parents and relations of the girls he killed could have any traction in this one.


Michael's Old Country Sabbath Challah from Chernowitz

My daily bread for this week is challah bread. Specifically, it is Chernowitzer Challah bread from my current favorite iPhone app, Epicurious. I have always felt the pull of Judaica since I was a child in the shtetl of Jacksonville, Florida. Now, I can partake of a little bit of manna. This bread took about 6 hours to make -my kitchen is a bit cooler than that called for leavening dough. The bread out of the oven looked great but was “biscuit-y” according to my wife. The difference was that I used bread flour rather than plain enriched white flour -perhaps the enriched flour is more gluten-rich? I will try when it has cooled -perhaps the structure will set in as it cools giving the inner texture that one associates with the best challahs. That may be it or the Chernowitzers just prefer cakey challah.

My daily bread for this week is challah bread. Specifically, it is Chernowitzer Challah bread from my current favorite iPhone app, Epicurious. I have always felt the pull of Judaica since I was a child in the shtetl of Jacksonville, Florida. Now, I can partake of a little bit of manna.
This bread took about 6 hours to make -my kitchen is a bit cooler than that called for leavening dough. The bread out of the oven looked great but was “biscuit-y” according to my wife. The difference was that I used bread flour rather than plain enriched white flour -perhaps the enriched flour is more gluten-rich?
I will try when it has cooled -perhaps the structure will set in as it cools giving the inner texture that one associates with the best challahs. That may be it or the Chernowitzers just prefer cakey challah.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Ticking Time Bomb--The Wrath of The Tea Party Patriots

Glenn Beck-03-19-10-A

Glenn Beck-03-19-10-B

Glenn Beck-03-19-10-C

Glenn Beck-03-19-10-D

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The End of the World as We Know It?

Absolutely not.  The past week has been a pretty rough roller-coaster with the current administration’s and representative’s plans and actions.  On top of everything, our traditional media outlets have done a fine job of making it either feel like everything is going to be fine or that the rapture is near (and neither are quite true in my opinion).

None of us know the future, all we have is today.  All of us, together, have this day to make a difference, and to make a positive impact within our family, our community, and our country.

What to do?  Well, there is sure enough complaining and throwing hatred to go around.  Our job here at The Good American Post is to find content and contributors that talk about positive and sustainable people, places, and functions that protect our liberty and constitution.  In our opinion, the opportunity to pursue anything is the only thing worth fighting for, and that is the fight we are up against now.

Today, take small steps to make positive impacts.  Start learning about where your food comes from.  Find out who the troops protecting this great country are in your community.  Volunteer to help a cause, or start your own business where you can create development in your local economy.  Ask questions, keep up to date on what is going on with these threats to our constitution, however spend some time making positive advances, not just worrying about all the things that are wrong.

Because I can tell you, there are so very many things that are right.  And for the little ones who have a future to grow up in, we need to be using this time we have to work for a positive difference – it is our duty.

By: Tisha Casida


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Coming Soon: Bloody Sunday

The Stage is set.

All the players are lining up.

Sunday, March 21, 2010 is likely the end of the road for America.

The Democrats will likely “deem” the Senate bill pass in the greatest act of political cowardice and underhanded chicanery in American History.

And The President is worried.

President Obama is not worried about the “procedural” debate over whether House Democratic leaders should go ahead with a plan to approve health care reform without a traditional vote, he told Fox News on Wednesday.

Why should he be.

Though the Senate will still have to vote for the Reconciliation package (and additional 2,300 pages bringing the monster to 5,000 pages!!) it will be by simple majority, which should be no real problem.

So Obama will get enshrined in the Liberal Socialist Hall of Fame and raised up amongst their Gods.

The mere mortals, The American People, who are not for it, get stuck with a terminal cancer that will eat away at them forever.

Democracy in action. :(

“I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what the procedural rules are in the House or Senate,”


Obama said. “What I can tell you is that the vote that’s taken in the House will be a vote for health care reform. And if people vote yes, whatever form that takes, that is going to be a vote for health care reform. And I don’t think we should pretend otherwise. And if they don’t, if they vote against it, then they’re going to be voting against health care reform and they’re going to be voting in favor of the status quo.


“So Washington gets very concerned with these procedures in Congress, whether Republicans are in charge or Democrats are in charge,” he said.

Indeed, House lawmakers would be going on record for health care reform. But they wouldn’t be casting a vote for the Senate bill alone.

Instead, under a process called a “self-executing rule,” the House could simultaneously approve the Senate bill while voting on a package of changes to it. This would “deem” the Senate bill to be passed, without compelling members to vote for it directly.

They vote for the rule, not the bill.

Schoolhouse Rock’s “I’m Just a Bill”  has just been murdered! :0

But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. (Article 1 Section 7).

But the Orwellian bastards will try and sell that pile of crap all summer and the Liberal media (aka The Ministry of Truth) will go along with it when it comes up.

There is no “Fourth Estate” to protect you, they are a Fifth Column.

Asked to respond to a viewer’s e-mail question about why he has to “bribe Congress to pass it,” Obama said, “I’ve got the same exact e-mails that I could show you that talk about why haven’t we done something to make sure that I, a small business person, am getting as good a deal as members of Congress are getting, and don’t have my insurance rates jacked up 40 percent?”

Obama later added, “I’ve got to say to you, there are a lot more people who are concerned about the fact that they may be losing their house or going bankrupt because of health care.”

Obama expressed confidence that the health care bill will pass.

“And the reason I’m confident that it’s going to pass is because it’s the right thing to do,” he said.

“And yes, I have said that this is an ugly process,” he said. “It was ugly when Republicans were in charge. It was ugly when Democrats were in charge.”

“But they did it too Mommy!!” is Obama’s basic answer for everything these days.

But if it passes (or is “deemed” more likely) he gets to ascend to Liberal Socialist Godhood and nothing else matters.

Except, attempting to rig future elections that is.

Remember, the White House took control of the Census data that can be used to gerrymander legislative districts.

Also, you have 12-20 million new socialist Democrats and ACORN chomping at the bit to get them registered.

They are called Illegal Aliens.

Obama won by 10 million last time.

But he has so pissed off many Americans he would need more voters to replace them.

So in come the Illegals, most from socialist countries to the south.

Most can’t speak much English.

Many are very undereducated.

And virtually all will be grateful to their new God, Obama and The Democrats for giving them Amnesty.

But that won’t stop the Illegals.

They’ll still keep coming.

And with Former Arizona Governor and lover of all things Non-American Janet Napalitano cutting funding for Border Security you have a never ending supply of new Democrats to bring in to use as electoral weapons.

And with Cap and Trade (which they will try and pass before November) they can effectively run your life for you.

As Obama said, it’s the right thing to do.

They “deem” it so. So mote it be.

So enjoy your weekend, as Americans, it’s probably our last.

Unless, there is a Miracle.



In just a few short days the direction that this great country travels in, may be changed forever. The will of the American people will be tested and history will decide who flinched first. As passage of the health care reform bill looms precariously just over the horizon and with it a new precedent may be established that could change our democracy as we know it.

If there are not enough votes in the house for final passage, Nancy Pelosi has stated that they may try another tactic and deem the bill passed. Violating not only the constitution of the United States but, also the rights of it’s citizens. Ultimately paving the way for more legislation that they may deem necessary for the good of the country. Frightening isn’t it? They are in essence re-writing the very document that has guaranteed our liberties and freedoms for over one hundred and twenty years.

Never before in the history of our government has so much been at stake, with the passage of a single bill. Still, the issue at hand is not as much the contents of the bill, rather the methods that have brought it to the center of attention.

President Obama came to the political arena under the guise of hope and change. The people of this country were at the time disillusioned with government and the wars in the middle east. He offered a change that some Americans were elated to see. He promised to bring the country back together and establish transparency in government that would help heal the wounds of a people that no longer trusted lawmakers. He promised to reduce the deficit, put people back to work and solve the problems with the economy. He painted a beautiful picture. What happened?

Had Obama been properly vetted we may never have had to ask this question. His close relationship with Saul Alinsky would have certainly come up and that may have been the end of it right there. Americans have the unique ability to be misled at the behalf of a severely biased news media. They painted a portrait of a young politician that was almost too good to be true. Clearly he based his agenda squarely down the middle appealing to those on either side of the aisle. McCain and his party never had a chance.

Alinsky’s doctrine initiates change through crisis and in the first few weeks of the new administration, this country faced a crisis at every corner. Rahm Emanuel was quoted recently as saying; “never waste a good crisis.” Apparently this administration didn’t. Economic crisis, mortgage crisis, banking crisis, auto manufacturer’s crisis, one crisis after another. Law makers were urged to act now before it is too late! Chicken Little’s words echoed throughout the congress; “the sky is falling!” Trillions of American taxpayers hard earned dollars were shoved out the back door to open hands, with barely a glance at the check book that it was drawn out of. Driving this country into a debt that broke the bank. TARP was born.

Words from the master himself, Saul Alinsky and Rules for Radicals. “Men don’t like to step abruptly out of the security of familiar experience; they need a bridge to cross from their own experience to a new way. A revolutionary organizer must shake up the prevailing patterns of their lives–agitate, create disenchantment and discontent with the current values, to produce, if not a passion for change, at least a passive, affirmative, no-challenging climate.” President Obama learned well, he had a brilliant teacher.

We are now facing a crisis. A real crisis. A crisis in the most cherished of all places. Our democracy. The very constitution itself is being assaulted. The people of this great nation sit back and hold their breath as their freedoms become a bargaining chip for the grand prize. Health care reform.

Nancy Pelosi indicated that she “will pass this bill by any means necessary.” Does this mean at the expense of the constitution? Outrage is now out in the open. Anger, divisiveness and frustration at the apparent inability to stop this thing from becoming law are driving a wedge between the people. Change will come as a result of all of this. Alinsky was right. You need an inside agitator for change and we have found one.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Guest Blogger: Joseph Farah from WND

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between the  linesJoseph Farah

All issues are ’social issues’

Posted: March 15, 2010
1:00 am Eastern

© 2010 

Just as many Americans don’t understand the left-right political spectrum extends from totalitarian government control on the left to anarchy on the right, there’s much confusion over the phony divide between “economic issues” and “social issues.”

A story in last week’s edition of Politico attempts to stir up conflict between what it calls the “evangelical right” and the tea-party movement. I am certain it will be the first of many like it in media determined to see an end to both movements.

“A reeling economy and the massive bank bailout and stimulus plan were the triggers for a resurgence in support for the Republican Party and the rise of the tea-party movement,” explains Politico’s Ben Smith. “But they’ve also banished the social issues that are the focus of many evangelical Christians to the background.”

The story goes on to say the tea-party groups “eschew social issues.”

We have become conditioned to hearing that “social issues” are abortion and the gender-bending agenda. However, I would like to make the case that all political issues are, in fact, “social issues.” And just as those entering the political fray as tea partiers should recognize this, so must the traditional “conservatives” who have focused their attention on abortion and gender-bending.

I have some familiarity with both camps.

The problem both have is not always seeing the forest for the trees.

America is not just in trouble because government no longer respects the sanctity of life.

America is not just in trouble because government no longer respects the sanctity of marriage.

America is not just in trouble because government is spending more money than it has.

America is not just in trouble because government is redistributing wealth.

America is in trouble because government is doing all of these things and more to exceed the strict limits of its constitutional authority.

And, America is in trouble because government has, to paraphrase Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, “forgotten God.”

(Column continues below)

// // // click here

These are the two principles that unite the vast majority of the tea-party movement with the more traditional “conservative” movement and especially those who are devoted to the sanctity of life and family.

There’s no divide here.

There’s only a divide if we create one.

And if we create one – or allow our enemies to create one – then America will return to business as usual, and the great awakening we have seen in the last 18 months will have been just a momentary blip on history’s radar screen.

This is a time for unity among pro-life activists, pro-family activists, “conservative” activists and libertarians. There are two principles that unite most of these people – whether they know it or not:

  • Overwhelmingly they believe we are accountable to a sovereign God who grants us unalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
  • Overwhelmingly they believe the Constitution strictly limits the power of the federal government and uniquely recognizes and protects those unalienable rights.

This is where the focus needs to be between all of the freedom-oriented groups now battling to take America back from those who would transform it to be more like all the other nations of the world – those that long ago turned from God and those that don’t have a 223-year-old Constitution that removed shackles from the people and placed them on the government.

I know the heart and soul of the tea-party movement.

It is populated by people who think just like I do about these big issues. It is a movement of prayerful people, people who love God, people who go to church and synagogue. And it is a movement of people who revere the Constitution. It is not just a movement founded upon issues of materialism and economics.

Furthermore, I would submit to you that “all issues are social issues.” The great economic plundering taking place by a rapacious government and the elite they serve is a “social issue.” The victims are people. Private property rights is a “social issue.” Equal protection under the law is a “social issue.” The rule of law is a “social issue.”

And, most of all, the will of the people is a “social issue.”

Don’t let your enemies dictate the terms of debate nor the rules of engagement.

If you care about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, you care about “social issues.”
