Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sarah Palin: Republican or Independent--Elephant or Bull Moose--Palin--Preening President Popper!



“Courage is the greatest of all virtues, because if you haven’t courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.”

~Samuel Butler


Governor Palin on Hannity Part 1 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Governor Palin on Hannity Part 2 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Governor Palin on Hannity Part 3 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Governor Palin on Hannity Part 4 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Governor Palin on Hannity Part 5 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Governor Palin on Hannity Part 6 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Gov Palin on Sean Hannity’s Radio Show pt 1 Nov 18

Gov Palin on Sean Hannity’s Radio Show pt 2 Nov 18

Greta on Governor Palin’s Media Roundup (Foxnews Nov 17 2009)

Rush Limbaugh Speaks with Sarah Palin – Part 1/2

Rush Limbaugh Speaks with Sarah Palin – Part 2/2

Sarah Palin, Barbara Walters: Good Morning America (Part 1 of 2)

Sarah Palin, Barbara Walters: Good Morning America (Part 2 of 2)

Sarah Palin wants to “ her butt-off for common sense conservatives…”, which tells me she is running for the office of President of the United States.

Will former Governor Palin run as a Republican or Independent on a third party ticket, Elephant or Bull Moose?

Today it sure sounds like she would will run as a Republican candidate for the office of President.

She would be an excellent choice for the Vice-President slot as well.

However, she understands why here husband, Todd, is registered as an independent.

Should she be treated unfairly by the Republican Party establishment, she could run as an independent.

The Republican Party elites better treat her right or her supporters would vote for her instead of the Republican candidate., should she decide to run as an independent.

If Sarah Palin wants to be President of the United States she should follow the example of Ronald Reagan and build a grassroots movement of conservatives, libertarians, and independents for limited government, fiscal responsibilty and job and wealth creation.

She must do her homework and study both domestic and national security issues.

Then communicate her positions on the top twelve issues facing the nation today.

Here is a conservative and libertarian political agenda for a quick start:

1. Job Creation: reduce the tax and regulation burden of small and medium size businesses to encourage business formation, economic growth, job and wealth creation.

2. Tax Reform: replace all Federal income, payroll, capital gains, estate and gift taxes with a national consumption tax–The FairTax.

3.  Federal Budget: require balanced or surplus budgets only, no more budget deficits and deficit spending and absolutely no government bailouts and subsidies to businesses.

4. Federal Government Size and Scope: eliminate  ten Federal Departments and the Federal Reserve System and their associated programs, subsidies, unfunded state mandates and the number of Federal employees by 50%.

5. Federal Government Regulation: reduce by a least half the number and scope of government regulations.

6. Energy Independence: promote oil and gas exploration and production and nuclear power generation plant construction.

7. Education: promote competition and accountability among schools by supporting  home schooling , school choice  and vouchers for parents to pay for school tuition and fees.

8. Health Care Reform: promote tort reform by limiting economic damages and defensive medicine, interstate competition among insurance companies,  health saving accounts paired with individual high deductible health insurance plans.

9. Social Security and Medicare: place both Social Security and Medicare on a financial and actuarial sound basis and transition to individually owned and controlled Social Security Retirement Accounts and Health Saving Accounts paired with high deductible health insurance plans.

10. Immigration: no amnesty for illegal aliens, stop illegal immigration by requiring all employers to use E-Verify to determine eligibility to work in the USA, complete and patrol the entire border fence, remove and deport all criminal aliens, and limit legal immigration to 250,000 persons per year.

11. National Security: bring the troops home from around the world including Germany, Japan, South Korea., Iraq and Afghanistan and budget 5% of Gross Domestic Product for national defense  to build and train all of the military services for defense of the nation.

12. International Affairs: withdraw from the United Nations and require the United Nations to move to another country.

Listening to her answers to serious policy issue questions, it is apparent she has already been studying the top issues.

The pump and dump drive-by media or what Palin calls the lamestream media are in dump-mode attacking her.

O’Reilly: The Sarah Palin Fear Factor (Foxnews Nov 17 2009)

HLN’s Joy Behar, Ann Coulter & Hilary Rosen Spar Over Sarah Palin’s Book

The lamestream media needs to damage her to prevent her from having any chance of running in 2012 or 2016 and beat either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.

The country-club or Rockefeller Republicans, aka the Republicans In Name Only, the RINOs, are also taking their shots including McCain’s former campaign staff.

My educated guess is that both Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin will both run for the nomination in 2012 and whoever wins the nomination for Presidency will select the other for the Vice-President slot on the ticket to unite the Republican Party–Newty and The Beauty or Beauty and Newty.

Some woman conservatives are hoping for a Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann ticket.

Others are hoping for a Sarah Palin/Marsha Blackburn ticket.

Both are terrific ideas!

How about  Sarah Palin/Tom Coburn or Tom Coburn/Sarah Palin ticket ladies?


A Senator and Doctor that really knows how to reform health care!

Both Democrats and Republicans call him Doctor No–a fiscally responsible conservative that walks the walk.

Palin knows that the American people are tired of President Obama’s America apologetic tours with bowing to Emperors and Kings.

The American people are not pleased with the direction the progressive radical socialist President is taking their country with massively huge budget deficits, tax increases, and a new health care entitlement program.

Palin knows how to attack these issues with a smile and prick the inflated Obama opinion of himself.

Palin The Preening President Popper–Bye Bye Barack!

Background Articles and Videos

Sarah Palin Facebook Page

Michele Bachmann

Who’s afraid of conservative American women? By Michelle Malkin  

“Female Conservative Derangement Syndrome has spread across the pond. The Observer of London spotlights the “extreme” women in American politics that give them the willies.


She is a striking brunette with a decidedly outspoken attitude. She lambasts President Barack Obama as a socialist and has become the darling of America’s right-wing activists who flock to her appearances. She is hated by liberals and loved by conservatives.

Sarah Palin? Not quite. Meet Michele Bachmann, a Republican congresswoman from Minnesota who is being hailed as a new and increasingly powerful voice in American politics.

Bachmann, at 53, is a darling of the so-called Tea Party movement, which has campaigned vociferously against healthcare reform, the economic stimulus package and legislation to combat climate change. Her followers have been behind mass rallies in Washington and smaller ones all over the country. She has emerged as one of the most visible politicians in America, frequently appearing on the conservative Fox News channel, whose hosts often champion her causes.

She is part of an increasingly visible “female brand” of conservatism that is rising in America in the wake of the election of Obama. They include notable syndicated commentators such as Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter, whose dislike for liberals has grown ever more shrill in recent months. And, of course, Palin herself. She is still a giant of the political and media landscape and next week embarks on a book tour to sell her autobiography. It has already sparked a media frenzy, with a heavily hyped appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s show, and become a huge bestseller on pre-orders alone.

All these women express a mood of conservative discontent that is becoming increasingly vocal and, some experts warn, extreme.

Yes, we’re “extreme.”

No apologies here for being extremely outraged at Washington’s ongoing generational theft, extremely mortified at our imperiled national security, extremely aggravated at the globe-trotting groveler-in-chief, and extremely disgusted with business-as-usual cronyism, pay-for-play thuggery in the Obama White House. …”

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