Sunday, November 29, 2009

Be Thankful

ATR: This year we have much for which to be thankful: family, friends, and the Obama-Reid-Pelosi National Energy Tax (Cap and Trade) has not yet become law to name a few. We would like to remind you of 10 reasons you should be thinkful for that this year:

  1. We don’t have to pay over $100 billion in additional taxes.
  2. We don’t have to pay an additional $3.6 trillion in gas taxes.
  3. We won’t lose 1.1 million jobs between 2012 and 2030 and 2.5 million each year after that.
  4. We haven’t made new industries that are dependent on government handouts for their survival.
  5. We don’t have a new bureaucracy in place to allocate and sell carbon credits that will increase corruption and favoritism in Washington, DC.
  6. Our energy costs will not go up by $1500 per year for a family of four.
  7. We won’t have our national debt increase by 26 percent by 2030. An increase of $116,600 for a family of four.
  8. We won’t have protectionist tariffs to create trade wars and cause increased prices and shortages on the goods we need.
  9. We won’t have a reduction in GDP of $9.4 trillion between 2012 and 2030.
  10. We won’t have a 58% increase in gas prices

But 2010 is another matter.

Be Thankful that the media is saving you from hearing about the Global Cooling..Global Warming…Global Climate Change…Climate Change scam…

I found this on the reader comment section: :)

Remember now, fellow travelers. The facts really don’t matter as long as the IDEA and the MESSAGE are useful in the eyes of liberals. The so-called information presented by “scientists” is only meant to illustrate the problem, not prove it. Where have y’all been? If we hadn’t listened to the warnings about global cooling 25 years ago, the planet would be plunged into a new ice age by now. And look–we’re actually getting warmer! See, calling public attention to a problem really does work. So accept what these people are telling us, and before you know it, the planet will cool down again. We are all just too dumb to make decisions for ourselves. Yesterday: Mammograms for everyone, save the breasts! Today, uhm, not so much. Global warming will go the same route. Trust me!


ABC (still ignoring the real story and still obsessed with the couple who crashed the State Dinner LAST WEEK, so be thankful they know a real news story when they see it! :)

Some recent studies, including one by Britain’s Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research, indicate that global temperatures have plateaued during the past decade, which could undermine arguments that the Earth is undergoing a long-term warming trend because of the burning of fossil fuels. Phil Jones has denied manipulating evidence and said his comments were taken out of context.

Climate change skeptics “don’t have the science on their side anymore, so they’ve resorted to a smear campaign to distract the public from the reality of the problem and the need to confront it head-on in Copenhagen,” said Mann, professor of meteorology at Pennsylvania State University who was the recipient of several of the published e-mails.

But the pressure is getting to some people, even if the Media continues to ignore it with gusto:

Leading British scientists at the University of East Anglia, who were accused of manipulating climate change data – dubbed Climategate – have agreed to publish their figures in full.

But others:

Gavin A. Schmidt, a NASA climatologist involved in many of the e-mail exchanges, said that voluntarily disclosing more data would never satisfy the “very hard-bitten, distraught core” of climate skeptics. “The number of attacks on our integrity will actually increase since there will be more ways to twist what it is we do to support some conspiracy theory or other,” he said.

Mike Hulme, a climate scientist at the University of East Anglia and author of “Why We Disagree About Climate Change,” said the disclosures could offer a chance to finally bring the practices of climate researchers and the intergovernmental panel into the modern era, where transparency — enforced legally or illegally — is inevitable and appropriate.

“The I.P.C.C. itself, through its structural tendency to politicize climate change science, has perhaps helped to foster a more authoritarian and exclusive form of knowledge production,” he said in an e-mail message, “just at a time when a globalizing and wired cosmopolitan culture is demanding of science something much more open and inclusive.”

Dr. Curry and others said that if nothing else, the e-mail correspondence suggested that climate scientists needed to show more temperance in dealing with their critics.

“We won the war — the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, and climate and energy legislation is near the top of the U.S. agenda,” Dr. Curry said. “Why keep fighting all these silly battles and putting ourselves in this position?”

Ah, the condescending, snotty personal attacks of the liberal caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

I guess we can be thankful they never change. :)

American Thinker:

Jonathan Leake, writing in the UK’s Times Online, offers a balanced overview of the scandal and this fascinating point regarding the chronology of the “breaking” of the story:

It was a powerful and controversial mix – far too powerful for some. Real Climate is a website designed for scientists who share Jones’s belief in man-made climate change. Within hours the file had been stripped from the site.

Several hours later, however, it reappeared – this time on an obscure Russian server. Soon it had been copied to a host of other servers, first in Saudi Arabia and Turkey and then Europe and America.

What’s more, the anonymous poster was determined not to be stymied again. He or she posted comments on climate-sceptic blogs, detailing a dozen of the best emails and offering web links to the rest. Jones’s statistical tricks were now public property.

Note carefully the fact that this modern shot heard round the world first found a point of entry through Russia, then Saudi Arabia, and then Turkey – next Europe, and lastly the United States.

In other words, the traditionally supposed intellectual freedom and free speech climate of the West was “stoney ground” in comparison to the accessibility of outlets under the more repressive regimes of Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Perhaps the greater story is the truth itself – and its indomitable will to reveal itself through even the most unlikely of conduits and efforts of even one individual arrayed against a worldwide apparatus of dishonesty.

Jesus, in Luke 19:40, when admonished to silence the truth, made a startling claim about the geological record that collided with accepted scientific notions in His day:

And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

It would appear that the repression of truth in the scientic community and the Mainstream Media in the west has indeed caused “the stones to cry out.”

Be thankful for crying stones.

Now we just have to guard against crying wallets.


Swine Flu Alert -- Shocking Vaccine Miscarriage Horror Stories

Posted by: Dr. Mercola
November 28 2009

U.S. health authorities have made pregnant women one of the highest priority groups for getting the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, but is it actually safe for pregnant women and their babies?

In fact, the package inserts for the swine flu vaccines actually say that the safety of these vaccines for pregnant women has not been established. And miscarriage reports from pregnant women who have taken the H1N1 swine flu vaccine are starting to pour in from all over the nation.

The link below contains stories that will shock and anger you. If you are a pregnant mother, please do not take the H1N1 swine flu vaccine.  Instead, do everything that you can do to avoid public places and make sure to wash your hands more than you usually would.  Research the many great natural ways there are for fighting the flu.


Organic Health November 11, 2009

As a pro-safety drug- and vaccine advocate, I believe it’s imperative to be able to unequivocally prove that a drug or vaccine will cause no harm, AND be able to show that it offers measurable benefit, before releasing it to market. This is especially important when we’re dealing with pregnant women and young children.

Neither is true for the flu vaccine during pregnancy, and even less so for the H1N1 vaccine when given to pregnant women.

Flu vaccine manufacturers clearly indicate that safety and effectiveness of their flu vaccines have not been established for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Ditto for their H1N1 vaccines.

Heartbreaking Stories of Losses After H1N1 Vaccination

The source links above contain personal stories of heartbreak – women who lost their babies just hours or days after getting the H1N1 vaccine this year. Naturally, the standard comeback is that miscarriages are commonplace, and surely have nothing to do with the vaccine. However, to simply dismiss these events as “coincidences” is a serious mistake.

Perhaps some of the 20 women on one of the blogs would have miscarried anyway, but when a number of women have healthy, uneventful pregnancies up until they’re injected with a vaccine, and then suddenly miscarry, it most certainly warrants investigation!

Be Part of the Solution – REPORT All Side Effects to VAERS!

I’m willing to bet that most of these incidents have not been properly reported to the authorities, and this is something everyone needs to be better informed about.

Please know that any time you take a pharmaceutical drug, or are injected with a vaccine of any kind, you need to report any and all side effects to your doctor and insist that he or she report it to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Ask to get a copy of the report to make sure it was done.

Also know that YOU can report it yourself! You don’t have to go via your doctor.

The VAERS web site allows you to fill out an adverse event report on your own.

Unfortunately, since reporting side effects to VAERS is voluntary, only one to 10 percent of all side effects are ever reported!

Yet VAERS can serve a vital function, alerting authorities to significant problems with various drugs and vaccines. We NEED this information, because without it, authorities and drug makers can simply continue to say that a drug or vaccine has been used safely for a number of years, without ever having done any real studies and follow up.

The truth is, we know extremely little about the true safety and effectiveness of most drugs and vaccines on the market.

None of the H1N1 Flu Vaccines Have Ever Been Tested on Pregnant Women

If you are willing to be a guinea pig, then so be it. But I urge you not to be. It’s simply not your responsibility to subject yourself to this type of cruel field testing. Know this: the vaccine manufacturers and the doctors administering the shots are legally protected, should something go wrong. You cannot sue them for damages.

If you read the package inserts, you’ll find that NONE of them have ever been tested for safety and effectiveness in pregnant women and nursing mothers, and none of them are recommended for pregnant women “unless clearly needed.”

(And this is something I’ll get to in a moment…)

You also need to understand that no reproduction studies have been done to determine how these flu vaccines (whether for seasonal- or the H1N1 vaccine) affect future fertility, and whether or how they affect a developing fetus.

So truly, YOU are little more than a test subject; a statistic that may or may not be counted, depending on whether your side effects are properly reported and investigated, should something go awry.

In the US, four H1N1 vaccines have achieved FDA approval, and you can read their package inserts by clicking on the hyperlinks below:

  • MedImmune (intranasal spray)
  • Novartis
  • Sanofi-Pasteur
  • CSL Biotherapies, Inc.

For more information about these vaccines, and a quick review of each vaccine’s list of ingredients, please see my previous article A Review of Four Approved Swine Flu Vaccines’ Ingredients.

How Effective is the H1N1 Vaccine, Really?

If you read through the package inserts (hyperlinked above) for the injectable, inactivated flu vaccines, you will find the following paragraph:

“Specific levels of HI antibody titers post-vaccination with inactivated influenza virus vaccine have not been correlated with protection from influenza virus. In some human studies, antibody titers of 1:40 or greater have been associated with protection from influenza illness in up to 50% of subjects.”

What that paragraph explains, is that, to the best of our knowledge, the vaccine only works in half, or less, of those individuals who attain the specified level of seroconversion after vaccination.

The FDA defines seroconversion as achieving an antibody titer of 1:40.

This means that if a vaccine was 100 percent effective at achieving this level of seroconversion, it would protect up to 50 percent of the recipients of the vaccine.

But none of the vaccines are 100 percent effective at achieving seroconversion.

CSL’s vaccine insert, for example, (see pages 11-12), states that their H1N1 vaccine provides seroconversion for:

  • 48.7 percent of people aged 18-65
  • 34 percent for seniors, 65 and older

That means that, at best, their vaccine works in one out of every four people! (49 percent of 50 percent).

Which, of course, means that the vaccine does NOT work in three out of every four people…

Is a 25 percent chance of reaping any sort of benefit worth the risk, especially if you’re pregnant?

Many health officials and doctors say this benefit is worth the risk, and urge pregnant women to get vaccinated with one or both flu vaccines this year. They claim the potential dangers inherent in getting sick with the flu while pregnant is a far more significant than any potential danger from the vaccine.

But is that really true?

How Dangerous is the Flu While Pregnant, and is Flu Vaccination Warranted?

A paper published in the summer 2006 issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, titled Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy: A Critical Assessment of the Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), concludes that the flu vaccine recommendation for pregnant women should be withdrawn as:

a) flu is rarely a complication for pregnant women, and

b) no safety studies have been done

The authors’ state:

“Influenza vaccination during all trimesters of pregnancy is now universally recommended in the United States. We critically reviewed the influenza vaccination policy of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice and the citations that were used to support their recommendations.

The ACIP’s citations and the current literature indicate that influenza infection is rarely a threat to a normal pregnancy.

There is no convincing evidence of the effectiveness of influenza vaccination during this critical period.

… The ACIP policy recommendation of routinely administering influenza vaccine during pregnancy is ill-advised and unsupported by current scientific literature, and it should be withdrawn…”

Interestingly, it explains that the ACIP’s recommendations are based on just TWO scientific papers that support the claim that the flu is more serious during pregnancy than at other times, and points out the multiple flaws with each of these two studies.

Here’s an excerpt explaining the lack of true evidence presented by the first study:

“A British study compared maternal and neonatal outcomes in women infected with the influenza virus during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy with those of pregnant, uninfected controls. Only 11% of the 1,659 pregnant subjects had serological evidence of the illness; none had detectable influenza A-specific IgM.

There was also no evidence for transplacental transmission of the influenza virus, or autoantibody production in influenza-complicated pregnancies. Influenza infection had no significant impact on labor outcomes, health of the newborn, or maternal well-being.

The authors claimed that overall “complications” in pregnant women with influenza infection occurred more frequently than in controls; however, no individual complication achieved statistical significance.

Many of the listed complications appeared to be subjective complaints such as chest pain and “taking medication,” rather than specific diagnoses, and some could have been related to comorbid conditions that the authors failed to address.

While there was only one recorded case of pneumonia during pregnancy, an uncommon but serious complication of influenza, all other “complications” lacked biological plausibility.

When such nonspecific complications were excluded, there were no significant differences between the two groups…”

Another interesting fact brought to light in this paper is that, ironically, some of the “evidence” used to create the recommendation for flu vaccination for pregnant women shows that it may cause more harm than good!

“Munoz et al. also failed to demonstrate effectiveness of influenza vaccination in pregnancy during five influenza seasons (1998-2003). Rates of upper respiratory tract infection did not significantly differ between vaccinated and unvaccinated women.

Paradoxically, the authors found four times as many influenza-like illness-related hospitalizations in vaccinated women (2.8% vs 0.7%), an observation similar to that of Neuzil et al (2.2% vs 0.7%) [the second study used to support the ACIP recommendation].

These observations not only challenge vaccine effectiveness, but also raise concern that vaccination actually carries added risk of influenza-like illness.” [Emphasis mine.]

Lastly, the paper questions the rationale for using a polio vaccine study – which was rejected by the Institute of Medicine on the basis of flawed study design – in support of their decision that flu vaccinations are safe for pregnant women.

The authors called the decision “peculiar.”


Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this information will help you weigh the risks and benefits to make a more educated decision for yourself and your family. No one can, nor should, make this decision for you.

I urge you to continue educating yourself about vaccines before yet another generation is lost to medical arrogance and greed.

Related Links:

Latest H1N1 Swine Flu Alerts Expert Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths Why is Canada Changing Its Flu Vaccine Policy? Common Links in Swine Flu Deaths…


Thursday, November 26, 2009

War- what is it good for?

Thanks to Tom Feeley at Information Clearinghouse for todays’ quotes:

“War, we have come to believe, is a spectator sport. The military and the press … have turned war into a vast video arcade game. Its very essence- death – is hidden from public view.”

Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for New York Times

“War: first, one hopes to win; then one expects the enemy to lose; then, one is satisfied that he too is suffering; in the end, one is surprised that everyone has lost.”

Karl Kraus (1874&1936)

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph”

Haile Selassie

“Television is altering the meaning of “being informed” by creating a species of information that might properly be called disinformation… Disinformation does not mean false information. It means misleading information – misplaced, irrelevant, fragmented or superficial information – information that creates the illusion of knowing something, but which in fact leads one away from knowing.”

Neil Postman

” The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity – much less dissent.”

Gore Vidal

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq “1,339,771″


Cost of War in Iraq

Cost of War in Afghanistan


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Climategate--A Political Scam, Investment Fraud, and Science Scandal of The Century Exposed--The Progressive Radical Socialist's Big Lie And Con That Man Is The Cause Of Global Warming Was In Fact Nothing More Than Politicians, Investment Bankers, an

  Rush Limbaugh Nov 24 2009 Morning Update

Climate Gate Scientists Would Rather Change Facts Than Their Theories!


Global warming scientists E mail hacked. 23rd 11th 09

GlennBeck Climategate 

Climate Change Hoax – Climate-Gate

Alex Jones Tv: Climate-Gate ” THE E-MAILS ARE REAL!!!” Climate-Gate Pt 1 ***EMERGENCY VIRAL TRANSMISSION*** Climate-Gate Pt 2 ***EMERGENCY VIRAL TRANSMISSION***

Global Warming Reports – Misleading by “Proxy”?

Background Articles and Video   Lord Lawson calls for public inquiry into UEA global warming data ‘manipulation’ Lord Lawson, the former chancellor, has called for an independent inquiry into claims that leading climate change scientists manipulated data to strengthen the case for man-made global warming.

“…Thousands of emails and documents stolen from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and posted online indicate that researchers massaged figures to mask the fact that world temperatures have been declining in recent years.

This morning Lord Lawson, who has reinvented himself as a prominent climate change sceptic since leaving front line politics, demanded that the apparent deception be fully investigated.

He claimed that the credibility of the university’s world-renowned Climatic Research Unit – and British science – were under threat.

“They should set up a public inquiry under someone who is totally respected and get to the truth,” he told the BBC Radio Four Today programme.

“If there’s an explanation for what’s going on they can make that explanation.”

Around 1,000 emails and 3,000 documents were stolen from UEA computers by hackers last week and uploaded on to a Russian server before circulating on websites run by climate change sceptics.

Some of the correspondence indicates that the manipulation of data was widespread among global warming researchers.

One of the emails under scrutiny, written by Phil Jones, the centre’s director, in 1999, reads: “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature [the science journal] trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie, from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”

Prof Jones has insisted that he used the word “trick” to mean a “clever thing to do”, rather than to indicate deception. He has denied manipulating data.

Another scientist whose name appears in the documents accused the hackers of attempting to undermine the drive for a global consensus at next month’s Copenhagen summit. …”

  Warmist conspiracy exposed? Andrew Bolt

“…The Hadley University of East Anglia CRU director admits the emails seem to be genuine:

The director of Britain’s leading Climate Research Unit, Phil Jones, has told Investigate magazine’s TGIF Edition tonight …”It was a hacker. We were aware of this about three or four days ago that someone had hacked into our system and taken and copied loads of data files and emails.”…

TGIF asked Jones about the controversial email discussing “hiding the decline”, and Jones explained what he was trying to say….

So the 1079 emails and 72 documents seem indeed evidence of a scandal involving most of the most prominent scientists pushing the man-made warming theory – a scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science. I’ve been adding some of the most astonishing in updates below – emails suggesting conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more. If it is as it now seems, never again will “peer review” be used to shout down sceptics.

This is clearly not the work of some hacker, but of an insider who’s now blown the whistle.

Not surprising, then, that Steve McIntyre reports:

Earlier today, CRU cancelled all existing passwords. Actions speaking loudly.

But back to the original post – and the most astonishing of the emails so far…


Hackers have broken into the data base of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit - one of the world’s leading alarmist centres – and put the files they stole on the Internet, on the grounds that the science is too important to be kept under wraps. …”

  ClimateGate: The Fix is In

By Robert Tracinski

“…These e-mails show, among many other things, private admissions of doubt or scientific weakness in the global warming theory. In acknowledging that global temperatures have actually declined for the past decade, one scientist asks, “where the heck is global warming?… The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.” They still can’t account for it; see a new article in Der Spiegel: “Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out.” I don’t know where these people got their scientific education, but where I come from, if your theory can’t predict or explain the observed facts, it’s wrong.

More seriously, in one e-mail, a prominent global warming alarmist admits to using a statistical “trick” to “hide the decline” in temperatures. Anthony Watts provides an explanation of this case in technical detail; the “trick” consists of selectively mixing two different kinds of data-temperature “proxies” from tree rings and actual thermometer measurements-in a way designed to produce a graph of global temperatures that ends the way the global warming establishment wants it to: with an upward “hockey stick” slope.

Confirming the earlier scandal about cherry-picked data, the e-mails show CRU scientists conspiring to evade legal requests, under the Freedom of Information Act, for their underlying data. It’s a basic rule of science that you don’t just get to report your results and ask other people to take you on faith. You also have to report your data and your specific method of analysis, so that others can check it and, yes, even criticize it. Yet that is precisely what the CRU scientists have refused.

But what stood out most for me was extensive evidence of the hijacking of the “peer review” process to enforce global warming dogma. Peer review is the practice of subjecting scientific papers to review by other scientists with relevant expertise before they can be published in professional journals. The idea is to weed out research with obvious flaws or weak arguments, but there is a clear danger that such a process will simply reinforce groupthink. If it is corrupted, peer review can be a mechanism for an entrenched establishment to exclude legitimate challenges by simply refusing to give critics a hearing. …”

“…This is an enormous case of organized scientific fraud, but it is not just scientific fraud. It is also a criminal act. Suborned by billions of taxpayer dollars devoted to climate research, dozens of prominent scientists have established a criminal racket in which they seek government money-Phil Jones has raked in a total of £13.7 million in grants from the British government-which they then use to falsify data and defraud the taxpayers. It’s the most insidious kind of fraud: a fraud in which the culprits are lauded as public heroes. Judging from this cache of e-mails, they even manage to tell themselves that their manipulation of the data is intended to protect a bigger truth and prevent it from being “confused” by inconvenient facts and uncontrolled criticism.

The damage here goes far beyond the loss of a few billions of taxpayer dollars on bogus scientific research. The real cost of this fraud is the trillions of dollars of wealth that will be destroyed if a fraudulent theory is used to justify legislation that starves the global economy of its cheapest and most abundant sources of energy.

This is the scandal of the century. It needs to be thoroughly investigated-and the culprits need to be brought to justice.”

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’? James Delingpole

“…If you own any shares in alternative energy companies I should start dumping them NOW. The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka Hadley CRU) and released 61 megabites of confidential files onto the internet. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That)

When you read some of those files – including 1079 emails and 72 documents – you realise just why the boffins at Hadley CRU might have preferred to keep them confidential. As Andrew Bolt puts it, this scandal could well be “the greatest in modern science”. These alleged emails – supposedly exchanged by some of the most prominent scientists pushing AGW theory – suggest:

Conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more. …”



Christopher Horner Interview pt.1

Christopher Horner Interview pt.2

Christopher Horner Interview pt.3

Christopher Horner Interview pt.4

Christopher Horner Interview pt.5

Christopher Horner Interview pt.6

Christopher Horner Interview pt.7

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starter kit to actual rebellion : partial rough draft

(from addair)

Just airing out some rough ideas….

Also the title “starter kit to actual rebellion” is not my idea.  I took it from Moses Appleton because I think its a really good one.


in the thinking chair



To keep the monster functioning we must feed it, without the fuel of our participation it must die. We can rebel and take our culture and lives on our own terms. Science, technology, or politics won’t assuage our crisis.  We will continue to make a forever updated mess until we reevaluate our standards, think and ways of relating.  The solution will take time, energy, creativity, and courage.  The necessary rebellion is dangerous and authentic because it requires a shedding of apathy.  We must become fully connected and present to bloom in the responsibility of being a human.  We need to fuse our individual actions to the fact that they have real, lasting, and communal consequences.  It is time for a rebellion because it’s necessary, but know that it comes with responsibility.   To maintain liberty, we must learn to sustain our significance.  We do not have to participate in perceived power structures. We have the power. Ban together.  Forget about party affiliation.  Refuse to be divided.  Act for yourself and for others.  Vote with your dollar.  Give your money to real people that make real meaning.  Don’t feed the monster.    Eat real food.  Support your local economy.  Take the little steps and make the stout ones in chorus.  Don’t wait for government action. Speak up. Urge elected officials. We can stop fighting the source of our sustenance and start living in a symbiotic relationship with it.  We can reclaim our right to enjoy the authentic pleasures of living and loving and working.  Wake up and do the things that are important and that you care about.  Everyday.

looking forward to tomorrow. because today i spilt my soup twice. but more to topic, i did get to wake up and do the things i care about (accidents and detours welcome i suppose)





Sunday, November 22, 2009

Why do the RSPCA have stab-proof vests?

And why are they rescuing animals and not people?

I’ll make this a caption competition. Truly, the state of the UK in 2009 is disgusting.

Obviously, people should centre on their priorities:-

And Gordon himself will ensure more devastation:-


The New Louisiana Purchase

The Great Bribe of the 21st Century.

Washington Post: And so it came to pass that Landrieu walked onto the Senate floor midafternoon Saturday to announce her aye vote — and to trumpet the financial “fix” she had arranged for Louisiana. “I am not going to be defensive,” she declared. “And it’s not a $100 million fix. It’s a $300 million fix.”

Got to admire her balls. Yes, I was Bribed. I wanted to be bribed! I’m proud of it! Aren’t I Magnificent!! :)

It was an awkward moment (not least because her figure is 20 times the original Louisiana Purchase price). But it was fairly representative of a Senate debate that seems to be scripted in the Southern Gothic style. The plot was gripping — the bill survived Saturday’s procedural test without a single vote to spare — and it brought out the rank partisanship, the self-absorption and all the other pathologies of modern politics. If that wasn’t enough of a Tennessee Williams story line, the debate even had, playing the lead role, a Southerner named Blanche with a flair for the dramatic.

After Landrieu threw in her support (she asserted that the extra Medicaid funds were “not the reason” for her vote), the lone holdout in the 60-member Democratic caucus was Sen. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas. Like other Democratic moderates who knew a single vote could kill the bill, she took a streetcar named Opportunism, transferred to one called Wavering and made off with concessions of her own. Indeed, the all-Saturday debate, which ended with an 8 p.m. vote, occurred only because Democratic leaders had yielded to her request for more time.

Even when she finally announced her support, at 2:30 in the afternoon, Lincoln made clear that she still planned to hold out for many more concessions in the debate that will consume the next month. “My decision to vote on the motion to proceed is not my last, nor only, chance to have an impact on health-care reform,” she announced.

Landrieu and Lincoln got the attention because they were the last to decide, but the Senate really has 100 Blanche DuBoises, a full house of characters inclined toward the narcissistic. The health-care debate was worse than most. With all 40 Republicans in lockstep opposition, all 60 members of the Democratic caucus had to vote yes — and that gave each one an opportunity to extract concessions from Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) won a promise from Reid to support his plan to expand eligibility for health insurance. Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) got Reid to jettison a provision stripping health insurers of their antitrust exemption. Landrieu got the concessions for her money. And Lincoln won an extended, 72-hour period to study legislation.

“I have concluded that I believe it is more important that we begin this debate to improve our nation’s health care system for all Americans rather than just simply drop the issue and walk away. That is not what people sent us here to do,” Lincoln said. (ABC)

Actually, the will of the people was for you to vote “No”. But that didn’t fit in with your ego did it Senator?

And the big shakedown is yet to occur: That will happen when Reid comes back to his caucus in a few weeks to round up 60 votes for the final passage of the health bill.

Obama 1/20/2009: “We come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics,” he said.

So how’s that working out for you. The singularly 2 most partisan votes in recent memory (The House Bill and the Senate Bill).

All 58 Senate Democrats — along with independent Sens. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Bernie Sanders of Vermont — supported bringing the measure to the floor. All the Republicans voted against it. Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, did not vote.

But don’t worry, it’s all the Republican’s Fault.

The Republicans “are frightening people,” said Sen. Tom Harkin

The Democrats are 100% not to blame for this and the massive and in your-face Bribery to get there.

No, not at all. :)

Sen. Landrieu,“I’m not thinking about my reelection” in 2010.”

Yes, Senator we believe you… :)

Sen. Landrieu clarified that her vote was not an endorsement of Reid’s bill and said she might ultimately vote against the legislation if it is not changed during the Senate floor debate

Sure, Mary, we believe you. You’re going to leave the $300 Million dollar Bribe and walk way, later…

Sure, whatever you say… :)

Sen. Lincoln (D-Ark) said: “I’m not thinking about my re-election, the legacy of a president or whether Democrats or Republicans are going to be able to claim victory in winning this debate. “My first loyalties are with the people of Arkansas,” she said. “Not insurance companies, the health care industry or my political party.”(MSNBC)

The Arkansas Poll, conducted in mid-October by the University of Arkansas’s Survey Research Center, found that 39 percent of voters support a public option and 48 percent oppose the idea.

So, Yes  Senator, please continue to tell yourself that as you gather around the Turkey this week and then come back to Washington to stuff it down our throats.

Sen. Burr (R-NC) hoisted the bill as he spoke at the Republicans press conference.

“This 20 pounds is the size of most people’s turkey next week and that’s what most people in North Carolina think of it,” he said.

“This is the Harry Reid layaway plan for the holiday season,” Burr said. “Pay in for four years before you get anything out of it.”

This will put more than a food coma on the economy.

But at least The New Louisiana Purchase is safe!

“At what point is the government going to step in and say, ‘We are not paying for that and you are going to die earlier than you would if you had received that treatment,’” said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas.

And This Indyfromaz signing off for the day from Obama’s Post-Partisan Utopia… :)




Saturday, November 21, 2009

Reports of pneunomic plague deaths in Poland

Ukraine and World Pneumonic Plague Information
November 19, 2009

Reports are coming in of people dying of symptoms similar to the pneunomic plague in an Emergency Room in Bialystok in the north east of Poland.

A doctor reported treating three patients with symptoms similar to the pneumonic plague, including burned lungs. One the patients died in his arms. The doctor said that it appeared be a bacterial infection and that no antibiotics worked. He also thought it could be a more virulent strain of the swine flu.

The victims came from small villages close to Bialystok.

Low flying aircraft were heard in the region a few nights ago.

Cases similar to the pneumonic plague have also be reported in Lithuania, close to the Polish border and to Bialystok.

The appearance of something resembling the pneumonic plague in Poland shortly after low flying aircraft made carried out unexplained missions during the night time in the same area has parallels with the recent incident in the Ukraine.

Witnesses reported low flying planes carrying out aerosol spraying shortly before the pneumonic plague was diagnosed in victims a few days later.

The Ukrainian government and WHO moved swiftly to declare the swine flu virus had mutated to become more dangerous and implement martial law.

This is an email from Poland:

My friend a doctor who works in Emergency Room in Bialystok (Eastern North of Poland) called me saying that he had 3 cases of patients with symptoms similar to the pneumonic plague. “If it is h1n1, so it means that it has changed for very virulent form and it kills in matter of hours”. One patient died in his hands. I do not know what happened to other two. He is going to inform me how’s the situation, but he expects it to get much worse. No antibiotic works for the disease!

This wouldn’t be payback to the Polish people for the Poland government NOT buying the Swine Flu Vaccine would it? (my conspiracy side)


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Brooks on the Importance in "Faith in the Future"

In his Nov. 16, 2009 NYT column David Brooks points out the importance for a nation’s people to have faith in the future:

“It may seem like an ephemeral thing, but this eschatological faith in the future has motivated generations of Americans, just as religious faith motivates a missionary. Pioneers and immigrants endured hardship in the present because of their confidence in future plenty. Entrepreneurs start up companies with an exaggerated sense of their chances of success. The faith is the molten core of the country’s dynamism.”

This was a tremendous driver of progress when our ancestors came to North America and is now an engine Brooks claims that the Chinese possess in greater vigor than we.

 ”The Chinese are now an astonishingly optimistic people. Eighty-six percent of Chinese believe their country is headed in the right direction, compared with 37 percent of Americans.  . . . The majority of the Chinese believe that China will produce the next society-changing innovation, while only a third of Americans believe the next breakthough will happen here. . . “

An important insight, it is consistent of what we might expect of any group of people or country, which starts out from an economically poor position and begins to see the open road to opportunity.  The generally poor economic state of the majority of Chinese now and the recent past suggests that the future is indeed brighter.   

Still, it is not clear to what extent the top-down, liberty-restricting, authoritarian Chinese economic and legal institutions will limit its people from obtaining the future the aspire to.

The Nation of Futurity, Nov 16, 2009, NYT


And So It Begins...

I saw this on and had a cynical laugh.

Race-Baiter Extraordinaire Rev. Jesse Jackson: “The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday night criticized Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) for voting against the Democrats’ signature healthcare bill. ‘We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill,’ Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. ‘You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.’”

But, yet, I’m the racist for opposing Liberal Socialism.

And this on Politico: The New Heavyweight Champ

Senate bill weighs in at 2,074 pages

In the Battle of the Health Bills, the Senate wins out, bulk-wise – weighing in at 2,074 pages.

The House health reform bill was a mere 1,990 pages when introduced.

That means the Senate bill — like the one in the House — runs more pages than War and Peace, and has nearly five times as many words as the Torah.

First Bribe uncovered: Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is one of three Democratic senators that Harry Reid has to win over to begin debate and there are few better ways of doing that then throwing a little home state sugar their way.

So perhaps it’s no surprise that the health bill includes a 50 percent boost* in federal Medicaid money for states that have been declared disaster areas in the past seven years. Hurricane Katrina, of course, hit the Pelican State in 2005.

You can find the provision on page 432 of the bill.

2014: The Senate bill pushes back implementation of major parts of the reform to 2014 — a change from 2013 under the Finance Committee bill.

So you get 4 years of Tax Increases, even if some of the provisions do provide some meat to keep the wolf from fully blowing their house down.


This is a very inventive fake out. And a very cunning political ploy. Don’t make insurance portable. Just make it a State Issue. Thus is the state opt-out then the states that have it can use it to bash the states that don’t and make it an economic issue.

And then force the politicians in the state to pass it. And if the do, the liberal media will be all over them like a pack of Raptors. The media will destroy them.

So they won’t do it.

Thus, fiscal responsibility will go right up someone’s arse.

Commendably clever ploy.

The Senate bill includes a public insurance option that allows states to choose not to participate. In order to opt-out, states would have to pass a law, a Democratic Senate aide said.

Pure Liberal Thinking:  All politics All the time

(the following ditty was found as the first response in the public forum on and perfectly illustrates the Liberal mindset)
“I LOVE the opt-out. It’s pure political genius! It will force Republican dominated state legislators to vote against benefits for their citizens. Just like with the stimulus funds, they will never do it. They’ll end up looking like complete hypocrites and will totally **** off their base at the same time. Opt-out all the way!”

‘Nuff Said.

The Reid bill only slightly toughens the requirement that people carry insurance. It levies a $95 fine in 2014 and scales up to $750 by 2016. The Senate Finance bill (aka the bogus “Baucus” Bill) had no penalty in the first year.

Critics worry that people will choose to pay the cheaper penalty rather than buying the more expensive insurance plans because the bill also requires insurers to offer coverage to people who are sick. That combination could lead to an older, sicker and more expensive risk pool.

And what does that lead to: Higher Costs and Higher premiums. Whoops! 

Fight isn’t over yet.

Even when the Senate gets this though they still have to go meet the even more Socialist Liberals in the House and come up with compromise bill.

Mind you, the Senate bill just unveiled most likely had absolutely nothing to do with the Baucus circus over the summer and was “Transperancy”-lite in the fact that it was done behind closed doors in secret.

And you thought electing these clowns was “Hope and Change” and end to partisanship in Washington.

WASHINGTON – The government paid more than $47 billion in questionable Medicare claims including medical treatment  showing little relation to a patient’s condition, wasting taxpayer dollars at a rate nearly three times the previous year.

Excerpts of a new federal report, obtained by The Associated Press, show a dramatic increase in improper payments in the $440 billion Medicare program that has been cited by government auditors as a high risk for fraud and waste for 20 years.

Couple that with Stimulus money going to non-existent Congressional Districts and you want these people in charge of whether you live or die?

Are you Nuts!

But it’s not like they are going to little to the People. No, this is the “cornerstone” of the Liberals Holy Grail.

The ability to decide who lives and who dies.

They will be like Gods!

Sarah Palin: Republican or Independent--Elephant or Bull Moose--Palin--Preening President Popper!



“Courage is the greatest of all virtues, because if you haven’t courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.”

~Samuel Butler


Governor Palin on Hannity Part 1 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Governor Palin on Hannity Part 2 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Governor Palin on Hannity Part 3 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Governor Palin on Hannity Part 4 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Governor Palin on Hannity Part 5 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Governor Palin on Hannity Part 6 (Foxnews Nov 18 2009).avi

Gov Palin on Sean Hannity’s Radio Show pt 1 Nov 18

Gov Palin on Sean Hannity’s Radio Show pt 2 Nov 18

Greta on Governor Palin’s Media Roundup (Foxnews Nov 17 2009)

Rush Limbaugh Speaks with Sarah Palin – Part 1/2

Rush Limbaugh Speaks with Sarah Palin – Part 2/2

Sarah Palin, Barbara Walters: Good Morning America (Part 1 of 2)

Sarah Palin, Barbara Walters: Good Morning America (Part 2 of 2)

Sarah Palin wants to “ her butt-off for common sense conservatives…”, which tells me she is running for the office of President of the United States.

Will former Governor Palin run as a Republican or Independent on a third party ticket, Elephant or Bull Moose?

Today it sure sounds like she would will run as a Republican candidate for the office of President.

She would be an excellent choice for the Vice-President slot as well.

However, she understands why here husband, Todd, is registered as an independent.

Should she be treated unfairly by the Republican Party establishment, she could run as an independent.

The Republican Party elites better treat her right or her supporters would vote for her instead of the Republican candidate., should she decide to run as an independent.

If Sarah Palin wants to be President of the United States she should follow the example of Ronald Reagan and build a grassroots movement of conservatives, libertarians, and independents for limited government, fiscal responsibilty and job and wealth creation.

She must do her homework and study both domestic and national security issues.

Then communicate her positions on the top twelve issues facing the nation today.

Here is a conservative and libertarian political agenda for a quick start:

1. Job Creation: reduce the tax and regulation burden of small and medium size businesses to encourage business formation, economic growth, job and wealth creation.

2. Tax Reform: replace all Federal income, payroll, capital gains, estate and gift taxes with a national consumption tax–The FairTax.

3.  Federal Budget: require balanced or surplus budgets only, no more budget deficits and deficit spending and absolutely no government bailouts and subsidies to businesses.

4. Federal Government Size and Scope: eliminate  ten Federal Departments and the Federal Reserve System and their associated programs, subsidies, unfunded state mandates and the number of Federal employees by 50%.

5. Federal Government Regulation: reduce by a least half the number and scope of government regulations.

6. Energy Independence: promote oil and gas exploration and production and nuclear power generation plant construction.

7. Education: promote competition and accountability among schools by supporting  home schooling , school choice  and vouchers for parents to pay for school tuition and fees.

8. Health Care Reform: promote tort reform by limiting economic damages and defensive medicine, interstate competition among insurance companies,  health saving accounts paired with individual high deductible health insurance plans.

9. Social Security and Medicare: place both Social Security and Medicare on a financial and actuarial sound basis and transition to individually owned and controlled Social Security Retirement Accounts and Health Saving Accounts paired with high deductible health insurance plans.

10. Immigration: no amnesty for illegal aliens, stop illegal immigration by requiring all employers to use E-Verify to determine eligibility to work in the USA, complete and patrol the entire border fence, remove and deport all criminal aliens, and limit legal immigration to 250,000 persons per year.

11. National Security: bring the troops home from around the world including Germany, Japan, South Korea., Iraq and Afghanistan and budget 5% of Gross Domestic Product for national defense  to build and train all of the military services for defense of the nation.

12. International Affairs: withdraw from the United Nations and require the United Nations to move to another country.

Listening to her answers to serious policy issue questions, it is apparent she has already been studying the top issues.

The pump and dump drive-by media or what Palin calls the lamestream media are in dump-mode attacking her.

O’Reilly: The Sarah Palin Fear Factor (Foxnews Nov 17 2009)

HLN’s Joy Behar, Ann Coulter & Hilary Rosen Spar Over Sarah Palin’s Book

The lamestream media needs to damage her to prevent her from having any chance of running in 2012 or 2016 and beat either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.

The country-club or Rockefeller Republicans, aka the Republicans In Name Only, the RINOs, are also taking their shots including McCain’s former campaign staff.

My educated guess is that both Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin will both run for the nomination in 2012 and whoever wins the nomination for Presidency will select the other for the Vice-President slot on the ticket to unite the Republican Party–Newty and The Beauty or Beauty and Newty.

Some woman conservatives are hoping for a Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann ticket.

Others are hoping for a Sarah Palin/Marsha Blackburn ticket.

Both are terrific ideas!

How about  Sarah Palin/Tom Coburn or Tom Coburn/Sarah Palin ticket ladies?


A Senator and Doctor that really knows how to reform health care!

Both Democrats and Republicans call him Doctor No–a fiscally responsible conservative that walks the walk.

Palin knows that the American people are tired of President Obama’s America apologetic tours with bowing to Emperors and Kings.

The American people are not pleased with the direction the progressive radical socialist President is taking their country with massively huge budget deficits, tax increases, and a new health care entitlement program.

Palin knows how to attack these issues with a smile and prick the inflated Obama opinion of himself.

Palin The Preening President Popper–Bye Bye Barack!

Background Articles and Videos

Sarah Palin Facebook Page

Michele Bachmann

Who’s afraid of conservative American women? By Michelle Malkin  

“Female Conservative Derangement Syndrome has spread across the pond. The Observer of London spotlights the “extreme” women in American politics that give them the willies.


She is a striking brunette with a decidedly outspoken attitude. She lambasts President Barack Obama as a socialist and has become the darling of America’s right-wing activists who flock to her appearances. She is hated by liberals and loved by conservatives.

Sarah Palin? Not quite. Meet Michele Bachmann, a Republican congresswoman from Minnesota who is being hailed as a new and increasingly powerful voice in American politics.

Bachmann, at 53, is a darling of the so-called Tea Party movement, which has campaigned vociferously against healthcare reform, the economic stimulus package and legislation to combat climate change. Her followers have been behind mass rallies in Washington and smaller ones all over the country. She has emerged as one of the most visible politicians in America, frequently appearing on the conservative Fox News channel, whose hosts often champion her causes.

She is part of an increasingly visible “female brand” of conservatism that is rising in America in the wake of the election of Obama. They include notable syndicated commentators such as Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter, whose dislike for liberals has grown ever more shrill in recent months. And, of course, Palin herself. She is still a giant of the political and media landscape and next week embarks on a book tour to sell her autobiography. It has already sparked a media frenzy, with a heavily hyped appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s show, and become a huge bestseller on pre-orders alone.

All these women express a mood of conservative discontent that is becoming increasingly vocal and, some experts warn, extreme.

Yes, we’re “extreme.”

No apologies here for being extremely outraged at Washington’s ongoing generational theft, extremely mortified at our imperiled national security, extremely aggravated at the globe-trotting groveler-in-chief, and extremely disgusted with business-as-usual cronyism, pay-for-play thuggery in the Obama White House. …”

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Obama Depression: Lessons Learned--Deja Vu!

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

~George Santayana “…CONCLUSION:

Mr. Obama met the challenge of the Obama Depression by acting quickly and decisively, indeed almost continuously throughout his term of office, putting into effect  “the greatest program of offense and defense” against depression ever attempted in America. Bravely he used every modern economic “tool,”  every device of progressive and “enlightened” economics, every facet of government planning, to combat the depression. For the first time, laissez-faire was boldly thrown overboard and every government weapon thrown into the breach. America had awakened, and was now ready to use the State to the hilt, unhampered by by the supposed shibboleths of laissez-faire. President Obama was a bold and audacious leader in this awakening. By every “progressive” tenet of our day he should have ended his term a conquering hero; instead he left America in utter and complete ruin: a ruin unprecedented in length and intensity.

What was the trouble? Economic theory demonstrates that only governmental inflation can generate a boom-and-bust cycle, and that the depression will be prolonged and aggravated by inflationist and other interventionary measures. In contrast to the myth of laissez-faire, we have shown in this book how government intervention generated the unsound boom of 2002-2007, and how Obama’s new departure aggravated the Obama Depression by massive measures of interference. The guilt for the Obama Depression must, at long last, be lifted from the shoulders of the free market economy, and placed where it properly belongs at the doors of politicians, bureaucrats, and the mass of “enlightened” economists. And in any other depression, past or future, the story will be same.”

~Murray Rothbard, America’s Obama Depression

President Obama’s economic policies repeat those of President Herbert Hoover, who the late economist Murray Rothbard was writing about. Just replace Obama with Hoover, Obama Depression with Great Depression, and 2002 to 2007 with 1920’s and you have the original quote. I am sure Murray would be laughing.

“The wavelike movement effecting the economic system, the recurrence of periods of boom which are followed by periods of depression is the unavoidable outcome of the attempts, repeated again and again, to lower the gross market rate of interest by means of credit expansion.”

~Ludwig von Mises The Future of Austrian Economics

John Maynard Keynes: Hero or Villain? Part 1

John Maynard Keynes: Hero or Villain? Part 2

John Maynard Keynes: Hero or Villain? Part 3

John Maynard Keynes: Hero or Villain? Part 4

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Freedom of Religion or Freedom From Religion?

How did we get to this place? How did this countries morals become so corrupted? How did we become so divided? How did our debt become so huge, our politicians so unresponsive, and government so large and powerful? One only needs to read the writings of our founding fathers to see and understand.

We have strayed far from the ideals and foundations upon which this country became great. We have ignored our Christian heritage in the name of tolerance, perverting the intent of our founders. Much has been made of “The wall of separation between church and state,” yet how many of us know where that phrase came from?  It did not come from the constitution, the first amendment states:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Nothing is said there of prohibiting public religious displays, prayer in schools or government, or of a religious leaders participation as such in governmental or political issues. To the contrary, it seems to prohibit the government from passing such rules. But, what did our founders have to say? The “wall” quote comes from a letter Jefferson wrote in response to concerns expressed by the Baptist congregation Danbury Ct. in 1802. They were concerned that their faith might be regulated and controlled as it had been in Europe. (In reality, there were likely many who were so concerned, as that was a prime reason many came here in the first place.) In his letter, Jefferson stated:

“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God; that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship; that the legislative powers of the government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, of prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between church and state. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore man to all of his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.”

But did Jefferson mean this to be a total ban on expression of and participation in Christian faith in government? What else might he have had to say about this? He also wrote:

“I consider the government of the United States as interdicted by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises. This results not only from the provision that no law shall be made respecting the establishment or free exercise of religion, but from that also which reserves to the states the powers not delegated to the United States. Certainly, no power to prescribe any religious exercise or to assume authority in religious discipline has been delegated to the General Government. It must then rest with the states, as far as it can be in any human authority.” Letter to Samuel Miller, 1808.

But, what about the courts? Was he addressing them as well? Well it turns out Jefferson had something to say there as well:

“To suffer the civil magistrate to intrude his powers into the field of opinion and to restrain the profession or propagation of principles on supposition of their ill tendency is a dangerous fallacy which at once destroys all religious liberty, because he being of course judge of that tendency will make his opinions the rule of judgment and approve or condemn the sentiments of others only as they shall square with or differ from his own.” Statute for Religious Freedom, 1779

“The rights [to religious freedom] are of the natural rights of mankind, and… if any act shall be… passed to repeal [an act granting those rights] or to narrow its operation, such act will be an infringement of natural right.” Statute for Religious Freedom, 1779

So then we can conclude that his intent at least was to prevent the Federal Government from exercising religious authority or control, that is, the establishment of a state religion. Notice as well that he considered religious freedom to be on of the “Natural Rights” so often referred to in the writings of our founders. One last quote before we move on:

“One of the amendments to the Constitution… expressly declares that ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,’ thereby guarding in the same sentence and under the same words, the freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press; insomuch that whatever violates either throws down the sanctuary which covers the others.” Draft Kentucky Resolutions, 1798

Now let’s look at the context of these concerns. Many of our founders came here to escape religious persecution. As you read and study their writings, it is very clear that was foremost upon their minds. Europeans in that day were very familiar with the dangers of a state religion and many had suffered at the hands of such. Most were also religiously devout men with strong Christian beliefs. Of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 24 held religious degrees. Some have tried to cast Jefferson as a nonbeliever, but what did he say about His beliefs?

“I am a real Christian – that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ.”

Jefferson, like all of the founders was a believer in God. Some were Christian, and some Jewish, but all shared a common belief in God, and our dependence upon Him. All lived lives predicated by the same Judeo-Christian beliefs. Benjamin Franklin is considered by many to be one of the least religious of our founders. Yet he wrote to Ezra Stiles, President of Yale University on March 9, 1790:

“Here is my Creed. I believe in one God, the Creator of the Universe. That He governs it by His Providence. That He ought to be worshipped. That the most acceptable service we render to him is in doing good to his other children. That the soul of man is immortal, and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this. These I take to be the fundamental points in all sound religion, and I regard them as you do in whatever sect I meet with them.”

I could go on and on, quoting Madison, Sam Adams, John Adams, Benjamin Rush, Monroe, Hancock, Washington, Roger Sherman, and many others. All believed in God, all believed in the necessity of Christian beliefs, and in the necessity that those Christian beliefs and character were essential to the continued success of this nation. Nor is this the only place where our values have strayed from the original intents of our founders, but for now, this is enough to ponder.  I will close with a quote from a man who was not a founder, but who nevertheless must be numbered as one of our great leaders:

“We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts–not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln

Am I advocating revolt? Yes, but not one of violence, for that is not the answer. Instead let us revolt in the polls, town meetings, and public venues. Let us take a stand for what is right, not what the media tells us is right, nor what the government tells us is right, or what others may say is right, but for what GOD says is right. Let us take the time to learn our Constitution, what our founders said, and what God says. Then let us take our stand armed with knowledge and the sure leading of the Holy Spirit. It is late; much damage has been done to our nation, its morals, its financial stability, and its strength. Our government is rift with waste, and corruption, but if we stand together and say thus far and no further, we can make a difference and we can return this nation to its true roots.


Kevin 11/14/09

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Beck Finds Conservative Black Voters That Voted For Obama!--We All Make Mistakes

Glenn Beck Show – Nov 13, 2009 – Pt 1 of 6

Glenn Beck Show – Nov 13, 2009 – Pt 2 of 6

Glenn Beck Show – Nov 13, 2009 – Pt 3 of 6

Glenn Beck Show – Nov 13, 2009 – Pt 4 of 6

Glenn Beck Show – Nov 13, 2009 – Pt 5 of 6

Glenn Beck Show – Nov 13, 2009 – Pt 6 of 6

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women – Tell Your Doctors That Vaccines And Pregnancy Do Not Mix!

Organic Health Advisor
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

U.S. health authorities have made pregnant women one of the highest priority groups for getting the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, but is it actually safe for pregnant women and their babies? Well, the truth is that miscarriage reports from pregnant women who have taken the H1N1 swine flu vaccine are starting to pour in from all over the nation. Vaccines and pregnancy simply do not mix safely. In fact, the package inserts for the swine flu vaccines actually say that the safety of these vaccines for pregnant women has not been established.

What you are about to read below should shock and anger you. If they are telling us that the swine flu vaccine is not safe for children under 6 months of age, then why in the world would it be safe for pregnant women and their babies? That doesn’t make an ounce of sense, does it?

The following H1N1 swine flu vaccine miscarriage horror stories are from a June 2010 birth club…..


I am so upset. I was so excited to be pregnant after trying for a year. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I joined this birth club and I was due June 25th. We have two healthy boys with no history of miscarriage. Everything was going great. Last Monday, I got the H1N1 vaccine thimerosal reduced (mercury reduced for pregnant women). On Tuesday morning, I started cramping and on Wednesday I started bleeding heavily. My hcg was 50 on Wednesday and I was almost 6 weeks along so it was low. They still thought that I might be pregnant but on Friday my hcg was down to 22. I am an emotional wreck. I feel like I had a healthy baby and I caused this by getting the H1N1 vaccine. My doctors pushed it. I researched online and there have been many miscarriages after the H1N1 vaccine but they haven’t been reported since it is hard to say what caused the miscarriages. I hope that I did not cause this. I wish everyone the best.


I don’t have an answer for you, but a friend of a friend just had a miscarriage 2-3 days after getting the shot. She was 7weeks. She had no previous history of m/c… No one can answer if they’re related…it hasn’t been out long enough and there haven’t been any studies done on pregnant women. I will tell you, that it has made up my mind on getting it…I won’t and I’m not going to get it for my DD either. My daughter and I both had H1N1 last week, and although it truly sucks…I think I’ll take my chances. One doctor will tell you to get it and the next will tell you not too…you have to do what’s in your heart.


my heart goes out to you as i recently miscarried as well and was due in june. i had a healthy heart beat at 6wks. then at 7.5 wks my son got the h1n1 mist vaccine which has live vaccine in it. the nurse said to be careful b/c it could technically spread if he rubbed his nose and touched a surface etc. the next night i miscarried and 5 days later was diagnosed with h1n1. i work from home, kids are home, hadnt been anywhere during that time. so the chances that it is all related are very high. the flu mist vaccine warns for immunocompromised patients (which includes prego) to stay away from recipients of the flu mist for 21 days.

This next set of H1N1 swine flu vaccine miscarriage horror stories is from an page about miscarriage…..


I got the flu vaccine (regular not H1N1) at 8 weeks pregnant. Three days later I miscarried. I am not going to get the H1N1.


I got both vaccines on Thursday. I was 9 weeks pregnant. I miscarried on Sunday. I was told by several doctors to get these vaccines. Now I wish I followed my gut feeling and not get them at ALL!


i work in a hospital like setting and was told ‘the benefits outweigh the risks” 1am i got the vaccine, 3am i started bleeding and craming, 3pm miscarried. you decide


I had the H1N1 vaccination and 24 hours later had a miscarriage.

Linda Hill:

My daughter in law was 10 weeks pregnant and had the H1N1 vaccine on Friday that night she miscarried.


I was so ready to get the H1N1 vaccine last week and they were only giving them to pregnant women. I was 6 weeks along and got it and the next day I started cramping and miscarried. I already had two healthy pregnancies and never miscarried or had any problems. My doctors think I am crazy to think it was the H1N1 but if no one looks into this than other women will not know. I am so sorry that I got it.


I also received the H1N1 vaccination on October 22nd, 2009 and went into labor on October 25th, at 16 weeks pregnant and we just heard the heartbeat and everything was fine with my pregnancy on October 16th, 2009, then on October 28th my water broke then on October 29th, I delivered a stillborn baby boy, and no one can tell me why…Everyone wants to say it did not come from the shot but I believe it did. My baby was growing at the correct pace and everyone wants to brush off the vaccination. I say if you have the vaccination and suffer a miscarriage if they are able to perform an autopsy have it done.

I also agree something needs to be done and looked more into with this vaccination because most women are being advised it’s just something that happens, but I also had two healthy children normal pregnancies and when I received this vaccination with my third pregnancy, my baby is gone.

sioux falls, south dakota:

I received the H1N1 vaccine on October 16th and started experiencing cramping on the 22nd. I was nearly 17 weeks pregnant and gave birth to a stillborn baby boy on the 23rd. Like many of the other women here, the first thing I suspected was the H1N1 vaccine. I immediately asked a nurse at the hospital if that would have anything to do with it. Without hesitation, she told me “absolutely not.” I had reservations about getting the vaccine, but followed the advice of my long trusted family doctor. In a follow up appointment with my doctor 3 days after I lost my baby, I asked him if the vaccine would have had any adverse effects on my baby. He also said that it was not possible. I don’t believe that my doctor was necessarily lying to me, he was simply following the accepted practices and opinions of his field. I do, however, believe that as a nation, we are being lied to. This vaccine is NOT safe during pregnancy. There has not been enough testing done to determine this and there are far too many “coincidences” for this to be anything but a result of a vaccine that was hastily pushed into production and distribution in an effort to stop widespread panic. I have read so many stories in defense of the vaccine that will talk about how common miscarriages are, but I would challenge you to ask ANY health care professional how common second trimester miscarriages are. My baby was doing perfect developmentally and I had felt him move earlier that day. My heart goes out to all of you out there who have had to go through the same heartache and loss that I have had in the last couple of weeks. There is no reason that any woman or family should have to go through this. Get the word out to all of the pregnant women that you know. I know that if I had heard that women had been losing their babies shortly after they received the vaccine, I would have followed my gut and not gotten it myself. Maybe then Wyatt would have had a chance at life.

Marina Rossi:

I recently got the H1N1 vaccine and miscarried 3 days later. I thought it could have been the vaccine but didnt ask. After finding this site I believe it was the vaccine. Sorry to everyone else out there who has just experienced a miscarriage.


I’m from a town of 2000 in SD, there are several women pregnant and we are all due within a few weeks of each other. Four of us got the H1N1 vaccine 2 weeks ago and one by one each of us started to have preterm contractions. We are all due in Nov and Dec so we are further along than most of the people that lost their babies. There is no way you can tell us that our preterm labor was not caused by the H1N1 vaccine. It may look like a “fluke” to some people when these women are scattered all over the country but we are talking about 4 of us in our small community. My heart goes out to all of you that lost your babies.


Im not sure but not only myself, i know someone that withing 4 days of getting the shot we both miscarried, i was only 6 weeks and she was 4 months along, not sure if the shot caused it and cant find any other information but i am a little concerned about this coincidence.

Time Machine:

I got a flu shot in pregnancy, developed incredibly strange symptoms immediately (numb hands, feet and mouth, heart palpitations, sudden weakness in my legs, a bright red face), began bleeding and miscarried by 11 weeks. I had no idea there was mercury in most flu shots but once I found out after the fact, I was assured that I’d had the “mercury free” form. As it turned out, the shot wasn’t completely mercury free and, according to the EPA website, it still had 5,000 times the limit for mercury in drinking water– not to mention a list of other toxins (MSG, formaldehyde, etc.).

I’d had no idea the shots were so dirty. I guess I’d been under the impression they were something like sterile water and a dead virus, that’s it.

The strange symptoms– which I’d been told were “just pregnancy” lasted six months. No one could figure out what was wrong with me, why I couldn’t make stairs, why I felt like I’d been shot with novocaine. I learned later from a book by Jane Hightower that these were all symptoms of mercury exposure. I guess I’m one of those susceptible people. No one in my family is getting the H1N1– no one even gets regular flu shots anymore, we all read labels.

If you are a pregnant mother, please do not take the H1N1 swine flu vaccine.  Instead, do everything that you can do to avoid public places and make sure to wash your hands more than you usually would.  Take extra large doses of immunity building vitamins and research many of the great natural ways for fighting the flu that are out there on the Internet.

The truth is that if you do take the vaccine and then something happens, you will NOT be able to sue anyone (thanks to Congress).  You will have to bear all the responsibility yourself.  That doctor who kept pushing and pushing it on you will tell you that it could not have been the vaccine and that you probably would have miscarried anyway.

Do you honestly want to inject a vaccine that may contain mercury, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (associated with infertility), triton X100 (a strong detergent), phenoxyethanol (antifreeze) and a whole bunch of other toxic ingredients into your system when you know that your baby will absorb it too and has no defenses against most of these things?

In the very short video posted below, you will see one health expert explain to Sean Hannity that not even the swine flu vaccine package insert says that it is safe for pregnant women…..

The reality is that if you are pregnant, you need to hear what both sides have to say before ever subjecting your baby to the swine flu vaccine. You do NOT want to end up like one of the mothers above. Please help us out by sharing this information with as many people as you can. If you know of any additional H1N1 swine flu vaccine miscarriage horror stories please post them below in the comments section.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Peter Schiff Debating a Dingbat: 'Obama in Bed With Wall Street, Like Bush'

Peter Schiff, an intellectual economist, brutalizes a know-nothing dingbat with no substance to bring to the table. Schiff: 1; Dingbat: 0

Part One (7:10):

Part Two (7:10):


  • When Only Abolition is Just, Reform is Naïve
  • Celente: The ‘Liar Numbers’ of The Great Recession (mp3)
  • Gold Hits Record High as India Dumps Dollars
  • Americans: Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs
  • Obama is Wall Street’s Favorite Crony
  • Sam Donaldson: ‘Better Throw Bernanke and Fed Out Before They Do Further Damage’; ‘Audit the Fed’ Bill ‘Gutted’
  • Gerald Celente: Change You Can Believe In, If You’re Deaf, Stupid, and Blind — REVOLT! (Video)
  • Celente: Wall Street has Hijacked Washington with Obama Administration
  • Administration Aides Paid Millions By Wall Street

Progressive Radical Socialists Insists Federal Government Funding of Abortion Will Be In Final Health Care Bill--Funding Needed To Bailout Planned Parenthood For Black Population Control--Eugenics--Reproductive Racism--Black Genocide!

President Obama Comments On House Health Reform Passage

Democrats Moving to Ditch Pro-Life Amendment to PelosiCare

MSNBC’s ‘Doctor Nancy’ showd she a moronic bigoted, racist, partisan

Perkins on Point: November 6, 2009

Sen. Gregg: Dems Will Pass Health Reform

Maafa 21 PT.10 of 15

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Maafa 21 PT.13 of 15

Maafa 21 PT.14 of 15

Obama Promises Abortion in Public Plan

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Affordable Choices??

Unfortunately in just the past couple of hours we’ve heard that the U.S. House of Representatives has sold out the American people once again and passed the health care bill. If there’s any positive outlook it’s that the vote was very close, 220 – 215. I know a long list of individuals in this country who are going to become unemployed very, very soon. All we need to concentrate on now is putting an increased amount of pressure on the Senate and hope that all faith hasn’t been completely lost in the entire Congress.

But while we’re on the subject, lets look at the facts surrounding this piece of legislation and what the media is deciding to withhold from us.

First of all the bill was approximately 2,000 pages, give or take a few hundred. I can guarantee with 90% certainty that not a single congressman has read this entire bill, not even John Stingell, the sponsor of this bill.

Then the hype that insurance companies are “critical” of this legislation when in reality, THEY WROTE IT! Who to benefit most then these corporations when having health insurance is MANDATORY and if you opt not to get it, you are taxed as a penalty.

Speaking of penalties… During Obama’s campaign during the 2008 election season, the now President repeatedly promised that the American people making $250,000 per year or less wouldn’t see an increase of a single penny in their taxes. They may not be direct, but when a company or an employer faces increased taxes and regulations that restrict business, those reduced profits become a burden upon the employees and customers.  For example:

Employer Mandate Excise Tax (Page 275): If an employer does not pay 72.5 percent of a single employee’s health premium (65 percent of a family employee), the employer must pay an excise tax equal to 8 percent of average wages. Small employers (measured by payroll size) have smaller payroll tax rates of 0 percent (<$500,000), 2 percent ($500,000-$585,000), 4 percent ($585,000-$670,000), and 6 percent ($670,000-$750,000).

Individual Mandate Surtax (Page 296): If an individual fails to obtain qualifying coverage, he must pay an income surtax equal to the lesser of 2.5 percent of modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) or the average premium. MAGI adds back in the foreign earned income exclusion and municipal bond interest.

Excise Tax on Medical Devices (Page 339): Imposes a new excise tax on medical device manufacturers equal to 2.5 percent of the wholesale price. It excludes retail sales and unspecified medical devices sold to the general public.

Just because these taxes aren’t listed underneath Federal Income Tax and Social Security on your paycheck doesn’t mean they aren’t being passed on to you eventually. So much for promises, right?

Then there’s the public option. Oh yes, the new bureaucracy that an aide for a representative in Arizona told me personally had “majority support.” An option, that even if it was remotely a positive thing, is actually unavailable to 200 million Americans. Wow. Great. And the confusion of funding doesn’t make it any more appealing, the politicians can’t even come to a consensus on whether abortions are covered under this plan.

And is anyone aware of how this bill infringes on our liberties? Does anyone care that Congress has no authority what so ever to manage health care? According to James Clyburn, Congress is well aware that most of what they do is not authorized by the Constitution. Is anyone really surprised by their ever-increasing cocky attitudes?

I agree that health reform is needed on a monumental scale in this country. A hospital stay shouldn’t cost anywhere near $100/hour, especially with the poor quality of their food. But the answer isn’t government intervention. More control by Washington will be a medical disaster. Look at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). How well does the government handle that fiasco? Or how about nationalizing Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and AIG? Look how successful those companies are doing today (or not). Or maybe the most helpful, the bailout packages. Remember how we were told the economy would collapse and the stock market would plunge if we didn’t pass the bill? Well… it’s a year later and unemployment has only increased ever since (government says 10.2%, other sources say 17+%).

I beg the public not to panic and support a bill that no one has read nor anyone truly understands. This massive bill is the complete wrong direction for us to take. If we’re ever going to get medical prices under control and limit the power insurance companies have over us we must eliminate the insurance companies in question. They are the cause of the inflated medical costs and premiums. This problem started with the creation of HMO’s (which happened to be by the government) and it will end when they do.

Think before we act. That should be common sense, the very fact that it must be stressed is appalling.

- Jeff